start an archangel

Chapter 655 Information

Chapter 655 Information
Such a scene shocked all the wizards deeply, including Da Liang, who realized the gap between the Wizards Guild and the death lords.

The death lords are really a well-disciplined army, while the wizard guild is more like a group of reckless heroes. The original sense of superiority in the minds of the wizards has disappeared at this time. Overwhelmed by the momentum.

At the same time, he is happy for the strength of his allies, but also worried about the ownership of the commander.

Da Liang asked Minia to take the wizards of the City of Sighs branch, followed Anthony to the residence, and followed Lucas to a secluded and dark room.

Lucas waved the staff in his hand, lit the lights in the room, and said to Da Liang: "I am very happy that you Sighing City branch can come to join the alliance. Now tell me the news you brought, is it about the sad monarch? ?”

Da Liang replied: "Reporting to the president, it is about mourning the monarch."

Lucas was quite surprised when he heard Da Liang mentioning the Monarch of Mourning. He asked, "Do you have information about Evernight City?"

Da Liang said in a low voice: "Yes. This time I am going to Eternal Night City as an envoy of the City of Sighs. Just now I was meeting the Monarch of Moaning in the Cathedral of the City of Sighs."

Lucas also did not expect that Da Liang would actually meet the Lord of Moaning. This is definitely a major event. If there is one of his own people near the Lord of Moaning, it will definitely be more important to this war than adding millions of troops to the city of ashes. bigger.

Lucas asked eagerly: "Tell me, what do you know? Has the Monarch of Moaning noticed the establishment of the Cyan Alliance?"

Da Liang replied: "According to my observations, the Monarch of Moaning should not have noticed that we are meeting in the city of ashes, but some adventurer teams supported by the Monarch of Moaning are already collecting evidence of the blue coalition forces. I don't think it will be hidden Mourning the sovereign for too long.

The alliance should start as soon as possible, and establish the command of the death army before Evernight City responds. "

Lucas nodded: "In the past, the southern death lords summoned the army and had already attracted inquiries from Eternal Night City, but they were all covered up with various reasons. Now that the army is gathering in the city of ashes, it is not easy to hide it, and Cloud City Angels appear here openly, as long as someone reports to the Monarch of Moaning, it will definitely attract the investigation of Eternal Night City.

The coalition really needs to start as soon as possible. "

The cyan coalition alliance is so powerful that it was expected to be noticed by the mourning monarch.The important thing that Da Liang said was by no means this one. He said to Lucas: "President, I also saw a demon beside the Monarch of Moaning?"


The Kingdom of Death and Hell are allies. It is not uncommon for one or two demons to appear beside the Lord of Death. However, Lucas also knows that if he can be solemnly told by his disciple, this demon must have an unusual identity.

Lucas guessed: "Is the devil the messenger of hell?"

"No, his name is Mishuka..."

"Mishuka!" The flames in Lucas' eyes suddenly became brighter, and he said in disbelief: "The Lord of the Fourth Hell, the Lord of Greed, Mishuka... How is this possible? He has been missing for thousands of years, how could he appear?" In Eternal Night City? Did you admit your mistake?"

Seeing Lucas' surprised look, Da Liang knew that he really didn't know many things.

Da Liang said to Lucas: "President, in fact, Mishuka did not disappear. He, Satan, Beelzebub, Ergos, and Angela, the five hell lord kings, were captured by Lucifer and handed over to Yun. They were detained in Zhongcheng. Not long ago, all five hell lord kings escaped from prison, and both Yunzhongcheng and Hell were secretly hunting them down."

Lucas didn't expect that there was such a secret about the Lord of Hell. He asked, "How do you know that?"

Da Liang did not dare to say that they ran away because of him, but said: "This matter is complicated. According to the information I obtained in the City of Sighs, Frank's betrayal was planned by Mishuka himself. The full-scale attack on the Wizards Guild was also directly directed by Mishuka.

President, if Mishka is beside the mourning monarch to help him make suggestions, it will definitely cause a major blow to the cyan coalition forces. "

Lucas has always been suspicious of the sudden attack on the Wizards Guild by the Holy See of Wugou.The struggle between the Wizards Guild and the Unstained Holy See is not a matter of ten or decades.The long-term struggle has made the wizards accustomed to the way of the Wugou Holy See. Therefore, although the Wizards Guild has been suppressed all the time, there is absolutely no such loss that almost collapsed.

The Wugou Holy See is attacking the wizards in a way they are not used to. The unpredictable tricks and ambushes make the undead who like to go straight with cannon fodder very uncomfortable.

It would all make sense if the Lord of Death was aided by a scheming demon.

And in the countless battles between Cloud City and Hell, Mishuka has very rich war experience, and is the second think tank of Hell after Beelzebub in terms of military strategy.

On the eve of the cyan coalition's attack, knowing that Mishuka was in the enemy camp was extremely important information for the cyan coalition, but Lucas was deeply worried when he knew it.

The existence of Mishuka will make this war more complicated and confusing. His wisdom and his individual strength will make more wizards die in this war.

"Eviscele, the information you brought is very important to the coalition forces. I'm going to see Boswell now and tell him about Mishuka's stay in Evernight City. The attack plan of the cyan coalition forces must be reworked."

But Da Liang stopped Lucas: "President, I suggest that we arrest Mishuka, so that we don't need to worry about his threats."

Capture Mishuka...

Lucas didn't even think about it. Regarding Da Liang's suggestion, he resolutely rejected: "Mishuka is definitely not something we can catch. His strength is not weaker than mine, and he is in the city of Eternal Night..."

Da Liang said: "Mishuka's strength has been greatly reduced during the ten thousand years of imprisonment, and now he is in a period of extreme weakness, and his actual strength is only at level 15. The same is true for other escaped hell lord kings, otherwise they They have already counterattacked hell, and they will not hide one by one.

As long as we can catch Mishuka before the alliance starts, not only can we show the strength of our wizard guild and take the initiative in the alliance, but we can also use Mishuka as a bargaining chip, so that Cloud City City can give us more support . "

If Mishuka can be caught, it will be an unimaginable feat for the Wizards Guild and the Cyan Allied Forces.Of course, to catch Mishuka, one has to take great risks. Even though his strength is only level 15, he must not be treated as a level 15 hero.

Lucas said: "Elder Eviscerate, the alliance is about to start, and I must sit in the city of ashes, so I can't participate in the capture of Mishuka. Let me talk about your plan first. If it is feasible, the Wizards Guild will fully assist you. "

(End of this chapter)

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