start an archangel

Chapter 677 Done this bowl of chicken soup

Chapter 677 Done this bowl of chicken soup
Too...too...too fucking nonsense!

Da Liang, who had just made his way back to the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs, hadn't even had a sip of water when news came from the Wizards Guild that Holy Bella had comprehended the law-level holy flame and had advanced to level 16 as a top hero.

Since Da Liang was the last person to talk to Holy Bella before she was promoted, the Wizards Guild urgently sent someone to ask Da Liang.The matter was of great importance, and the person who was sent was Da Liang's old acquaintance—Elder Anthony.

Minia arranged a secret meeting place for Da Liang and Elder Anthony.

When Elder Anthony finished telling the story of the promotion of the Holy Bella and what she said at that time, ten thousand grass mud horses were galloping in Da Liang's heart.

Brother just said something like pretending to be B, and the holy Bella burst into promotion?Brother, what kind of mouth is this!

Golden mouth and jade words...

The most important thing is... Sacred Bella was promoted, but my brother was not by her side, so it felt like I missed hundreds of millions.

Is there an archive, and can it be replayed.

Holy Bella where are you please hug your thigh...

Da Liang eagerly asked Anthony: "Where is the holy Bella now?"

Anthony shook his head: "I don't know, Holy Bella left the kingdom of death after being promoted. Cloud City City is also actively looking for her. If she returns to Cloud City City, they will have one more supreme angel.

Just from Holy Bella's last words...she doesn't seem to be going back to Cloud City.

Elder, you were the last to see Holy Bella, did you say anything? "

Of course, Da Liang couldn't say that he pretended to be B in inertia, and said that you want to swing a sword for him or something like chicken soup for the soul. Anyway, Da Liang didn't even remember what he said at the time.

But one thing is for sure... You must not let other people know that my brother's chicken soup has upgraded the holy Bella, otherwise you will not honestly fight monsters in the future, and all come to listen to my chicken soup. How can I suffer.

The key is not to let Cloud City know.

Detaining them a hell lord king is enough to make the angels bear their grudges, and let them know that brother fooled them away with a supreme angel.

Gabriel's Angel Legion doesn't have to play with the Lord of Moments in Eternal Night City anymore, they must all come to the City of Sighs to dig three feet to find brother.

"That, haha...haha...Actually, we didn't say anything. Sacred Bella and I are just ordinary friends, chatting about some irrelevant things. Sacred Bella's advancement really has nothing to do with me."

We all know that Holy Bella's advancement has nothing to do with you, Anthony couldn't help complaining in his heart.

The promotion of level 16 heroes all go through a long process of strength accumulation, and then break through once they reach the limit.

Holy Bella is a veteran on the battlefield. If only counting the number of battles she has participated in, none of the Supreme Angels can match her. Her strength has long been at the bottleneck of the peak of level 15.

However, Sacred Bella's ability to break through and advance to level 16 was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.Her innate aptitude is too ordinary, the holy angel is her limit.

Therefore, Sacred Bella must have encountered some special opportunity to advance in the Pyramid of the City of Ashes this time.Anthony came this time to ask Da Liang if anything special happened at that time.

"Elder, I just came here to understand the situation at that time, maybe I can find out the reason why Holy Bella was promoted and where she went."

"Oh..." Da Liang calmed down: "I really don't know anything. At that time, I just wanted to take Mishuka away as soon as possible. When I left, the holy Bella was still there."

What Da Liang said was the same as what the guards around the pyramid said. Whether it was the undead soldiers or the nearby angels, they all said that after the wizards of the City of Sighs branch left the meeting place, Holy Bella stayed alone on the top of the tower for a long time.

Then he suddenly released the law-level holy flame, advancing to a level 16 hero.

At that time, the wizards of the City of Sighs branch had already gone to the city of ashes, so it shouldn't have much to do with the promotion of Holy Bella.

This time Anthony made a special trip to the City of Sighs to confirm their judgment.

"It seems that if Holy Bella doesn't say it, it will be an unsolvable mystery."

Anthony's words contained a lot of regret. If the holy Bella was still in the kingdom of death, the cyan coalition would undoubtedly have the strongest combat power.Moreover, Holy Bella participated in the establishment of the Wizards Guild. Wizards all like this upright and straightforward angel. Compared with Gabriel, who has other purposes, the Wizards Guild is more willing to deal with Holy Bella.

It's just that Holy Bella has announced her departure from Cloud City, which also means that she doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​serving the Cyan Alliance.

Da Liang is also very regretful, he doesn't know when he will see the Holy Bella again and get the reward he deserves.

Brother's bowl of chicken soup, can't let her drink it for nothing!

Da Liang said melancholy: "Yes... I don't know where she is now?"

Anthony didn't ask what he wanted to know in the City of Sighs, so he told Da Liang something about the war.

Eternal Night City was basically not prepared for the sudden attack of the Cyan Allied Forces. Although the Monarch of Mourning received the news about the rebellion of the Wizards Guild, it was too late to prepare for the war.While the city under his jurisdiction was still calling for troops, the swiftly-moving cyan coalition army had already approached the city.

At this time, in the southern part of the Eternal Night region, there is basically no army of the Wugou Holy See that can resist the blue coalition forces.Boswell sent out a small part of the army to consolidate the captured land, and the main force converged with the Angel Legion to formally attack the north.

The massive rebellion with the participation of the Angel Legion has already spread throughout the kingdom of death, and all the monarchs of death are urgently waking up their cities, summoning troops, and preparing to suppress the possible rebellion launched by the Wizards Guild on their own land.

Compared to other places that have become chaotic, the City of Sighs seems a little quiet.Although this undead city is also waking up, it is very orderly. The Wugou Holy See here is also gathering troops, but Anthony can't feel the tense atmosphere.

The orderly preparations for Sigh City made Anthony feel the pressure.

"Elder, I feel a different atmosphere in the City of Sighs than other undead cities. It is more prosperous here, and the Mist District even looks like a commercial city in the main world. When I came to the City of Sighs, it didn't look like this.

This change represents a change in the policy strategy of the Monarch of Sorrow. You must be more careful about unexpected changes. If you cannot prevent the army of the City of Sighs from supporting the City of Eternal Night, please inform the General Assembly in time, and we will do our best to provide you with support. . "

Da Liang said: "Elder Anthony, don't worry, I will definitely not try to be brave."

Elder Anthony quickly left the City of Moaning. The Cyan Allied Forces were launching an offensive against the Monarch of Moaning. He had to rush back as soon as possible to assist Lucas in his work.

After sending Anthony away, Da Liang put on the pope's robe and got into the skeleton carriage to the Cathedral of the City of Sighs.

(End of this chapter)

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