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Chapter 528 Establishing a Maritime Company

Chapter 528 Establishing a Maritime Company
With the precedent of flying sand and rocks and the experience he told, some players who have the opportunity to work in the system navy and command the fleet are also engaged in smuggling.However, the scale of this kind of smuggling is affected by the number of subordinate ships, and ships that are not in the system's naval establishment cannot use the flag of the navy.

But Da Liang is now the admiral of a system fleet, and the problem of organization is not his operation alone?
This is going to be posted!

It all depends on what Da Liang is going to do.

Shangjiang City has now entered a very special period, directly at the fuse of the plane war.The sense of pressure and urgency of the ruling class in Shangjiang City is stronger than that of all other cities. There is nothing they dare not do or cannot do in order to survive.

However, in peacetime, even if Da Liang had a hand and eye in Shangjiang, it would be impossible for him to start a large-scale smuggling business.All cities are trying their best to maintain the order of maritime commerce. Small-scale smuggling, Da Liang, can rely on his status to turn a blind eye to the ruling class in Shangjiang, but they will never allow the scale of smuggling to expand and affect Maritime trade order.

But now in Shangjiang City, the Minister of the Navy is planning to go overseas to rob, what else are they afraid to do for money?

In normal transactions, maritime merchants purchase goods through the maritime association, and the price difference is earned by the maritime association. Shangjiang City can only receive taxes from the maritime association.

However, once smuggling started on a large scale, it would drive the rapid circulation of goods in Shangjiang City.

Vessel docking fees, cargo transportation fees, warehousing fees... The consumption and various taxes of merchants and sailors are far more than just collecting taxes from the Maritime Association.

During this period, Shangjiang City will definitely not have trouble with money.Moreover, once the plane war breaks out, there will be no order at all in the whole world, and there is no need to maintain an order that will be destroyed soon.

Therefore, when Da Liang established the Player Maritime Trading Center in Shangjiang City, he did not encounter too many obstacles.

Now Joyce is the same as Stanley, as long as he can make money.

Da Liang also needed money. He sold part of the player's maritime trading center land, and kept a part for himself in order to take advantage of this rare period to make money by smuggling frantically, and accumulate funds for the development of the territory and the expansion of the army.

Boss Jin and Xu Man are powerful old partners. Twelve nose rings have principles and are trustworthy. Da Liang gathered them together and said, "I want to join hands with you to invest in the establishment of a maritime company. I can provide venues, Internal sources of goods, naval establishment; Big Brother Jin has capital, business acumen and sales; Sister Man has someone who has a ship; Twelve nose rings are my good brothers, my Judgment Legion focuses on sailing, and on land I want to absorb the runaway Bullhead Legion as The legion directly under the Judgment Command is dedicated to land and landing operations, and the Maritime Company will give you a part of the shares of the violent bull head, and turn the personnel into professionalization as soon as possible. Your people are all soldiers of Songjiang City, and the confidentiality measures should be easy to complete."

This kind of thing where everyone contributes and makes money together will not be rejected by anyone.

Especially twelve nose rings.

The Runaway Bull Head Guild in Songjiang City has maintained a momentum of rapid development since it established a cooperative relationship with the University Alliance.At the same time, they participated in two consecutive battles of sniping and killing flying sand and walking stones, and their reputation attracted the attention of many investors.

Twelve nose rings have also become a prominent figure among Shangjiang players, no longer the frog in the well who nested in the dungeon at the beginning.He set up the runaway bull head army, the members are expensive and not expensive, all of them are children of Songjiang, fighting in groups, and their combat effectiveness is extremely sturdy.

In any land battles in the university alliance, they usually like to fight with the berserk bullhead army. Therefore, the berserk bullhead army has become one of the few independent guilds within the control of the university alliance.

Twelve Nose Rings has a good friendship with Da Liang, and he originally just wanted to snap up a piece of land through his relationship with Da Liang, so as to obtain a lucrative source of income for the Runaway Bull Head Guild.

But he never expected that Da Liang would drag him to set up a maritime company.

Who are these three people?
Needless to say, Da Liang, look at today's formation and the large group of fallen angels in the sky, this is a big boss who is awesome in the sky.

Boss Jin, who is not well-known among ordinary players, knows what he is capable of after reaching a certain level.One of the five largest gold merchants in China's game zone, the chairman of Yingshi Virtual Bank, holds the money bag of China's game zone, and is a character that all gamers want to make friends with.

Xu Man, the president of the largest guild in the Chinese game area, and the leader of the Northern Lords Alliance.

All three are characters who can clear the screen on the National TV with a single sentence. What are my twelve nose rings compared to them?
"Boss Daliang, if you let us become the legion directly under the Judgment Leader, we will be very satisfied. I really can't want shares or anything like that."

Da Liang said: "It is very expensive to turn an amateur army into a professional army. A main army needs multiple auxiliary army to support. It really costs money everywhere. Maybe it would be more convenient for me to give the money directly, but the shares can cancel you and your people. Lots of concerns."

Boss Jin also said: "I also think it's good to give shares. Everyone's interests can be more united. Now the Judgment Legion is restricted by the rank of the Legion, so it can only focus on the sea. When it was only stationed in the past, the land The need for physical strength is not urgent. But now that we have territory, our offensive and defensive capabilities on land need to be strengthened as soon as possible.”

Xu Man also agreed with Da Liang's approach: "Instead of re-establishing a full-time marine corps at this time, it is better to use the existing ones directly. The university alliance does not have any idea of ​​annexing the rampant bull head. In this case, it is very necessary for you to have your own a financial system.

In this regard, our university alliance can send people to help you, and we also hope to have a fraternal guild that you can rely on. "

Da Liang smiled and said: "This is called a grasshopper on a rope. We have the same blessings and share the same difficulties. We all get rich and fight together. The establishment of the maritime company is settled like this. As for the distribution of equity and how the company operates, Let's meet and discuss slowly.

Boss nose ring, tell your people to invite out all the friends who came to watch the ceremony, I'm going to start building a house. "

For Twelve Nose Rings, this is a big-deserved opportunity.If he can grasp it, his runaway bull-head army can become the world's top army. If such a good thing is evaded, it will be a brain disease.

Facing his first mission to join the Judgment Territory, Twelve Nose Rings did not talk nonsense, and immediately commanded the legion members present, and politely invited the players in the territory out.

It's time to build a territory, let's build a hut first.

(End of this chapter)

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