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Chapter 511 Covering the Rain

Chapter 511 Covering the Rain
Disappointed, Joshua left the power center of Shangjiang and returned to Chongming City to be his own Happy City Lord.After Abigail's attempt to take the position with the child in her belly failed, Shangjiang City seemed to have the last and only choice left.


No one can compete with Joyce for prestige or status.

Da Liang is Joyce's hard-core henchman, and the elves have no leader, and it is a matter of course to support Joyce's supremacy.

After Joshua left, several city lords were thinking about how to make friends with the female prime minister who was about to take power.

Da Liang looked at the ministers who were waiting for his nomination, and said, "I have one candidate for the former Prime Minister, and that is the respected...Marquis Stanley."

S... the Marquess of Stanley.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise, including Marquis Stanley himself: "Brother Da Liang, although I admire your wisdom, but let me be the former Prime Minister... I don't have time to collect money in Jiading City."

Let the Marquess of Stanley be the Prime Minister?Not to mention his head that only has gold coins, just the taste of clothes, and going to meet foreign envoys, wouldn't the entire Shangjiang nobles lose face?

Including Joyce, everyone in the room was very puzzled by Da Liang's proposal, while waiting for his explanation.

After everyone woke up from the shock, Da Liang said: "I think the former Prime Minister should be a person of high morals and respect. Marquis Stanley, he has lived more years than all of us combined, and his wisdom is hidden deep in him. Underneath the easy-going appearance. Only after in-depth contact with him can we find that his views on the world have already surpassed our ordinary level.

But it is precisely because he sees the world more thoroughly than all of us, that the Lord Marquis is indifferent to fame and fortune.

And when there is a crisis in Shangjiang, he can always play a key role with his own wisdom.

When Duke Joshua attacked Shangjiang City, everyone thought that the human race would fail. All the city lords either participated in the rebellion or waited and watched. Only Marquis Stanley stood firmly on the side of Shangjiang City from the beginning.Facts have proved that Marquis Stanley's insight is far better than any of us. The human race has won, and Marquis Stanley has become our most trusted partner in Shangjiang City.

Marquess Stanley's talent in business is also amazing.Looking at the current Jiading City, in just a few months, Marquis Stanley has created a miracle.My lords, who of you dare to say that you are richer than Marquis Stanley?If Shangjiang City wants to regain its glory, it needs Marquis Stanley's economic acumen.

Also, when the Demon King of Envy controlled King William to slaughter the nobles of Shangjiang, who led the army of undead into Shangjiang City, quickly stabilized the situation in the city, and forced Angela, the Demon King of Envy, away?

It was Lord Stanley.

What makes me admire even more is that Lord Marquis can take advantage of the trend and let the army of undead occupy Shangjiang City, and then establish himself as king.But after everything was over, he committed no crime to the city and handed it over to the human race intact.

I was deeply moved by this sentiment, this kindness, and this wisdom that only time can accumulate.

So when we need a new leader to step up and lead us through, the first thing I think of is Lord Stanley.

His foresight, vision, determination, and his mind, which is as big as the sea, are all what we need.

I strongly recommend Lord Stanley to serve as Prime Minister. "

Stanley watched Da Liang praise himself so excitedly, and his eyes began to shine: So I am so good...however, only Brother Da Liang sees my many advantages, he is really a confidant given to me by the god of death!

Da Liang's speech also deeply touched the dignitaries.

Only then did everyone discover that just as Da Liang said, Marquis Stanley, who is usually a little crazy, turned out to be a real wise man who hides his secrets.

Joshua's rebellion. Among the seven sub-cities, except for the demon Qingpu City, which the elves don't play with, all five cities support Joshua. Only Jiading City, the Marquess of Stanley, declared its allegiance to the King of the East China Sea from the very beginning.As a result... Joshua really lost.

Now the prosperity of Jiading City is obvious to all.Not only the entire Shangjiang area, but also Nantong, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Wuxi, and the surrounding cities are full of freight carriages from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.The convoy from Shangjiang Port to Jiading City formed a single line, and the entire Jiading City was filled with piles of goods, which made everyone envious.The Marquess of Stanley is really, really rich right now.

There was also the quelling of the chaos in Shangjiang City. It was a thunderbolt. After the undead entered the city, the political situation in Shangjiang was calmed down in an instant.

All kinds of amazing methods are hidden under the cynical appearance of Marquis Stanley...

At this moment, everyone is ashamed.

"Yes, we have been blinded by arrogance before. The Marquis Stanley has been hiding his remarkable ability in times of peace, and when the crisis comes, he has done things that none of us can do, and he can do nothing. One is not correct. It is ridiculous that we who are still stupid will only look at Lord Marquis with vulgar eyes, and we have not seen the wisdom shown by him at all.

We should not continue to make mistakes.

The Marquess of Stanley invites you to be Hand of Lord, to assume the duties befitting your wisdom. "

"I agree with the Marquess of Stanley as Prime Minister. In times like these, only the Marquess of Stanley can lead us out of this difficult situation."

"I agree……"


All the city lords and ministers expressed their opinions one after another.

Joyce was one of the few people in this room who knew the truth.The Marquis of Stanley’s allegiance to Shangjiang City was won by Da Liang; the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was established by Da Liang’s idea and after arduous negotiations; the chaos in Shangjiang was caused by Da Liang’s connections everywhere, resulting in a three-sided attack on the city. The soul of Marquis Stanley is Da Liang. I went and invited them in person.

The Marquess Stanley has nothing to do with those noble morals and wisdom. His inner being and performance are very synchronized, and he has an undisguised love for gold coins.

But why did Da Liang propose that Marquis Stanley be the Prime Minister?
Just stopping Hell to support Abigail's ascension, it has been revealed that every word of Da Liang has a profound meaning.Joyce, who has no ambition for power, finally said: "I also think that the Marquess of Stanley is the best candidate for the former Prime Minister. Since we all think that the Marquis of Stanley can lead us, then the Marquess of Stanley will succeed the post of Prime Minister.

Lord Stanley, please sit in the position of Prime Minister and officially exercise your rights and duties.I and all the nobles in Shangjiang will support every decision you make.

I believe that under your leadership, we will overcome all difficulties and move towards glory. "

Marquis Stanley stood up, no expression could be seen on his withered face.He walked to the seat where both Joshua and Abigail had sat, and sat down slowly.

Everyone in the conference room was waiting for him to issue his first decree after becoming the imperial prime minister.

"I now announce that...

Dismissed! "

(End of this chapter)

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