start an archangel

Chapter 505 Who?

Chapter 505 Who?

Da Liang handed over the combat command of the Judgment Fleet to the background staff, and he concentrated on driving the Black Pearl to destroy the auxiliary fleet of the King of Fighters Fleet.The enemy's air combat personnel are really too many, and being suppressed in the air for a long time is very detrimental to one's own fleet.

The Black Pearl quickly landed from the sky, and then changed to hovering. The height of 30 meters allowed Da Liang to easily aim at the merchant ship below, and at the same time, he was out of the firing angle of the merchant ship's artillery.

The reduced speed made the enemy air fighters catch up again, and Shu Xiao led the flight guards to block it with all their might.They encountered a group of air combat elites specially dispatched by Iori Temple, and their combat effectiveness was far from that of those hard-working fish bellies in the sky above the King of Fighters yesterday.

A tragic air battle broke out around the Black Pearl, and the dizzying maneuvers made some viewers who watched the live broadcast feel dizzy.

Julian and Thunderstorm launched an attack on the ultimate creature of the King of Fighters fleet, but they were unable to kill each other for a short time during the desperate suicide attack of the enemy air combat players.

Judgment Air Combat No. [-] Squadron is the elite among the selected elites. Under the command of Shu Xiao, they firmly guard the inner circle of the defensive airspace. Under the cover of ship-mounted ballistas, naval guns and Titan Thunder, Da Liang does not have to worry about it for the time being. will be attacked by the enemy.

An enemy ship had been targeted, and the tilting hull of the Black Pearl pointed its starboard guns on it.

Shooting from such a short distance is much less likely than hitting.


Boom boom boom...

The thin hull of the cabin can't even stop the 18-pound shells, not to mention that the Black Pearl fires all 28-pound shells.

Without the resistance of the water, all the power of the shells was borne by the hull of the merchant ship.The shells hit at close range easily penetrated the wall of the merchant ship, and continued to penetrate multiple cabins inside.The internal structure of the merchant ship was greatly damaged, and the impact caused cracks to appear on the bottom of the ship, allowing seawater to seep in.

After circling in a circle, the cannon on the starboard side behind the Black Pearl was fully loaded.

At the same position, twenty naval guns fired again.

The merchant ship finally couldn't bear the heavy damage, the water seepage intensified, and the hull began to sink.

Space battleships showed their might over the King of Fighters fleet, and merchant ships were sunk one after another.Yagami wants to occupy or sink this space battleship, but seeing that his ultimate creature is in danger of being killed by the opponent's archangel and frost dragon, he knows that if he delays, he will only suffer greater losses.

"Let the air fighters who enter the positioning position turn on the video, connect to the Sun Attendant, and let them solve the space battleship as soon as possible."

Reluctantly, Iori-an got the Americans involved.

The waiter of the sun in the American game area has been watching the live broadcast of Yagami, but he can't get a precise positioning. It is definitely not an easy task to parachute into a moving space battleship.Especially since he only has one chance, any mistake will cause the airborne to fail.

While waiting anxiously, Iori'an finally sent a video signal and asked the King's Landing Legion to intervene in the battle.

"Quickly, quickly, let the data personnel immediately calculate the airdrop plan. I will not allow any mistakes this time. The Falcon team is preparing to carry out ultra-long-distance teleportation operations..."

The Sun Servant is a human priest. He is now in his territory King's Landing. This is a hell territory, full of cracks and flowing magma.

In a secret room, the Sun Attendant stayed with his Falcon Squad. In this room stood a portal, but the portal was not activated.

At this time, the Falcon team lined up in front of the door. Standing at the front were two fallen angels with black armor and black wings, and then seven top players including the Sun Servant. Melee, long-range, control, and healing professions The combination of characteristics is very reasonable. At the end of the team are two level 13 demons.

The Sun Attendants believed that as long as they could successfully land on the Space Battleship, they would be able to snatch the ship.

The data personnel of the King's Landing Guild quickly calculated and worked out a teleportation plan.

"Legion commander, the target space battleship is attacking a merchant ship. The first round of shelling has ended, and now the space battleship is circling to load ammunition and prepare for the second round of shelling. The target speed is stable, and the coordinates of the teleportation point have been calculated, 2364:875: 284: 12, please send in 21 seconds, the countdown is now on."

18, 17, 16...

As the countdown sounded, the Sun Attendant slowly held his breath. He opened the control options of the portal, entered the coordinates, and sacrificed the accumulated evil points according to the prompts.

It is really accumulated bit by bit, if it is not a major event, the Sun Attendant will never use these evil points.

The portal is activated, and a layer of dark red halo covers it. As long as the sun attendant chooses to open it, another door can be opened at the coordinate position to establish a teleportation channel.

At this time, Da Liang on the battlefield was providing magical support for the air fighters, while controlling the Black Pearl to circle and prepare to use the second shelling to send the two-masted merchant ship below into the bottom of the sea.

The Black Pearl was about to enter the shelling position, and the Falcon team also entered the final countdown.


Open the portal!

"go, go, gogogo..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The Black Pearl completed a round of salvo, and a dark red portal above her front suddenly opened from the air, and a black shadow rushed out from it.

"What the hell……"

Da Liang, who was looking for the next target on the sea, was reminded by the air combat personnel to see the portal appearing in the sky, and also saw the fallen angel rushing out of it!player!And demons!

The location where the portal opened was close to the outer layer of the Black Pearl's magic shield. After coming out, the raid team landed on the deck of the Black Pearl just by taking advantage of the falling force.

A force field shield blocked the Titan Thunder's attack. It was obvious that these players were very strong. After they landed, they charged at the bridge where Da Liang was with all their strength.

The two fallen angels arrived first, and the force field shield on the bridge lasted only three seconds before being broken, and then two demons appeared beside Da Liang, with their sickles swung down, and various spells, skills, and arrows pointing at each other. Big shot.

And Da Liang seemed to be frightened by the assault in front of him, and didn't make any moves.

Various attacks fell, and then the attackers found that Da Liang had disappeared from their sight.

"Legion Commander, look...Da Liang escaped."

The Sun Attendant rushed to the bridge, and under the guidance of his companions, he saw Da Liang, who was already riding on the back of the Frost Dragon: It seems that Da Liang is also very powerful, and he even mastered the instant space movement spell.It's just strange, since he escaped, why didn't he organize his people to fight back against this space battleship, but fought with the fighters of King of Fighters with his magic indiscriminately?

This is not in line with common sense. Could it be that such an air and space battleship, he said no, so he didn't want it?
Just when the sun attendant was puzzled, Da Liang also breathed a sigh of relief from his shock.

Fortunately, my brother had "Nicole's Jump" and reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been hacked to death on the bridge by random knives. In other words, why did this group of people suddenly appear in the sky above the Black Pearl, and a portal popped up in the sky? What's the matter?

Da Liang threw magic spells in confusion, and Shu Xiao asked: "Master, what happened? The Black Pearl was actually occupied, and I will bring someone back to snatch it back."

Da Liang hurriedly stopped and said, "What are you robbing? A bunch of idiots dared to airborne without even understanding what the Black Pearl is. We don't care about it. I just scared my brother into a cold sweat, and now his heart is still beating. Alright, Master, let me take a breath, and I have to go back and fire the cannons later."

Shu Xiao looked suspiciously at the group of intruders on the bridge of the Black Pearl, but since Da Liang said not to worry about it, he didn't care.

The Black Pearl Air Escort continued to block the attack of the King of Fighters air fighters. With the support of Da Liang, a powerful mage, Julian and Thunderstorm began to hunt and kill the enemy's ultimate creatures.

The waiter of the sun looked at the Judgment air fighters who were fighting with the King of Fighters air fighters all around, and was really puzzled.

Such a powerful space battleship, is it really that unnecessary?

"Commander, what should we do?"

The Black Pearl, which was not controlled by Da Liang, maintained the route just circled, and the Sun Attendant said to his subordinates: "First, control this space battleship to find a place to land, replace all the sailors on board with our soldiers, and then inspect this ship. The fighting power of the ship, first bomb the Judgment Fleet, and then bomb all the way to the Chinese game area, I want the whole world to know that this space battleship belongs to my Sun Servant, hahaha..."

"Hey, who are you..."

A female voice stopped the Sun Attendant's laughter, and he turned around. At some point, an academic warlock was standing there.

Looking at the lavender skin of this female warlock, the Sun Attendant's heart tightened suddenly. The elemental body is the sign of a high-level warlock, and all high-level warlocks are self-propelled magic cannons.

Out of the corner of his eye, the Sun Attendant saw the magic eyes on the magic booster at the stern of the ship staring at him, and he finally understood why Da Liang ran away so simply, without taking anyone to snatch the battleship.

It turned out that our little people couldn't grab it at all.

A group of strangers appeared on the Black Pearl, and Nicole lost her temper...

The magic shield turned to the inside, and then the entire interior of the sphere was completely filled with electric light. Only the dense thunderclap spread over the sea, and no magic energy spilled out.Even the Black Pearl became a flickering shadow amidst the flashing thunder and lightning.

This shining electric ball in the sky made the whole battlefield quiet.

The magnetic field of this sea area changed at this moment, the wind direction became chaotic, the sea level rose and rotated, dark clouds gathered in the sky, lightning pierced the sky, and a storm was forming.

At this time, the vision of the magic hood suddenly ended, and the Black Pearl reappeared.The rising sea surface fell back again, and formed a big wave to spread around, and all the nearby ships were overturned...

what's going on?
The combatants and the audience watching the live broadcast raised a question at the same time. The Black Pearl was floating in the air, and the power just now made everyone dare not approach it.

Da Liang returned to the interior of the Black Pearl through the legion assembly flag, and then reached the bridge.

Only Nicole stood there, and the player died somewhere, and there were two fallen angels and two demons lying on the deck.

Seeing Da Liang come back, Nicole said: "The corpses of these four ultimate creatures belong to me. I have to study carefully what I can do...don't disturb me."

Da Liang asked, "Who are the people who attacked us?"

Nicole asked a team of skeleton soldiers to transport the corpses of fallen angels and demons into the cabin, and replied casually, "How do I know? They're all dead anyway."

Da Liang recalled the situation when he was attacked...

I didn't even see the face clearly, who was the brother who sneaked up?

(End of this chapter)

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