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Chapter 495 Flying Black Pearl

Chapter 495 Flying Black Pearl
Judgment Fleet Bombardment Squadron Formation.

All the captains who entered the bombardment fleet found that the 10% acceleration status brought by the shuttle disappeared in the state of their battleships, and was replaced by the flagship state "Overlord": the destructive power of the naval guns increased by 20%.

Only legendary battleships have flagship skills, which can improve the performance of a fleet as a whole. Now the status of "Overlord" on each battleship means that one more legendary battleship has been added to the judgment fleet, and the increase is damage. Strength is simply a flagship skill specially prepared for artillery battles.

But where is our new flagship?
The captains looked around at the sea, and could see nothing but the defensive fleet in formation.


All the viewers who watched the Tottori war through the Daliang live broadcast room also felt very strange. Is the ruling fleet really going to bombard the King of Fighters territory?
At this time, the sky above the King of Fighters territory was filled with thick smoke, and the entire territory on the shore was shrouded in a layer of gray tulle.The defenders of the King of Fighters were hidden in the smoke, while the Judgment Fleet was exposed above the sea.In terms of visibility, the Judgment Fleet is at a disadvantage; in terms of firepower, the Judgment Fleet also has no advantage.

Once the Judgment Fleet enters the range of the artillery, it will soon be sunk and wiped out in the battle against the artillery.

Curiosity made everyone stare at the live broadcast camera, Yagami, Tokugawa Nobunaga, Xu Man, Shi Fei...

"The live broadcast shot was switched to high-altitude shooting, the altitude is 1068, and the orientation is due south."

Under Da Liang's order, the personnel in charge of high-altitude early warning accepted the shooting of the live broadcast.Then the audience saw a white cloud at 2000 meters in the southern sky being blown towards here by the south wind, and the camera moved slowly as if looking for something.

Then a black dot stood out against the background of white clouds.

The lens began to zoom in, and the black spots became larger and gradually became clearer...

Appears to be a black battleship.

At this time, the camera shakes violently, obviously the photographer was also taken aback by what he saw.At this time, the screen went away, and everyone was anxious to curse, and the curses from players from all over the world filled the chat channel of the live broadcast room.

The filming staff also immediately realized that they had created a record of being scolded with the most words in the shortest time, and quickly readjusted the lens.

The screen is restored.

A black warship flying in the air, although it has the basic structure of a three-masted warship, its appearance is very different from ordinary three-masted warships.The speed of this space battleship is extremely fast, and it flew from 2000 meters away to a close distance in just a short while, and the appearance of the battleship became more and more clear.

It's just what the system city's air and space battleships are here for?Could it be because the local players were attacked, and the system cities in the Japanese game area sent reinforcements?
If it is true, the Judgment Fleet is really doomed.

But it didn't keep the audience guessing for too long. The black space battleship rushed straight towards the camera, and the photographer also tried his best to stabilize the video to make the picture clearer.

Then for a moment when the battleship flies past the camera, the audience sees the full view of the superstructure of the battleship, and clearly sees the bridge of the poop between the mast and the sails.

A man stood there holding the steering wheel with one hand and waving at the camera with the other.

TMD, it's bright!

Really bright!

Where did he get an aerospace battleship over here!
The game world is boiling at this moment...

At this time, the number of people entering the live broadcast room is no longer running seconds, but jumping up by hundreds or thousands.

it feels like...

Players all over the world are hitting brother with gold coins.

Wow ha ha ha ha……

Loud laughter echoed in the air.

"Brothers, keep your mouths shut. The pretense is over, and get ready to fight! This battle is well fought, and the bonus is not a problem.

The 'Black Pearl' escort flight team began to escort.Follow closely, my ship flies very fast..."

Shu Xiao immediately took Julian, Thunderstorm, and Judgment Air Combat Squadron [-] into the escort position of the "Black Pearl". Battleship, isn’t it awesome?”

"It's so-so. For a high-level player like your master and me, you can easily pick up any ultimate creatures and space battleships, and you can pick up high-level tasks casually. As a master's apprentice, you must get used to master and me from time to time. Take out some high-end treasures, don't be surprised at every turn, it shows that my apprentice has never seen the world."

"Master is right, but I still feel that Master is awesome, my admiration for you has risen to... When will Master let me drive the 'Black Pearl' around the sky?"

"There is a chance. This space battleship was temporarily obtained by the mission, and it will be returned after the battle. Perform well, and let you drive for a while when you return. Tell you, don't look at your wings, the speed of this ship If it soars, you may not be able to catch up."

Shu Xiao didn't expect such a fast boat to have some reservations about its speed, so he was even more excited: "It's so fast, it must be fun to drive."

"Hahaha, start fighting. I want to slow down and start bombing, don't let the enemy air fighters threaten the 'Black Pearl'."

"Yes, Legion Commander. The convoy of the 'Black Pearl' is ready for air superiority operations."

After finishing the conversation with Shu Xiao, Da Liang ordered the Black Pearl to slow down and hover over the King of Fighters' territory for bombing positioning.

Then connect to the call in the data background: "Are the ground bombing guides in place?"

"Reporting to the head of the army, our intelligence personnel have arrived in the territory of the King of Fighters, and all the defensive arrangements in the territory of the King of Fighters have been updated. After cross-comparison, the data is accurate."

The shortage of defensive personnel caused Yashen'an to recruit many members from foreign guilds, and many intelligence players naturally sneaked into the King of Fighters collar.

Although the entire King of Fighters Territory was shrouded in burning smoke, all coastal defense facilities in the King of Fighters Territory were marked on the bright map.If the shelling is carried out only based on the marked fortification position, the calculated shooting angle will definitely cause a large error in the landing point of the shell. The simple shelling will not pose much threat to the fortifications of the king of fighters.

But Da Liang is a spell-casting player who has mastered "Meteor Fire Rain" and advanced earth-type magic. This magic exists for covering bombing.

The Black Pearl began sailing at a constant speed...

At this time, Yagami had already ignored the ruling sloop fleet in front of him. He stared closely at the black space battleship in the video, and watched a red one appear on the top of a tower-shaped building on the poop of the battleship. With all the magic eyes, his hands and feet became cold instantly.

He knew that it was a magic amplification device, and all battleship-class ships would be equipped with this alchemy device, and its function was to increase the power of magic.But aren't all magic boosters huge?Although the exposed part is relatively small, most of the volume of the entire device is in the cabin. Only battleships have space to place magic amplifiers. How can a three-masted battleship fit it!
The live broadcast gave a close-up of the magic eye. Under everyone's gaze, the magic eye at the top of the magic amplification device had opened, and the golden pupils slowly scanned the surroundings.

The augmentation device has been activated, and the magic is being positioned.

Yagami yelled: "Attack it, all air fighters attack it, we must not let him cast the spell 'Meteor Fire Rain'."

All the air fighters in the King of Fighters territory took off, and they flew straight towards the "Black Pearl" through the smoke.

As the air guard of the "Black Pearl", Shu Xiao led Julian, Thunderstorm and Judgment Air Combat Squadron [-] to dive down to meet them.

"Crack!" A bolt of lightning shot out from the center mast of the Black Pearl, and the Titan God Thunder took the lead in attacking.

A player was directly turned into a white light.

(End of this chapter)

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