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Chapter 545 The Player Appears

Chapter 545 The Player Appears
After the wizards' guild, the residents of the misty area, and Wugou Church were all arranged, Da Liang continued to carry out his original purpose of coming to the kingdom of death.

Do the territory building blueprint task.

The world can learn from the world, my brother came to the country of death really just to get the architectural blueprints, the current situation in the foggy area is really just a side-by-side task, I really didn't even know what the foggy area was at first.

What happened was so unexpected.

too suddenly!

Now that he could finally do the task properly, Da Liang began to issue the task of building blueprints of the territory to himself.

"I am very happy to see you again. I am very satisfied with your performance in the Forgotten Hills last time. You have proved your ability to the Holy See of Wushui. Your army should take on more important tasks.

Some time ago, the Sorrowful Monarch wiped out the rebel organization in the City of Sighs—the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild.During this period, we found that some lords were funding this rebel organization. Although these lords drew a clear line with the Wizards Guild in time and actively assisted the Holy See of Wugou to clear the Wizards Guild, their belief in the God of Death has been shaken, and they no longer He is a pure and unsullied believer.

But... apostasy should be punished.

For some reason, our Knights of the Unsullied Holy See cannot judge these exiles, we need your strength, bring your army to destroy them.

Erase all the undead who blaspheme the god of death from the kingdom of death, let those territories return to the embrace of the sad monarch under the rule of the church without scale, and let other lords who are shaking their faith know what will happen if they anger the god of death. "

Sure enough, as Da Liang expected, after Frank's rebellion, the Lord of Sadness first dealt with those lords who supported the Wizards Guild, and those lords also fell to the Holy See after their deeds were revealed.If he had listened to Minia's suggestion and sought the help of the lords, he would have thrown himself into a trap.

However, these lords who betrayed the Wizards Guild were not forgiven by the Sad Monarch. Maybe the Sad Monarch promised them that they would not pursue their funding of the Wizards Guild, but the fact that the Vatican of Wugou did not do anything did not mean that the Vatican of Wugou would not find other people to do it.

The elimination of these lords is given out as a territory building task.

Da Liang checked the blacklist given by the Sad Monarch, and there were more than 50 undead lords on it.

It seems that there are not so many lords funding the Wizarding Guild?

It seems that the Lord of Sorrow wants to use the player's hand to eradicate those disobedient guys and bring these territories under the direct jurisdiction of the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs.

hit who?how to spell?
Da Liang felt that this matter should be discussed with the wizards, first to find out which territory is strong and which territory is weak, pick up the soft persimmons, and avoid the hard ones.

The Sighing City Branch of the Wizards Guild was in charge of external liaison with Minia, and Da Liang immediately left Wugou Church for the alchemy laboratory in Destiny Manor.

Just as Da Liang walked out of the church, a man wearing a smock to cover his appearance walked into the church.

The situation in East Asia is a foregone conclusion, and the Japanese and South Korean game areas can barely form a tripartite situation with the Chinese game area.

The negotiations quickly passed one resolution after another. The Japanese and South Korean bigwigs who decided to save their strength just stick to their bottom line. The interests beyond the bottom line are all substantial concessions. They only want to get rid of the influence of the war as soon as possible and develop themselves. the power of.

In this East Asian naval battle, the big players in the Japanese and Korean game areas have suffered certain losses. If there is a winner, it is Tokugawa Nobunaga.

As a lord who is not well-known internationally, he launched the East Asian sea battle that shocked the game world.Although this war did not allow Tokugawa Nobunaga to achieve the goal of dominating East Asia, the root cause was not Tokugawa Nobunaga's command error, but because "the enemy is too cunning", it was not a war.

After the war, Tokugawa Nobunaga continued to actively lead the Japan-Korea Alliance against the China Northern Lords Alliance at the negotiating table. These deeds made him No.1 in the Japan-Korea game area. If the guys have any major resolutions, most of them will follow his advice first.

Tokugawa Nobunaga's territory is on the east coast of Honshu Island. It is far away from the battlefield and has not been affected by the war, resulting in stagnation of development. During the war, the Rising Sun Territory still maintained its development speed.Even because Tokugawa Nobunaga holds the vast majority of international aid, his territory near the water receives much more property than other territories.

The East Asian War is over, and Tokugawa Nobunaga's territory—Xuyang Territory has completed the upgrade of the 6th-level territory.

Tokugawa Nobunaga's territory, Xuyang Territory, is a cemetery of the undead. If he wants to obtain the future architectural drawings of the territory, he needs to go to the kingdom of death to do the territory construction task.

Tokugawa Nobunaga chose the exit position of the teleportation array leading to the kingdom of death from his own territory, and chose the city of sighs of the sad monarch.

Before the territory portal was opened, Tokugawa Nobunaga arranged for the undead players to arrive at the kingdom of the dead through the system's undead city, so he had a certain understanding of this undead base camp.

The Lord of Sorrows is one of the Seven Lords of Death, and there are certainly more opportunities within his city than ordinary undead lands.At the same time, the Sorrowful Monarch ranks last among the Seven Death Monarchs, and the City of Sighs is relatively safer than other cities of the Death Monarchs.

Tokugawa Nobunaga walked out of the Cathedral of the City of Sighs, where he had already received a territory construction task.

"Clear a cave in the wilderness north of the city, restore the production of the gold mine inside, the task rewards the plague pool: increase the trigger rate of the walking corpse plague skill by 5%.

Walking corpses are originally a weak unit of the undead, and the effect of the plague pool still cannot change the fate of the walking dead.However, the first task of territory construction should be relatively simple, and the rewards are generally reasonable, after all, it is for players who are newcomers to practice their hands.

The only regret is that I didn't see the Lord of Sorrows in the Cathedral of the City of Sighs. If there is a chance to get in touch with the Lord of Sorrows, I will lie on the ground for all the bright lights and flying sand and rocks in the future. "

After receiving the task, Tokugawa Nobunaga began to use the authority of the lord to mobilize his own army, preparing to attack the gold mine cave, and at this time he received a report from his subordinates.

To do missions in the kingdom of death, Tokugawa Nobunaga did not choose to fight alone, he gathered a group of master cronies and came to the city of sighs.

According to Tokugawa Nobunaga's plan, he is responsible for the construction of the territory, and the others are responsible for finding other tasks in the city of sighs.As the quest chain unfolds, he will continue to mobilize more players to Sigh City, and everyone will work together to complete the quest and build a network of Sigh City.In this way, he can quickly cultivate his own power in the City of Sighs, and when other players come to the City of Sighs, he will find that if he does not listen to Tokugawa Nobunaga, he will not be able to get along in the City of Sighs.

By the time……

What is Shangjiang City!
The main city of a kingdom of death is under my control.

Listening to his subordinates reporting one after another that no players were found in the City of Sighs, Tokugawa Nobunaga couldn't help thinking about the future.

"President, I found a strange thing."

Among the information reported by many subordinates, a special message caught the attention of Tokugawa Nobunaga. Strange things generally represent special tasks.

Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately connected to the communication and asked, "Where are you? What did you find?"

"President, I'm in the Mist District of the City of Sighs. It's very different from other parts of the City of Sighs. It's really a very strange place. Moreover, their Wugou Church here has been destroyed beyond recognition."

(End of this chapter)

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