start an archangel

Chapter 513 The Origin of War

Chapter 513 The Origin of War
Joyce, who became the invisible former prime minister, began to plan for Shangjiang's future. If Shangjiang wanted to deal with any crisis, the first thing he needed to do was to make a fist.

And a united war is inevitable.

War needs money and troops.

Joyce asked the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to develop ocean trade to amass money, and asked Daliang to open a mansion and establish a territory in order to increase its military strength.

Da Liang walked out of the Admiral's Mansion of the Pudong Fleet, and now his identity and status in Shangjiang have changed greatly.

It's just that before Da Liang had time to accept the reward, Macaulay was waiting outside the military port.

"Earl Daliang, as an old friend, I have some things I want to talk to you in private."

What Macaulay wanted to talk about was nothing more than arresting the Lord Lord of Hell, and Da Liang also wanted to arrest them. There was no conflict between them on this point.It's just that Hell wants to send troops into Shangjiang City, and Da Liang doesn't want an uncontrolled force to destroy the situation he has created.

"Okay," Da Liang said with a smile, "Political differences aside, Mr. McCauley is a friend worth keeping in touch with."

"My lord earl, please come with me." Macaulay opened a dark red portal beside him, and a fiery breath with a sulfur smell came out from it.

To hell?

Da Liang walked into the portal, and it turned out to be the plane of hell, and it was the center of hell - the furnace of purgatory.

Hell is a dark red world, and the environment here has only two states: flowing magma and burned red ground.The environment here is worse than the realm of death, but it also creates demons that all planes fear.

The status of the Purgatory Furnace in Hell is equivalent to that of Cloud City in the Heroic Spirit World. This is the source of extreme evil and the holy place for all demons and demon cultists.

Many lava rivers converge here, and then roll together into an abyss with a radius of tens of kilometers.The magma formed a circle of waterfalls on the inner wall of the abyss, and there was an endless black cavity in the middle. The lava river flowed all year round but could never fill the abyss.

Lava waterfalls turn the abyss into a veritable furnace, where steel is quickly melted into molten iron.But in this endless abyss, there is a city floating, once the city of Satan, the lord of hell, now belongs to Lucifer, the king of fallen angels.

The portal was not opened in the Hell Furnace. Da Liang appeared on a high ground outside the furnace. The lava river flowed from under his feet and rolled into the abyss beside him. Looking down from here, he could see the Lord of Hell a thousand meters away. city, a palace-like city.

Then Macaulay walked in through the portal. He also looked at the city below, and said to Da Liang: "There is the Furnace City of Purgatory, the core of hell, the palace of my king Lucifer. But without my king's consent, we It can’t bring you into the palace, but you can also feel its greatness that people can’t help but admire from here.”

Da Liang said: "I remember that you were an archangel when you became the guardian of Qingpu City. What made you a fallen angel?"

Macaulay spread out the black wings on his back, and several fallen angels who flew over turned away, and then he said with a smile: "Sometimes good and evil are just a matter of one thought, why I choose to follow Lord Lucifer is not important anymore. It is important The most important thing is that we want to capture the Lord of Hell, but Holy Bella and you are doing everything possible to stop us. I know that the appearance of Ergos caused the disastrous defeat of the Jeju Fleet. Does this mean that you have reached some kind of tacit agreement with the Lord of Hell? ?”

"No," Da Liang denied, "We and Holy Bella are actively arresting the Lord Lord of Hell and fighting against the Jeju Fleet. We rebelled against the big demon you sent because I have this, which is also ours. A fruit of the hunt for Ergus."

Da Liang took out Ergus' gaze, and Macaulay was moved by the fear emanating from it. He obviously felt that his strength had been suppressed.

McCauley said: "We also don't believe that you cooperated with the Hell Lord King, so you didn't directly send troops into Shangjiang City. However, the power arranged by Yunzhong City in Shangjiang City is too weak. One holy Bella has to deal with two hell lords." need the army of hell to find the king, the lord of hell."

"Yeah, the two hell lord kings who are scared by one holy Bella can only hide. Macaulay, you worry too much. Shangjiang City doesn't need your army. I can assure you that no matter what Ergus Or Angela, if they dare show their faces, we can catch them.

And I heard from Holy Bella that Satan is the key to arresting the Lord of Hell. As long as you catch him, the other four Lords of Hell will be safe in front of Michael and Lucifer. "

McCauley said: "This is just the rhetoric of Yunzhongcheng. In fact, if Satan is caught, the other four hell lords can't threaten Yunzhongcheng. But you also saw that in the naval battle against the Jeju fleet , Ergus's influence on the demons, he just used a badge to make the group of high-ranking demons defect, what will happen if he recovers his strength and comes to hell?
The creatures in hell are very rebellious. The fallen angels have ruled here for thousands of years, but they still cannot tame these fanatical creatures full of magma.

If Beelzebub, Eggs, Mishka, and Angela come back, they may not be able to take away the furnace of purgatory, but they can plunge hell into endless war.

What will Cloudsdale be doing at that time?Michael hates fallen angels more than demons. I dare say that if there is chaos in hell, Cloud City will definitely attack. "

Da Liang knew that Yunzhong City was playing a big game of chess.

Only in the kingdom of death, the hard-core forces of the evil camp in hell have been infiltrated by Yunzhongcheng.

They directly attack the belief system that maintains the kingdom of death, denying death and supporting the establishment of the Wizards Guild.The current wizard guild has become a force to be reckoned with in the kingdom of death, making the monarchs of death feel threatened and want to get rid of it quickly.

When arresting Ergus and Angela in Shangjiang City, Da Liang could also feel the passive sabotage of Yunzhong City.To deal with the 16th-level Hell Lord King, Yunzhong City did not send a 16th-level angel like Metatron, but nailed the 15th-level peak Holy Bella here.

Plus Ergus' distress letter in his hand.

Obviously, they can only suppress the two hell lord kings and arrest them... Ergus is good at drilling holes, and Angela is proficient in space magic. As long as they hide, no one in Shangjiang City can do anything to them.

Perhaps, as Macaulay said, Cloudsdale just wanted to watch the chaos in hell.

In the civil war in hell, there is a wizard's guild in the kingdom of death to contain the powerful enemy of Dreamland, and the strength of the evil camp is greatly reduced. This is a great opportunity for Yunzhongcheng to lead the good camp to kill the evil camp.

It turned out that the one who really wanted to start the war of planes was Yunzhongcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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