start an archangel

Chapter 680 Trust

Chapter 680 Trust
For Hell, which one is important, the capture of the Hell Lord King or the re-establishment of contact with the realm of death?
are important!
But to capture Ergus and Angela in Shangjiang City, it won't be successful with as many troops as possible.Although I don't know why these two hell lord kings stayed in Shangjiang, but if they want to leave, they really can't stop them.

Therefore, the chance of catching the Lord of Hell in Shangjiang is very small, and the chance of entering the kingdom of death is at hand.

Macaulay was very upset with Daliang. In fact, he has always been very unhappy with Daliang. This human nobleman repeatedly sabotaged his plans and embarrassed him time and time again, but he had no choice but to force himself to be obediently held. walk.

like now...

Da Liang asked Macaulay Hell how many troops he planned to enter Shangjiang.

Just now Macaulay said very arrogantly that I will send someone in and you will not be able to stop it. How do you answer this question?

Macaulay wanted to save his own face, but seeing Da Liang's appearance at this time, he knew that this was not a time to save face, so he could only say: "Earl Da Liang, I just made a joke for you. The army that captured the Lord Lord of Hell, It’s not expensive, but too many soldiers will get in the way, and it’s easy to be exploited by Ergus and Angela. Now our military strength in Shangjiang City is very suitable, and we don’t need to add any more manpower.”

Macaulay's performance is completely different from when he came in. This huge contrast highlights the energy that Da Liang now possesses.

When Da Liang helped the troops in the City of Sighs to accept employment from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the nobles in Shangjiang experienced Da Liang's ability in the kingdom of death.Now that Da Liang can negotiate with Hell on behalf of the Sorrowful Monarch, coupled with Macaulay's big reversal performance, it shows that he has a very high status in the City of Sighs.

This situation made the nobles of the race family happy, while the nobles of the elf family fell into a deep sense of crisis.

The expansion of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the major diplomatic achievements of Shangjiang City made the nobles who supported Joshua begin to consider their future options.

And the happiest of the nobles is undoubtedly Abigail, this time she really stood in the right team.And she also understood thoroughly that Joshua had left the position of the former Prime Minister, and she hadn't succeeded in sitting down, and now Macaulay was kicked out again.

Earl Daliang will decide who will sit in that seat in the future.

The eyes of all the nobles looking at Da Liang have undergone significant changes.

Da Liang did not care about the change in the atmosphere of the meeting caused by himself, but stood up and said: "Since hell has no intention of sending more troops to the upper river... Macaulay, you can reply to Lord Lucifer now:
The Lord of Sorrow is willing to establish a preliminary contact with hell and have a dialogue at the church level. I am the representative of the City of Sighs, and I agree to a small-scale army stationed in the territory of the City of Sighs to conduct certain military observations.As for the specific intention, please Lord Lucifer send a representative who matches my identity to Shangjiang for negotiation as soon as possible. "

With Da Liang's promise, Macaulay immediately replied: "Thank you Earl Da Liang for facilitating this high-level dialogue between hell and the kingdom of death. This will surely be the beginning of the evil camp reuniting. I will return to the furnace of purgatory now, this The news will definitely make Lord Lucifer very happy."

Macaulay left the meeting in a hurry.

Da Liang turned to the ministers attending the meeting and said: "My lords, who has any new issues that need to be discussed at the imperial meeting?"

Everyone looked at Da Liang, but no one spoke.

"Since you all have nothing to say, I announce...

Break up the meeting. "

A crisis came to naught, and the ministers left the meeting room with mixed feelings.

In the end, only Da Liang and Joyce were left.

"During this time, you have changed a lot."

Joyce could also feel the significant change in Da Liang's status. Now that he abolished the position of the Marquis Stanley as the former Prime Minister, I am afraid that no one would object to him sitting there.She saw Joshua's expression when he left, like an old elf who looked away from everything.

Da Liang signaled the palace attendants to bring two glasses of red wine. He knew that Joyce had a special liking for red wine, and he liked to have a glass no matter what happened or not.

Then he chatted like an old friend: "Yes... I have experienced a lot of things in the kingdom of death. I have to deal with various forces. If I make a mistake, I may be wiped out. I really miss the time when I was with you, my lord. Give me a task, and I will do it. If something happens, an adult will take care of it."

Joyce was drinking red wine. She hurried back from the fleet this time without even changing her clothes.Wearing an ordinary nautical suit and a triangular nautical hat was casually placed on the table, her hair disheveled by the sea breeze made her look like a wild female pirate.

From Da Liang's words, she could hear the sincerity, and she could also feel the hardships of walking on thin ice behind Da Liang's scenery.

"Whatever happens in the future, I will also take care of it for you. You have done a lot for me and Shangjiang City. Without you, I don't know what I and this city have become. Now, you really own it .

No matter what happens in the future, we will stand firmly behind you, no matter whether the enemy we face in the future is the kingdom of death, hell, or... Cloud City. "

Joyce's words really made Da Liang feel relieved for a while. He believed in Joyce's promise, and in the face of the enemy who didn't know where in the future, he instantly had enough confidence.

Da Liang raised his wine glass: "I suggest, let's toast our friendship."

Joyce picked up the wine glass with a smile and stared at Da Liang. A strand of dark red hair was in front of her eyes, making her eyes look hazy. Then Joyce smiled and touched Da Liang's wine glass lightly After a while: "For our friendship..."

At this time, a third wine glass stretched out from the side and touched Da Liang too.

Da Liang suddenly became upset...

Brother and Joyce had a drink in such a romantic atmosphere, it was the short-sighted one who made trouble at such a critical time!
Da Liang turned his head and stared, then shouted in surprise: "Holy Bella, why are you here!"

It was the holy Bella who clinked glasses with Da Liang. She was still the same as before, with long blond hair, a blond bust, and a red petticoat. She always had an expression of disdain for anything on her face.

Facing Da Liang who had seen a ghost, the holy Bella shrugged and said: "After I left the kingdom of death, I suddenly thought that Cloud City would recall the right-wing guardian angels. Without the suppression of Cloud City, hell would definitely be here Go to Jiangcheng to find a job.

I have cheated you once, and I can't cheat you again, so I quietly hid in the palace.

If hell really wants to send troops in, I'll cut 'em out.It's just that I didn't expect the matter to be solved so easily by you. "

Oops, accidentally saved Macaulay's life again.

Then Da Liang hurriedly said: "Reward, where is my reward?"

(End of this chapter)

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