start an archangel

Chapter 671 Twist

Chapter 671 Twist
The Wizards Guild belongs to an underground organization. They have a large number of high-level wizards. They may not lose the wind in the secret confrontation with the Vatican, but this cannot change the fact that they are not good at frontal combat.The city of sighs branch is a negative teaching material at this moment. It represents the structure and thinking status of almost all wizard guild branches. If there is a wizard guild commanding this army of death, will the ending of the city of sighs branch be the end of the cyan coalition?

All wizard elders realized the shortcomings of the wizard guild and fell into thinking.

Holy Brandon is right. This war is about the life and death of wizards, and there should not be too much selfishness in it.

The most suitable candidate for the commander of the death army is undoubtedly Boswell.

"I don't agree with your presumptuous conclusions about the reasons for the failure of the Sighing City branch of the Wizarding Guild."

A voice rang out shortly after Holy Brandon's speech. Everyone looked at the opponents together, and it turned out to be the elder of the City of Sighs branch.

Da Liang stood up again. He would absolutely not allow the commander of the death army to fall into the hands of Boswell. This would greatly reduce his influence on the cyan coalition forces, and thus allow the dominance of this war to be completely controlled by Cloud City. uncontrollable.

"I witnessed the whole City of Sighs attacking our chapter. Their attack was very sudden, their military strength was more than ten times that of ours, and all the heroes were biased towards melee combat and used the magic weapon. This was launched because of the traitor's betrayal. Targeted attacks, no one who directs this battle has the possibility of victory.

Therefore, we cannot rely on this battle to say that the Sighing City branch does not have the ability to fight head-on with the Wugou Holy See.

and i think...

War No matter what the situation is, it is a competition of heroic combat power.In the case of a battle with equal forces, whoever takes the lead in determining the victory in a hero-level battle will win the heaviest victory.

All battles, tactics, and strategic plans are formulated around the heroes of the enemy and us. If the main heroes of the enemy are eliminated, the enemy's army will lose the combat power blessed by the commander, and will naturally end up being wiped out.

The wizard guild has survived in the cracks of the Wugou Holy See since its inception. We are developing and studying witchcraft while fighting the Wugou priest.In terms of the experience of fighting against the Wugou Holy See at the hero level, I am afraid that there is no one in the whole plane who is richer than us wizards.

This time the cyan coalition launched a war against the death monarch. The scale and scope of the war is probably something that many wizards have never experienced.But when it is subdivided into every battlefield and every battle, it is actually a heroic confrontation, and then aggregated into a big battle.

Wizards are the backbone of this war, and only wizards can perfectly command wizards. Other heroes who don't understand how wizards fight, rashly commanding us will only cause some irreparable consequences because of everyone's different combat awareness.

Allies, we are fighting a war of life and death. I hope you can let go of your selfishness and let capable people take their place. "

Da Liang's speech reversed the favorable situation created by the holy Brandon for Boswell, and all wizards no longer underestimated themselves.Although this level of battle is something that most wizards have never experienced, the enemies are still those enemies, but the battle venue has been changed.Everyone has been playing for so many years, and they are all very familiar with it. It is not easy for us to beat you, but it is not so easy for you to win us.

As soon as his self-confidence came up, the wizard would not consider choosing Boswell.

The elder of the City of Sighs branch was right. Only wizards can command wizards, and only Lucas can coordinate all wizards to bring out their combat power.

Not only the wizards are ready to fully support Lucas, but some death lords also agree with Da Liang's words.

The wizard guild has no experience in fighting a large-scale war with a death lord, and it is also the first time that the death lords have resisted the death lord with force on a large scale.In the battle of conventional forces, the army of the death lords will not be the opponent of the elite Holy See Knights. The key to determining the outcome of the war is the heroic confrontation led by the wizards.

Can Boswell be the commander-in-chief to bring out the strength of the wizards?

definitely can't...

The Cyan Allied Forces Alliance had dramatic scenes at the beginning, but the Holy Brandon, who intended to take advantage of the situation and use the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild to bring down Lucas, suffered setbacks one after another under Da Liang's hands.

At this time, although the election of the commander-in-chief of the death army has not yet started, it is almost a foregone conclusion.Even if all the death lords support Boswell, the powerful wizard guild will push Lucas to the throne of commander.

Holy Brandon thought of Gabriel's instructions and his private promise to Boswell, and felt extremely resentful towards the City of Sighs branch in his heart.

He stood up and said directly to Da Liang: "You can't change the status quo of the City of Sighs branch after you have said so much. If you sit in this position, you have to fulfill the obligations entrusted to you by this position, but I don't see how the City of Sighs branch can do it now. do what?
As the representative of Lord Gabriel, the supreme angel of Cloud City, I do not allow incompetent people to take up our precious resources. I request the Cyan Allied Forces to expel the City of Sighs branch from this venue and let capable people in. "

Da Liang sat back on his seat, then pointed to the holy Bella in the sky and said, "I seem to have said just now that if I beat my wizard, I will leave voluntarily.

Now my wizard has fought nearly twenty battles, maybe you can win..."

Holy Brandon looked at the angel in the sky disguised as an ordinary hero, recalling the battle she just had in his mind, and he was not sure of winning.

"I also said just now that no matter how powerful a hero is, it can't change the fact that you lament the decline of the city branch. You will not do anything in this war."

Just as Da Liang wanted to refute, Lucas said angrily: "Brandon, pay attention to your identity. Who can sit in this venue is not up to you to decide!

Besides, you talk too much..."

Holy Brandon immediately put away his momentum, but he didn't mean to let it go. The powerful Cloud City City gave him the confidence to speak: "President Lucas, I am thinking of the Cyan Alliance. In this venue Every lord and branch of the city has to undertake major combat tasks, but which city can the City of Sighs branch attack?"

Lucas did not back down at all: "What the city of sighs branch can do is beyond the reach of all the heroes here. The elders of the city of sighs branch have made contributions to the cyan coalition army. I am afraid that none of you heroes can achieve it by the end of the war.

I know that many of you have doubts about the City of Sighs branch being able to sit here, and it seems that if this problem is not resolved, our alliance will not be able to continue.

Then I will tell you all what the elders of the City of Sighs branch have done for our cyan coalition.

Elder Anthony will arrive soon, what he brought, I think Brandon, you need to open your eyes and take a good look! "

(End of this chapter)

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