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Chapter 543 Alchemy Bomb

Chapter 543 Alchemy Bomb
Accompanied by Minya, Da Liang visits his alchemy laboratory.

The main function of the alchemy laboratory is to improve the level of alchemy technology in the territory, and the technology upgrades in the functional buildings of the territory, in addition to the direct access to technology with blueprints, can only be done through the research of the alchemy laboratory to climb the alchemy technology tree step by step. Achieve mastery.

For example, when Da Liang helped Howard fight on Green Leaf Island, he obtained mining pickaxe technology and mining technology, which increased the ore output of Black Fire Territory by 20%.

In other words, the actual output of the two rich ores controlled by Da Liang has reached 6 units per day.

The blueprints for light crossbow guns, medium crossbow guns, and medium catapults all allow Da Liang to produce corresponding weapons.

In the absence of blueprints, the alchemy laboratory can conduct special research under the instructions of the lord. After all the pre-alchemy technologies are researched, each functional building can upgrade its own technology.

For example, Da Liang now asked the alchemy laboratory to focus on ore refining and enchanting. Ore refining can improve the quality of refined metals and increase the durability and strength of metal products.Blacksmith shops and alchemy material processing factories all need ore refining technology.

The quality of the metal determines whether the weapons produced in the territory will be reliable in the future, and the metal refining and alloying technologies derived in the future are extremely important technical reserves.

The application of enchanting technology is more extensive, ranging from increasing magic resistance to the wall of the city wall, to adding additional magic attributes to an arrow.

Enchanting potions are also one of the main products in Da Liang's alchemy shop in the foggy area.

These two alchemy technology categories are the basis for a territory to become stronger, and they are technology trees that must be researched and lit.

With Minya in charge, the research on these two technologies of the Black Fire Territory is progressing very fast. The research on the first level of ore refining and enchanting has been completed, and the research on the second level is starting, and it will start after the fifth level. Branches appear, and the derivative technology begins to be continuously separated in a tree shape.

These are long-term research topics. After Da Liang briefly explained the key research directions for Minia, he watched the tests of Jin Zha No. 1 and Jin Zha No. 2.

Jin Zha No. 1 is an idea proposed by Da Liang, which is a portable alchemy bomb.Its shape is a cylinder, like a baton, easy to grasp and easy to throw, with an attack range of 10 meters.

The price is 500 gold.

With an attack range of 10 meters, many range magics can do it, and the attack range is even larger. 500 gold to buy such a stick, is there any player willing to be taken advantage of?

Of course there will be. Although the power of magic is huge and easy to release, magic is not omnipotent. In many cases, magic resistance and forbidden magic limit the display of magic.For example, dwarves and stone men have natural magic resistance, and black dragons are immune to magic effects below level 5. Attacking them can only use melee and physical attacks generated by magic.Although the alchemy bomb is a magical item, its attack method is through explosion, which can cause damage to forbidden magic bodies.

And unlike most magic that can only attack in a straight line, alchemy bombs can attack enemies hiding behind cover by throwing and other methods. Whether on the battlefield or fighting a boss, it is an extremely effective supplementary attack method for magic.

such as:

When you lead a team to fight a boss and encounter a monster with high resistance, please throw out Jin Zha No. 1. You don’t have to use your life to push it. What you save is the level and what you gain is the worship of the younger brother.

When you are picking up girls in the wild, please take out Golden Fried No. 1 and throw it out. This is a symbol of your status, a stick worth 500 gold, and the girl will definitely lean over immediately.

When you are desperately releasing magic, and your enemy uses the forbidden magic method to taunt you, please throw Jin Bo No. 1 out, and you can step on his corpse and slap him in the face as much as you want.

Such an expensive alchemy weapon was not meant to be thrown away, it was used to install B.

A golden fried No. 1 brother sells 500 gold. There is no local turtle who has the ability to come to the base camp. The role of golden fried No. 1 can be understood by a master at a glance.

After Da Liang's inspection and acceptance, Jin Zha No. 1 started mass production.

Then there is Golden Fried No. 2.

The prototype of Jin Zha No. 2 is the kind of bomb used by wizards to attack Frank. Under Da Liang’s suggestion, Minia was changed into a sphere, with a core diameter of 30 cm and an explosion range of 30 meters. rolls down.

High-level heroes as strong as Frank are all blown to death by this thing, and the power of Golden Bomb No. 2 is very impressive
The cost of Jin Zha No. 2 is 200 gold each. Da Liang does not intend to sell this powerful alchemy weapon for the time being. He paid 200 million gold coins to let the alchemy laboratory produce 10000 Jin Zha No. 1 first.

Now that Black Fireland can produce medium-sized catapults independently, Da Liang plans to deploy most of the Golden Fried No. 2 in the forward fortress in the dreamland.There is a strong enemy there, and the Palm Tree City of the elves is definitely not reconciled to having an army of undead stationed on the edge of the city. The battle will definitely break out again, and the next war, Palm Tree City will definitely not fight like the last time.

Once the forward fortress is attacked, the use of Jinbo No. 2 will definitely effectively relieve the pressure on the defense of the defenders.

Therefore, although it is a bit more expensive, the money must not be saved.

In addition to replenishing the forward fortress, Jin Bo 2 will be used to strengthen the defense force of the Boneyard, and the rest will be transferred to the Black Fire Fleet. A Tier 5 battleship will be enlisted soon. The two catapults on the battleship will be used A weapon that throws alchemical bombs.

The cost of Jin Zha No. 1 is 100 gold, and Da Liang also ordered 30000 gold for his own army, and paid another 300 million gold.

After a while, 500 million gold coins were spent like this.

The 3 Golden Bomb No. 1 also gave priority to supplying the advancing fortress. The soldiers of the Black Fire Territory are mainly skeleton soldiers, and their individual combat effectiveness is lower than that of the elves. The gap in strength can only be made up with weapons.Jin Zha No. 1 can be tied to a short spear and fired from a ballista, or can be thrown out by a catapult.

As long as this thing is thrown out, no matter whether it can blow up people or not, it can scare the enemies who dare not charge up.

Anyway, Da Liang is going to spend money directly, and he has to defend this bridgehead leading to the dreamland.

fight money?

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is still expanding, the second phase of the player's maritime trading center is already in planning, its own maritime company is about to operate, and the pearl business has begun to make a profit.

As the director of Yingshi Virtual Bank, brother is really not afraid of anyone.

The rich Da Liang had just returned to the misty area and was throwing a lot of coins. Not only did he pay for the self-ordered Jin Zha No. 1 and Jin Zha No. 2, but he also ordered a batch of alchemy products for export for the alchemy store that will open soon. .

Since it was used for export, the profits would be used for the reconstruction funds of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild, so Da Liang did not pay the cost price for these weapons.

Taking Jin Zha No. 1 as an example, what Da Liang paid was 200 gold for the pick-up price.Half of the profit of the alchemy laboratory goes to Da Liang, half goes to the finances of the City of Sighs branch, and all the profits of the alchemy shop go to Da Liang.

(End of this chapter)

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