start an archangel

Chapter 556 Skeleton Mage

Chapter 556 Skeleton Mage
Uneasy Polly followed Julian out of the tavern with all kinds of guesses and questions.

Crusaders are heavily armored units, their heavy footsteps echoed in the streets, and slowly moved away.

A small turmoil passed like this, most of the wandering heroes accepted the recruitment of Eviscerate, the guards of Fate Manor left, the tavern continued to be lively, and the high-level heroes continued to drink and brag. People who have been cheated have nothing but money, and they never get tired of it.

Outside the tavern, Julian took Polly and passed the two undead. These undead, which are very common in the kingdom of the dead, did not attract her attention.

But these two undead have been watching Julian leave. They are a skeleton mage and skeleton follower.

To be precise, it is Doro, the sad monarch and lizard man under the cover of camouflage.

At this time, the sad monarch did not hide his appearance anymore. He was wearing a very ordinary mage robe, holding a cane in his hand, and his slightly pale skull showed that he was a newly born skeleton mage, definitely not old. Over 100 years old.

Doro disguised himself as a skeleton mercenary, wearing cheap hard leather armor, a steel helmet, a steel-clad bone sword and a small buckler on his back.

The costumes of the two people are very common in the kingdom of death, where there are skeleton heroes like them who travel around everywhere.

"Dorn, that day... where did the hero and the crusader come from? The people in the misty area seem to fear them very much."

"Master Styx, they come from Destiny Manor. The owner of Destiny Manor is a wealthy human businessman, and his deeds in the misty area can be described as legends..." Dorn told the sad monarch what he knew, "He is a He easily caused three strong men who were greedy for his property to fight, the last two died in that battle, and the remaining Mike became his butler.

Now he has built an alchemy material processing factory and an alchemy laboratory in the misty area, providing jobs for everyone who is willing to support him.He also brought many adventurers, and the Mists are more prosperous every day than the one before, and we have never been more hopeful for the future than now.

Recently, Mr. Eviscerate's store started to sell food, the price is almost the same as that in the main world.

The inhabitants of the Misty District are all villains, but there is no one who does not respect Mr. Eviscerate.

including me.

Master, what I said is true. If you have seen what the fog zone looked like before, you will understand our thoughts. "

"Eviscerate..." The Sad Monarch felt that the name was very familiar.Think again, isn't Eviscerate the Pope of the church in the misty area?

Will, the head of the Holy See Knights, mentioned Eviscerate's identity to the Sorrowful Monarch when he was investigating Frank's death.

A human from the main plane, who owns a territory of the undead, came to the City of Sighs to do the task of building the territory, but met Frank, the most embarrassing bishop in the entire Vatican.Frank, who has no fear of death and the doctrine of innocence, even sold the position of pope of the church in the misty area to this human lord!

Fortunately, Frank is dead, otherwise I don't know what else he will do to make the Holy See of the City of Sighs lose face.

But now that things have happened and Frank is dead, the sad monarch who lost the Bishop of the Misty District did not leapfrog the mistakenly promoted pope.Anyway, he is just a foreign affairs pope. He has no right to train priests, so he will not have much influence on the Wugou Holy See. He might be killed by the residents of the misty area one day.

But now it seems that this human named Eviscerate is not a simple character.

The sad monarch recognized Angel Julian's identity. He originally thought that the angel was sent by Yunzhong City to assist the Wizards Guild, but now it seems that it should be a private soldier of a lord.After all, Eviscerate is a human race with financial resources and power, so it is normal to be able to recruit angels.Moreover, the wizard guild is an organization formed by a group of self-exiles in the kingdom of the dead. Although it has connections with Yunzhongcheng, it is unlikely to have an intersection with the human race in the main world.

The wizard guild is very secretive and will never be so public. It not only fights for power and does business, but also joins the Holy See of Wugou. It seems that I am really superstitious.

The sad monarch tapped the bluestone paved road with his cane, watching the crowd passing by on the road.Everything has two completely different atmospheres from other cities in the city. The air here is full of vigor and vitality, which makes the heart of the sad monarch very comfortable. No lord does not want his city to show a prosperous atmosphere. look.

This human race called Eviscerate came to the city of sighs, maybe it can bring me some different changes.The human race has a shrewd mind, and their cities have always been the busiest and richest.

Cloud City has sent angel reinforcements to the Wizards Guild, and the fallen angels from hell have also arrived in the kingdom of death to hunt down Mishuka.

Satan is still nowhere to be found.

The new plane war seems to be unstoppable, but the kingdom of death is in the midst of internal and external troubles, so I should have planned earlier.

Now it's time to find the remnants of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild as soon as possible, and ask them for clues about the plane of God.

The sad monarch temporarily put aside the matter of Da Liang, and asked Doro: "Have you heard of the Wizards Guild?"

"Wizard Guild..."

Some time ago, the City of Sighs wiped out the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild.The Knights of the Innocent Holy See galloped around the city, attacking the contact points of the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs one by one, and it is unknown how many wizards and the undead involved were captured and executed.

Although the foggy area was not affected by the storm, the residents of the foggy area still knew the cause of the incident.

A group of undead who do not believe in the god of death established an organization called the Wizards Guild. The principle of belief made the Wizards Guild doomed to be sworn enemies with the Wugou Holy See from the day it was established.However, the wizard guild is not interested in developing the residents of the misty area, so the fog area does not have a stronghold of the wizard guild, so it has become a bystander of the whole incident.

Dorn didn't know why his master suddenly asked about the Wizarding Guild, but he immediately answered what he knew, and then said: "The Sigh City branch of the Wizarding Guild seems to have been uprooted, and I haven't heard of wizards since then." Guild matters."

The sad monarch said: "According to what I know, a group of wizards escaped the siege. If they escaped to the misty area, where do you think they would hide?"

Donne had more doubts about the identity of his master. How did he know that there were wizards who escaped from that siege, and why did he find those wizards?Is he a member of the Vatican of Wugou or the Wizards Guild.

No matter who they are, Dawn doesn't want to cause trouble, he said: "Master, I don't know. The foggy area is not big or small, and the undead don't need to eat like us. hiding.

But since they are wizards, whether they are studying witchcraft to purchase supplies, or contacting other witchcraft, they will definitely come out. "

The sad monarch said: "Yes, they will definitely come out. But I don't have time to wait for them. You go find a way to find them. It shouldn't be difficult for your local residents to find a few strange and powerful undead from outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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