start an archangel

Chapter 515 Brother Can Fly Too

Chapter 515 Brother Can Fly Too

"take care of?"

Macaulay didn't know that Da Liang was so cheeky. You are a human territory and don't do tasks. We have already taken care of you by giving you a time-space portal. How else do you want to take care of it?Even the demonic territory that we focus on supporting didn't let them use it in vain?

Seeing McCauley's troubled look, Da Liang showed the same troubled expression, and said, "I would take a big risk in letting your army from hell enter Shangjiang City. I don't know how many connections I have to make, and how many tongues I have wasted. It will affect my reputation in Shangjiang City. And I think 50 fallen angels are too many, 30... no, 20..."

"Only 50," Macaulay hurriedly stopped Da Liang from reducing the number of fallen angels, "According to the relationship between Earl Da Liang and us, we must take care of it. Lord Earl, I will give you three free transfers per day, regardless of whether you send it once Three people or one person passing three times, except for special places, you can go wherever you want in the main world."

"Only three times?" Da Liang was still a little dissatisfied. Shi Fei teleported and killed more than ten people in a row on the battlefield in the South China Sea.

Macaulay said: "Three times a day is already an exception for adults. Our time-space portal needs evil energy, and the time-space key of Cloud City needs the biological energy of the binder. The evil energy needed for these three free transmissions is actually It is provided by us.”

That said, it's cheap.

However, Da Liang continued to knock: "You just guard above this abyss, it must be easy to obtain evil energy. Well, I will suffer a bit from three times a day. At other times, I use flying. I have seen Cloud City Angel wings, do you guys have demon wings or fallen angel wings or something?"

Macaulay's complexion was already very dark. If it wasn't for this shameless earl who needed to bring the army of hell into Shangjiang City, he would have already kicked Da Liang out of here: I will let you fly...

"My lord, I want to ask if this is your last condition?"

Enough is enough.

"Yes, this is the last one."

Macaulay breathed a sigh of relief: "You can give me a pair of fallen angel wings."

Da Liang said, "Okay, when I find a place to set up my territory, you can just let your people come here directly. Remember, there are at most 50 fallen angels. In addition, gold coins, resources and Send over 20000 magic babies together."


"Ah what? You gave me these, and they are not in the conditions I put forward. You don't know how to say nothing."

"No, no... The Wings of the Fallen Angel have already been delivered, and other supplies and equipment will be delivered together when the Lord's territory is established.

I will send the Earl back immediately. "

Afraid that Da Liang would make any more demands, Macaulay hurriedly opened the plane portal, and the fallen angel's wings were also sent over by a fallen angel.

"Master Macaulay, you don't need to send me back by myself."

Da Liang took over the Fallen Angel's Wings, stepped across the teleportation array and returned to the outside of Pudong Military Port contentedly.


It's true that people are in high spirits every happy event, and good things follow one after another.Brother just got a land requisition order, and before the location of the territory was found, some people sent money, resources and labor.

Moreover, the plane of hell has an exit, and a human territory can expand in the world of heroes and hell at the same time.Adding the kingdom of death and the land of dreams... oops, the expansion is too fast and the troops seem to be unable to keep up.

It doesn't matter, the four base camp planes all occupy a hole, and wherever there is a need, the brother's shit will be pulled there.

There is also a space-time portal, the fly in the ointment is that it can only be used three times a day for's free, and it's reasonable to have some restrictions,
After all, the gang of fallen angels in hell were forced by Yunzhongcheng and the lord of hell, and they were not rich.

Another happy thing is that I can fly by myself in the future.

Whenever he saw Shu Xiao spread out his angel wings and shout in the sky, Da Liang didn't say anything, but he was so envious in his heart.Now...Da Liang activated the fallen angel's wings, and a pair of black wings gathered behind his back.

The wings spread out, and the wingspan was a full three meters. Controlling the flapping of the wings, the person slowly left the ground and flew up.

Accelerating, the Wings of the Fallen Angel soared into the sky with Da Liang.The speed is faster and more free when riding a silver Pegasus. There is no slight delay in the need to issue instructions when riding a flying mount, only the joy of being integrated with the sky.

When "Nicole's Jump" was activated, the arc flashed, and Da Liang in flight had already appeared in another place. Flying and teleportation made Da Liang's figure in the air even more erratic.

It wasn't until after he had fully satiated his addiction that Da Liang landed on the ground with still unsatisfied feelings.

Time to accept the rewarded army.

The soldiers of the human race have assembled in the barracks in Shangjiang City.

Griffin 1000, Swordsman 600, Priest 200, Knight 50.

The initial territory has a strong defense force, 200 priests can be converted into 200 magic mages, and Da Liang's strategic long-range troops have been greatly strengthened.

Also joined by an archangel and two angels.

As wars in the game become more and more frequent, the influence of ultimate creatures on wars is also more and more valued by players. They are a symbol of strength and a symbol of spiritual power.

No matter how difficult the battle is, it seems that as long as one's own ultimate creature is still active on the battlefield, it can always bring the confidence of one's army to fight.

A new territory allows Da Liang's circle of influence to start a new expansion route, and the addition of ultimate creatures can well make up for the lack of troops.

Archangel: Walsh, Angel: Sassoon, Kate.

Well-regulated archangels and angel costumes, pure white armor, and hoods that cover their faces exude a strong sacred aura, which makes their own people unconsciously trust them and makes the enemy fear the power they exude.

But it is precisely because of this overflow of power that Da Liang judges that they should be C-level in the ultimate biological level classification.

When Julian restrained his breath, he was really like an ordinary crusader hero.

But Da Liang also knows that a task reward will definitely not be given to an angel above level A casually. In fact, there are no angels above level A in the entire Shangjiang City, and Bartlett has only reached level B. His strength comes from his hero level and his combat experience.

The new army joined the sequence of Da Liang's army.

Currently, the ultimate creatures in Da Liang's hands are:

Archangel: Julian double A level, Walsh C level.

Angels: Sassoon Class C, Kate Class C.

Frost Dragon: Astro Double A-level, Thunderstorm A-level, Chewing Roar A-level, Hurricane A-level.

The archangel corpses and dragon corpses obtained in previous battles in the Sea of ​​Japan were already on their way back. Based on previous transformation experience, Da Liang felt that he should be able to add two frost dragons.

Eight 14-level, two 13-level, enough ultimate creatures.

After 20000 magic babies are delivered, you can get 20000 skeleton soldiers, plus the added magic mage.Da Liang felt that he could completely enclose a few more territories in the kingdom of death.

As for the dreamland...

If Palm Tree City is attacked, it is likely to trigger the support of Bauhinia City. Da Liang does not have the capital to challenge the Bauhinia City, so he will not consider attacking the city in the Dreamland for the time being.

However, it is still necessary to build a circle of sentry forts around the fortress. Step by step, use the fort as the tentacles and rely on the fortress to slowly extend your chassis.Not only can you improve your depth when defending, but you can also have more varied tactics when attacking.

(End of this chapter)

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