start an archangel

Chapter 669 I Don’t Target Any Of You

Chapter 669 I Don’t Target Any Of You

The Sighing City Branch of the Wizards Guild is in a very special position at the moment, and there is no doubt that they were once very strong.If Elder Quentin was still there, with the Necromancer's Gate in his hand, the City of Sighs branch would be the most powerful branch of the Wizards Guild.

But the honors of the past can't change the fact that the Sighing City branch is now in decline.This time, the larger branches brought hundreds or thousands of wizards to this meeting, but the City of Sighs branch only had less than twenty wizards, which is really too shabby.

However, the current elder of the City of Sighs branch was introduced by Lucas to join the Wizards Guild, and he is the nominal disciple of President Lucas.It can also be seen from Lucas' attitude that he cares very much for his disciple.

The wizards respect Lucas, and the death lords don't want to create a gap with the Wizards Guild on this matter.

But if this problem is not resolved, it must be a hidden danger for the cyan coalition forces.

Therefore, in the entire venue, only the holy Brandon, who represented Cloudsdale, was suitable to clarify this issue, and he did.

The representative of Cloud City opened his mouth, and the other death lords and wizard elders lost too much scruples, and expressed their thoughts one after another, thinking that the City of Sighs branch is no longer suitable for sitting in their current seats, or even suitable for sitting. In this venue.

"All our wizards remember the past glory of the City of Sighs branch, but their glory is over. The honor they have represents their due responsibility. Obviously, the honor that the City of Sighs branch now bears is a burden for them.

At this time, the City of Sighs branch cannot undertake the same combat missions as us. If we are allowed to share the responsibilities of the City of Sighs branch in the war, it will be unfair to them and us.

I think we should redefine the status of the City of Sighs chapter in the Wizarding Guild, and give them tasks that match their strengths. "

The death lords also said: "That's right! No matter how powerful the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild was before, it has nothing to do with us now. We only look at what they brought to the Cyan Alliance Army? Let a [-] wizards not even come out It is disrespectful for the Wizarding Chapter to sit here.

If there are existences in the cyan coalition who only enjoy rights but do not pay, how can we persuade us to fight for this banner? "


The death lords and wizard elders spoke alternately, and their words became more and more fierce.

And the three hosts sitting on the rostrum didn't seem to want to stop it.

Boswell is very happy with where things are now.If a wizard branch was expelled from the main meeting place at the beginning of the alliance, it would be a very severe blow to the wizard guild.Moreover, the elders of the City of Sighs branch are the disciples of President Lucas, which severely weakened Lucas' prestige.

On the contrary, he, Boswell, governed the army strictly and prohibited it, so he became the best candidate for the commander of the army of death.

As the instigator of this denunciation, Holy Brandon, also watched the changes in the scene and paid attention to how Lucas would deal with this matter.

And Lucas also did not express any opinions, nor did he intend to stop this somewhat intense scene.

As the center of discussions and denunciations, Da Liang sat in his seat securely, Jonathan held onto the flag of the City of Sighs and remained motionless, while Minia and Holy Bella sat on either side of him.

The four wizards of the City of Sighs branch of the League were deaf to all talk, as if they were not what was being said.

Until the noisy scene gradually quieted down, everyone looked at Lucas, waiting for him to deal with the City of Sighs branch.

Da Liang stood up, his plain and bulky smock made it impossible for others to see anything special about him, he first saluted the three people on the rostrum, and then said: "I have always hated nonsense, and I will never move my mouth if I can do it. Everyone has said so much, but to sum it up, I question the strength of the City of Sighs branch and think that we are not qualified to sit in this place.

Well... I'll give you a chance to kick out my City of Sighs chapter.

I send a wizard to accept the challenge of any hero, as long as there is a hero who can defeat her one-on-one, I will immediately give up my position and leave here. "

After finishing speaking, Da Liang turned his head to the holy Bella and said, "Bella, this task is entrusted to you..."


Although the holy Bella couldn't see with the hood on, Da Liang still felt those two sharp eyes piercing towards him.

Da Liang was very calm: "Fight well, this is related to whether we end the alliance happily or end the alliance unhappy."

Holy Bella knew that Da Liang was talking about whether she could take Mishuka away smoothly, and she really wanted to chop him with a sword, but she could only agree: "Yes, Elder, I will definitely not let you down. "

Da Liang waved his hand arrogantly: "Go, fly a little farther away, don't let the battle affect the meeting, and don't go too far, so that it is inconvenient for us to enjoy your performance."

Sacred Bella tried her best to control the urge to draw her sword on the spot, turned around and flew into the air, and then flew to the airspace far away from the pyramid and could be seen again.

After the Holy Bella arrived at a suitable position and stopped, Da Liang said to all the heroes in the venue: "Didn't we say that our Sighing City Club has no strength? Didn't we want to drive me away? Don't talk nonsense, I want to sit on my seat Here, show your strength."

As soon as Da Liang finished speaking, a hero flew up and rushed towards the holy Bella.

As a result, he was slashed by the holy Bella's sword and fell to the ground after a face-to-face encounter.

so strong!
There are no weak heroes who can enter the main venue, and they are all heroes with the highest strength in one party.Although I don't know the strength of the hero in the first challenge, but he didn't even catch the ordinary sword. Although there is carelessness in it, the opponent's strength is indeed terrifying.

The entire venue was silent, but under the current situation, whoever can drive out the Sighing branch city can sit in the seat they vacated, which aroused the ambitions of many heroes.

A hero takes to the air again.

This hero has obviously learned the lesson of the first defeated hero, his body has improved a lot, and he is very cautious in his shots, but he still hasn't lasted 5 minutes under the sword of the holy Bella.

Holy Bella is too strong, not only her level, skills and attributes are strong, she is an angel who has been fighting on the front line, and her rich combat experience makes her win the way very neatly, once she seizes the opportunity, she will continue to fight. Combo strikes, the enemy is quickly defeated under her uninterrupted impact.

Da Liang swept across the meeting place of the alliance. Among all the heroes present, only Boswell and Lucas could defeat Sacred Bella one-on-one. They would never stop fighting Sacred Bella.As for Holy Brandon...

The fact that Holy Bella was appointed by Michael as the Holy Right Wing proves that her strength has surpassed ordinary holy angels. Holy Brandon has no reason to play, and even if she does, she is not the opponent of Holy Bella.

Therefore, I am not targeting any of you, I just want to say that everyone here is hot chicken...

(End of this chapter)

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