start an archangel

Chapter 682 Preparing to Enter the World of Heroic Spirits

Chapter 682 Preparing to Enter the World of Heroic Spirits
After drinking and chatting with Joyce for a while, Da Liang left the palace and returned to his ruling area.

At this time, the Judgment Collar is being upgraded to a level 4 collar, and the basic functional buildings are already very complete.

The human army has reached a scale of 5 through recruitment and purchase.

There are two main legions under the jurisdiction, the Judgment Legion is a 5th-level legion with a full number of 3000 players; the Runaway Bull Head Legion is a 4th-level legion with a full number of 2500 players; there are 20 other auxiliary legions with a total number of 20000 players.These are the players who are directly under the leadership of the ruling, and the university league personnel that Da Liang can mobilize will be counted separately.

Ultimate Creature: Through the portal of Shangjiang City, Shu Xiao took the personnel who entered the Heroic Spirit World earlier, and obtained an archangel and an angel again in the mission, so the Judgment Legion now has two archangels, three angels, Gu Tao There is a sapphire dragon; the berserk bullhead army has a black dragon and a red dragon.

According to the recently updated territorial strength ranking of the Eye of Insight, the comprehensive strength of the Judgment Territory ranks 41st, and the level of the territory has pulled a lot of points.

But the ranking of potential value, the position of the ruling leader is very high, at the seventh place.

The development environment of the Judgment Territory can be said to be the best among all the territories. The geographical environment is superior, the political environment is better, and the status in Shangjiang City is greatly highlighted. The Judgment Territory can obtain very generous support policies. It is almost unimaginable in other territories to enclose land outside.

Therefore, the ruling leader does not need to consider any internal and external troubles. The economic conditions are good, the manpower and resources are sufficient, and the development is extremely rapid.

The items that lower the potential assessment of the ruling collar are:

The economic system is weak against pressure.As we all know, Da Liang has 100% ownership of the Judgment Territory, which means that all the expenses of the Judgment Territory are paid by Da Liang himself.Territory development is a bottomless pit that is difficult for any player lord to bear alone. Attracting investment is what almost all successful lord players are doing.

Although the rights and future benefits are divided, the development of the territory and the ability to withstand pressure have been greatly improved. Once a crisis occurs, several large consortiums that participate in the shares will survive it once they share the share.As for the adjudication leader, Da Liang has to bear it alone no matter what is good or bad.

Another factor that affects potential is the international environment from the entire game world.Chinese players showed too high aggression in the early stage of the game. It can be said that they made enemies on all sides, and they did not take the national border seriously at all.Around the entire Chinese game area, whether it is land or sea, as long as the Chinese game area is close, there is no Chinese player who does not play except Pakistan.

The key is to be able to remain undefeated and most of them can win.

The magnified aggressiveness in the game, coupled with the world's largest population and economic capacity, made players in all game areas feel threatened from the Chinese game area.

As one of the two banner figures in the Chinese game zone, Da Liang will naturally be suppressed by other game zones.

When Da Liang started to build the Judgment Collar, eight player lords who had entered the Heroic Spirit World earlier announced that they would step on the portal to the Heroic Spirit World from the Judgment Collar.

Of course, it is impossible to prevent the Judgment Leader from entering the Heroic Spirit World forever, and it is also impossible for the eight player lords not to develop themselves and follow Da Liang to death.But as long as they continue to find troubles for the Judgment Leader in the Heroic Spirit World, they can limit the development of the Judgment Leader, consume the funds and supplies of the Judgment Leader, and hit Da Liang's popularity.

Therefore, it is recognized that Da Liang only needs to solve these two shortcomings, increase the depth of the capital chain for the ruling to attract investment, and take the initiative to lead the players in the Chinese game area to improve his negative international evaluation.The potential of the Judgment Collar can definitely rank among the top three.

top three?

Da Liang couldn't help but let out a sneer.

Now that the ruling leader is fully prepared, everything is ready, and the soldiers are strong and strong, it is time to enter the world of heroes and do the territory drawing task in advance.

Da Liang's goal for Judgment Collar's development is to be fast. He would rather hold the blueprints and wait for the construction progress than stop the construction progress and wait for the blueprints.

However, thinking that there are still eight player lords threatening to block the portal of the Judgment in the Heroic Spirit World, Da Liang feels that these military forces are a bit unsafe.

Of course, I'm not alone. You have eight little ghosts, and I also have hardcore brothers.

If counting the support from Yunxiao Ling and Jiuding Ling, Da Liang felt that he could at least use another green dragon and an ancient Behemoth.As for other assistance, Da Liang believed that as long as Xu Man and Boss Jin could provide it, they would definitely not be ambiguous.

Of course, I still have a big trump card in my hand. As the main city of the human race, Shangjiang City also has a portal in the world of heroes, and Joyce, the actual ruler of Shangjiang City, has just "confessed" to my brother. uncertain.

The conditions for the ruling leader to enter the world of heroes are ripe, and there is no longer any delay.

After Da Liang arrived at the meeting room of the adjudicative area, he briefly checked the progress of the city's construction and the reserved resources, and when he felt that there was no problem, he called Shu Xiao and Gu Tao over.

"Come, come, I'll give each of you a good thing first. This is a treasure that I have worked so hard to get, and spent countless manpower and material resources. Take it with you and don't lose it."

While accepting resource allocation in the misty area, Da Liang took the time to complete the hero-for-hero token deal with Sergey.

There are three hero tokens in total, and Da Liang uses one for himself.

Since several important heroes under the Black Fire Leader have tasks, and Julian is currently in an abnormal state and cannot enter the hero order, Da Liang specially selected a blood-sucking sword guard hero for himself.

The other two are of course for Shu Xiao and Gu Tao.

Da Liang gave the hero order to Shu Xiao and Gu Tao.

Shu Xiao glanced at the attributes of the Hero Token and shouted: "Master, for such a good thing, give me more! I have five angels now, so why don't you give me another four yuan to be enough?"

Gu Tao said: "I can carry the hero's equipment with me! It's great, with this hero order, I don't have to go everywhere to find a place to put the Qingjinglong first."

Da Liang criticized Shu Xiao: "Is it okay to read the attribute introduction first before expressing your opinion? Is the word "one person can only equip one hero token" above enough? I have been with me for so long, how can I tell Such unprofessional behavior?"

Shu Xiao said dissatisfiedly: "You still have the face to say that I'm messing around with don't know where you went to play with such a large territory entrusted to me to manage it. Do you know that there is something wrong with building a house all day long? How boring, I want to get rid of me with a hero order, but it's not that easy, so I have to make up for it today."

Da Liang knew what Shu Xiao wanted to do, and said with a smile: "Compensation is compensation. Let's start calling our army, make it bigger, and let the whole world know that our Judgment Legion is going to enter the world of heroes. It's not that there are eight territories in the world of heroes Waiting to teach us a lesson? This time we will have a big fight."

(End of this chapter)

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