start an archangel

Chapter 522 Leveled

Chapter 522 Leveled

"Yaoque?" Da Liang asked Shu Xiao after returning home, "I can understand that you reported a false identity to Banyuemao, but why did you think of such a strange name as 'Yaoque'?"

Shu Xiao sat down on the sofa, kicked off her high heels, and turned her ankles to relax her tight legs: "This... Actually, I thought of two good names before playing the game, one is 'Yaoque', One is 'Broken Moon', both names are so good, I am also very conflicted. The day before the game public beta, I just finished the design class, but I still couldn't choose it, so I wrote the name on the paper and prepared to draw lots.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at me.You know my profession, and in our line of work, you intuit that this thing is very accurate.

I turned my head and looked over, to see that pervert dared to spy on me, Miss Sister, my fists are not vegetarian. "

Shu Xiao was about to beat someone up, and Da Liang was also excited: "What happened later, what did you do to that pervert?"

"It happened to be after school at that time, and there were students everywhere, but I couldn't find which one it was." Shu Xiao was also quite regretful: "Then I caught the name 'Broken Moon', in fact, I personally think 'Yaoque' seems to be better, But God’s arrangement didn’t help, so I threw the ball of paper with the word ‘Demon Sparrow’ down the stairs. It seemed to hit someone, but luckily I ran fast.”

Did not hear the violent incident, Da Liang suddenly lost interest: "Enter the game, enter the game..."

Shu Xiao jumped up and ran to his room: "Master, quickly give me the archangel and the angel."

After entering the game, use Back to City to rush back to Shu Xiao, and after handing over the archangel and angel from Da Liang, he immediately took it around and swaggered around.

Da Liang then went to the Pudong Shipyard to build the shipbuilding blueprints he received as rewards.

The blueprints of the two-masted warship can be made by only intermediate ship designers. A simple diagram to improve the success rate and the investment of gold coins regardless of the cost can continuously produce the blueprints of the two-masted battleship.However, both the success rate and the sketching required a lot of time. An ordinary mid-level ship designer was extremely lucky to be able to produce ten blueprints of a two-masted battleship a day.

But Da Liang can increase the success rate to more than 70%. Even if he uses blank blueprints to draw directly, he still has a 35% success rate thanks to the success rate bonus in all aspects.

In order to ensure speed and efficiency, Da Liang optimized a minimalist diagram, increasing the success rate to 50%.Ten blueprints of the two-masted warship, which he casually produced while he was on his way.

After the brigantine blueprints could be made by players, the fleets organized by those large players began to transition capital ships to brigantines.

The two-masted battleship has the ability to travel on oceans, and the world of heroes has entered a magnificent page.

And Da Liang, who owns a large-scale three-masted battleship, undoubtedly has a great advantage in this ocean exploration.

The current Black Fire Fleet sank a three-masted warship in the naval battle against the Jeju Fleet, and the remaining five three-masted warships are on their way back.In addition to the blueprints of the 5 three-masted battleships rewarded this time, the Blackfire Fleet will have 5 three-masted battleships after the overhaul, and a small number of player groups do not have the ability to fight against the Blackfyre Fleet.

Of course, Da Liang's position for Black Fire Collar's opponents is not a player either.

A blueprint of the fifth-tier battleship.

Total load capacity: 1200
Maximum weapons: 60 cannons, 32 ballistas, 2 medium catapults
Steering force: 70
Propulsion: 60
Standard Sailor: 400
Necessary sailors: 75
Max sailors: 800
Intermediate enchantment device: exempt from magic effects below level 4

Intermediate Magic Amplification Device: Magic power is increased by 50%.


With a battleship, the Blackfyre Fleet finally has the same strength as the small system fleet.

Now Shangjiang City has no foreign enemies at sea for the time being, and the surrounding players have also entered a state of truce.It is really a waste to park such a large-scale fleet doing nothing in the port, and it is also a very large expense to keep it every day.

It is definitely not acceptable to eat and drink for nothing and get paid for nothing.

Da Liang decided that when Joyce went out to rob, he would let Sidney follow him with the Black Fire Fleet, invest to make a fortune, and follow the large force to rob another fortune along the way.If you don't ask for too much, and you can maintain the Black Fire Fleet's own expenses, I will be satisfied.

Create, create everything.

Da Liang imagined the scale of the Black Fire Fleet in his mind: the flagship must be a fifth-tier battleship, ten three-masted battleships, fifty two-masted battleships, and one hundred and two high-speed single-masted battleships.

Alas... the money has not been earned yet, and a large sum of money was spent first.

I hope that tomorrow's investment promotion meeting will be more powerful, so that Columbia can make a lot of money.

The Judgment Legion's resident needs to build a territory. Whether it is the elf-style facilities or the overall planning of the Judgment Territory in the future, the original resident limits the development needs of the territory.

To overthrow them all, it is better to build a big city on no territory.

As a result, under Da Liang's instructions, the Judgment Legion's garrison was quickly pushed into ruins, and the elf laborers sent by Cloud Firmament quickly cleaned up the broken stones and bricks.However, there are too many buildings in the Judgment Legion's garrison. Until noon the next day, only a relatively flat ceremonial venue in the middle was cleared, and the surrounding area was still surrounded by a whole piece of rubble. There was only one road leading to the outside of the garrison. ,.

The invited guests have already arrived one after another, and then they looked at the quarry in front of them and the design imagination of the territory on the Judgment Leader's official website.

It's really a kind of contrast.

In the imaginative drawing of the design of the Judgment Collar, the Judgment City is a majestic fortress.

The city is divided into three layers, divided into outer city, inner city and palace city.

The lowest height of the city wall is 30 meters, and the highest is 50 meters. The middle palace city is directly a fortress-type palace.

On the city wall, there is a cannon at ten steps, a crossbow at five steps, an arrow tower at 50 meters, and a catapult at 100 meters.The streets in the city are patchwork, and each block has its own function.The roads are all paved with polished granite, and the houses are mainly two-story buildings, with flowers and trees planted in the gaps between the houses, and a large square garden.

There are all kinds of life and entertainment facilities such as theaters, restaurants, markets, and arenas.

There is also an aerial canal that brings the Yangtze River water into the city, and then distributes it to various places in the city.

The parish in the north of the city is a cavalry phalanx, the suburbs in the south of the city are a swordsman phalanx, and the large land in the west of the city is a large phalanx of spearmen, archers, and monks.

Flocks of griffins flew in the sky, and groups of archangels hovered above Miyagi. Four ten-meter-diameter magic eyes floated on the four corners of Miyagi.

On the eastern sea, there are endless fleets to the east, south, and north. A 20-meter-wide avenue extends from the port to the player's maritime trading center in the west of the territory.

The goods in the trading center are piled up like mountains, and there are two other avenues leading to Pudong Commercial Port in the north and Jiading Goods Distribution Center in the south.

The convoys on the road are connected end to end.

Everyone who saw the blueprints for the Judgment Collar had only one thought.

Da Liang's bragging is level.

(End of this chapter)

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