start an archangel

Chapter 539 Returning to the Kingdom of Death

Chapter 539 Returning to the Kingdom of Death
Sigh... Brother's expression is so subtle, I didn't expect it to be seen through.

Many confidante friends seem to be gone...

Let’s leave it to professionals to make movies, and I’ll continue to play games. No matter what the opponents do, I’m the king.

After the meeting with Banyue Mao, Da Liang sent Xu Man and Gu Tao back to their residence and returned home, and then logged into the game.

Go first to Shangjiang Palace to pick up Holy Bella.

Since I went to the kingdom of death this time, the identity of the holy Bella angel will become very sensitive.Especially in this extraordinary period, if she, Michael's holy right wing, goes to the City of Sighs, not only will she attract the attack of the Wugou Holy See, but the Wizards Guild will also have great suspicion of her.

Holy Bella left the right-wing guardian angels in the palace, paying close attention to the movements of the hell lord king and fallen angels.She put on a set of very unremarkable mercenary leather armor, her blond hair was combed into a ponytail, and she wore a face scarf that covered her face below her nose. Her divine aura was completely subdued, and it was impossible to tell that she was an angel at all.

Da Liang didn't expect that the holy Bella changed into a completely different person.Julian can also restrain his sacred aura, but he can't hide the unique temperament of an angel. He can only pretend to be a human knight or a crusader hero.But the current Holy Bella is really inconspicuous. She is just a very ordinary hero on the street at this time, and she can't feel any strong appearance.

If I have to talk about the uniqueness, it is...the figure is too good.

But after the divine Bella puts on a voluminous smock, it is impeccable camouflage.

Da Liang said to Sacred Bella: "Master Sacred Bella, what should I call you in the kingdom of death?"

"You can just call me Bella, an ordinary hero who was exiled to the kingdom of death. Now we can go, I hope I can catch a hell lord king to make up for our mistakes in Shangjiang."

Going to the kingdom of death to capture the Lord of Hell is just an excuse for the holy Bella. She can also feel the game of various forces in the plane of the undead. She just wants to see what Yunzhongcheng wants to do?
Da Liang didn't know the real purpose of the holy Bella, anyway, Yun Zhongcheng left an angel in Shangjiang, and his purpose was achieved.Whether Holy Bella wants to capture Mishuka, or just travel to the kingdom of death, it has nothing to do with him.

"Miss Bella, my name in the kingdom of death is Eviscerate, a rich merchant of the human race. Now we are leaving, can you open the portal directly to the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs? My territory is too far away from the City of Sighs. "

Da Liang didn't want to reveal the location of his territory in front of the holy Bella. The necromancer summoning circle and the gate of the dead were too important to him.

Holy Bella said: "Cloud City has the ability to teleport across the plane, and I also have the right to use the portal. However, opening the portal in the City of Sighs will be sensed by the high-level undead, so we cannot directly teleport to the foggy area. I used to There is a hiding place outside the sighing city, let's go there first."

After all, Sacred Bella opened a portal and walked in.

Da Liang couldn't help feeling in his heart: No wonder Yunshangcheng and Hell are so powerful, the teleportation in all planes is really too cheating.And look at the process of the fallen angel's teleportation of the judgment collar, 50 ultimate creatures teleport at the same time, and when fighting, they directly send a large amount of troops to the enemy's most vital enemy, who can bear it!

The portal that my brother fooled from hell can only be used on the main plane, and there are only three free teleportations per day, which is simply too shabby.

Do you want to find a way to get another portal from Yunzhong City...

With the vision of opening the double doors, Da Liang followed the Holy Bella into the portal.

The unique oppressive atmosphere of the kingdom of death immediately filled the surrounding space.

Da Liang found himself in a cave, which was a temporary hiding place for the holy Bella when she was performing missions in the kingdom of death.Because Bella has been away for too long, it has been occupied by some undead creatures, but it has been hacked to death now.

"Let's go."

Sacred Bella stood at the entrance of the cave, and when she saw Da Liang walk in, she closed the portal, spread the white angel wings behind her and rushed out.Da Liang glanced at the map, and found that it was located near the base of the former Wizards Guild's Sigh City branch. Seeing that the Holy Bella had flown away, Da Liang also spread out his black fallen angel wings and followed closely.

Seeing the black wings chasing after Da Liang, Sacred Bella didn't ask too much.

The desolate land is flying backwards below, and from time to time, undead wandering in the wasteland can be seen.Some flying undead chased after seeing Holy Bella and Da Liang, but they were quickly thrown away without a trace.

After flying for a while, a city covering the entire land appeared on the horizon in the distance.

There is the City of Sighs, a city as big as the entire Shangjiang area.

Sacred Bella and Da Liang entered the city from the foggy area, and then arrived at the Destiny Manor.

A manor full of birds and flowers.

Holy Bella really did not expect that the Destiny Manor that Da Liang spoke of would be like this. The whole manor is filled with such strong magical energy, where the breath of death is isolated, and trees, flowers and plants grow vigorously in it.

There are rockery fountains, small bridges and flowing water, unicorns are leisurely walking on the grass, and some people are sitting on the grass enjoying their leisure time after work.

The residential areas in the misty area separated by the same wall are completely two different worlds.

Hiring a special magician to provide magical energy for the entire manor, Da Liang really enjoys life.

Arriving outside the gate of Destiny Manor, the holy Bella took a step back and stood behind Da Liang, giving the impression of being Da Liang's attendant.

The skeleton soldiers guarding the manor immediately opened the gate of the manor for him after seeing Da Liang.

Da Liang walked into the Destiny Manor with the sacred Bella who lowered her head to hide her appearance, and soon met their elf butler Mike who came to greet them.

"Dear Mr. Eviscerate, welcome back!"

"Hello, Mike. Come with me. I need to know what happened in the foggy area while I was away." Da Liang walked towards the inside of the manor, and everyone he met along the way saluted him respectfully.

Watching those rude villains performing the standard etiquette, Mike should have spent a lot of time and energy.

Mike followed behind Da Liang, glanced at the holy Bella, and stopped paying attention to this weak human being.

It might be the woman Mr. Eviscerate brought from the main world. The night in the kingdom of death is so boring, and the husband is so young and rich, he really needs a woman to serve him.

Fortunately, Mike saw that this invisible woman was not someone who was too close to Da Liang, so he didn't call her names indiscriminately, and also saved himself from a bloody disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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