Chapter 692
The Black Pearl charged obliquely upwards, and the magical beams of various colors hit the magic shield outside the hull, causing ripples in pieces.Produced by Nicole, the quality is excellent. Even if the opponent uses magic and magic cannons to carry out saturated bombing, the advanced magic prohibition device still operates stably.

After a round of magic, the Black Pearl was already very close to the escort fleet.

Now the Black Pearl cuts in from the rear and lower part of the escort fleet. This direction happens to be a blind spot where the artillery cannot attack. Even the ballistas with a very large shooting angle, only a few on the edge of the poop can fire the ballista at the Black Pearl.

This kind of attack can't cause any damage to the Black Pearl at all. If you want to prevent the Black Pearl from attacking the formation of the escort fleet, you can only use air combat troops to contain it first, and then use the inclination angle to play out the fleet after the formation is completed. The power of the artillery array.

Captain Vernon did the same thing. Since the pirate warship has advanced anti-magic devices, let the air combat troops board the ship forcibly.

The Golden Dragon, Green Dragon and the Silver Pegasus Knights had already approached within 600 meters of the Black Pearl, and it took only a dozen seconds for the two sides to meet each other.At the rear of the air combat unit of the escort fleet, the magic was launched again concentratedly. The target of this magic was not the Black Pearl, but the air combat unit of the escort fleet, various state magics were applied to the green dragon and the silver Pegasus knight.

After releasing their magic, the ship mages all followed up and prepared to board the ship.

The air combat force of the escort fleet formed a bowl-shaped pocket right in front of the Black Pearl, and Da Liang, who was standing on the bridge of the Black Pearl, gave the order to let the air combat troops on board the Black Pearl attack.

At this time, the hatches on the deck of the Black Pearl had already been opened, and Da Liang's order had just been issued. Following two dragon roars, the frost giant thunderstorm and bite roar rushed out first, and then Sophia led the blood-sucking sword guards and all of them melted. They flew away as bats, and the Silver Pegasus knights also flew away from the cabin in a row.

In a short time, the air combat unit of the Black Pearl completed its attack and deployment, and the thunderstorm roared, and all the flying creatures of its own side added a speed boost state.

Da Liang connected his magic power to the magic boosting device on the poop of the Black Pearl, and the magic eye opened. The earth magic and fire magic made the magic eye appear yellow and red when gathering energy. Launched, clusters of magic fountains enveloped all the assembled air combat troops.

Advanced Body Stone Skin
Advanced Body Shield
Advanced Thaumaturgy
Advanced Bloodthirsty Thaumatology
Advanced Fire Thaumaturgy

The status magic release is over.

Immediately afterwards, a series of fireballs were shot from the magic eye of the Black Pearl, flying towards the rushing enemies.

Da Liang hit the first blow of the Black Pearl with a "continuous fireball", and the air combat troops who had completed the state blessing also rushed towards the enemy.

Shu Xiao released the archangel, and she spread her angel wings to fly into the air battle. She took over the command of the air combat unit from Da Liang, and then turned into a white light and rushed into the enemy's flying formation first.

The air combat troops of the two sides collided head-on and quickly entered into a melee. In an instant, the dead Silver Pegasus Knight fell to the sea below.

Gu Tao rode Qingjing Longfei to the periphery of the battle group, providing magic support for the Black Pearl air combat unit.She has mastered advanced water magic, the healing effect is very significant, and can greatly slow down the loss of her own personnel; the instantaneous movement makes the attack diversification; the mirror image method creates a magic mirror image, which can cause great confusion to the enemy.

In the air battle, Shu Xiao commanded and Gu Tao controlled the field.Although the Black Pearl's air combat unit is inferior in number, they still fight the enemy in an orderly manner, firmly guarding the outer airspace of the Black Pearl from being breached.

The ballista equipped on the battleship joined the anti-aircraft battle.

Flying arrows, passing magic, and green and white dragon breaths make the battle anxious.

Da Liang released the archangel he brought to protect Gu Tao, and he commanded the Black Pearl to continue to break through, while using his own magic to provide magical support for the air battle.


The Black Pearl unleashed its battleship skills, and its already amazingly fast speed increased again. It rushed out of the air battle group in one fell swoop, and aimed its bow at the bottom of the battleship above.

After entering the range of the artillery, the four artillery located at the bow of the Black Pearl opened fire first

"Boom boom boom..."

As the flames erupted from the muzzle, four shells shot at the hull of the battleship above, and then the black pearl's topmast fired a Titan thunder.

Because of the bottom-up shooting, although one of the four shells hit the target, the loss of potential energy did not cause damage to the enemy ship's hull, and the shells bounced off when they touched the bottom of the ship lightly.However, the fourth-level magic Titan God Thunder broke through the enemy ship's intermediate-level magic barrier, and hit the enemy ship's hull firmly.

A burst of thunderbolt arc splashed, and cracks appeared in the hit part.

The space battleship attacked by the Black Pearl was another Tier [-] space battleship of the escort fleet - the Rock.Its route was originally under the Rush, and it was responsible for protecting the bottom of the Rush from being attacked, but now his bottom was attacked.

After a hit of magic and a harmless shell, the Rock did not suffer much damage, but as the distance gets closer, the power of the artillery will increase.Moreover, the captain of the Rock found that the enemy pirate battleship was rapidly changing direction, and at the same time tilted the hull to aim the side guns.

If the Rock continues to maintain its course and enters the formation position, it will be fired at close range by twenty artillery pieces from the side and bottom of the stern direction, but its stern cannon cannot return fire due to the influence of the firing angle.If the rock tilted its hull and raised the bow and lowered the stern to fight back with the stern gun, it would not be able to enter the formation normally.

"Boom boom boom..."

The strengthened Black Pearl can withstand greater G-forces, and she entered the shelling position much faster than the captain of the Giant Wood estimated. The 20 broadside guns fired a salvo, and most of the shells hit the target at a distance of 100 meters.

The shell hit the armor of the battleship, causing the hull to vibrate from a distance.Although the aerospace battleship will strengthen the defense of the bow and stern of the ship, these two places are still a weak position of a battleship, especially the stern, where the command center of a battleship, the captain's room and the bridge are located.

Two shells pierced the rock's stern armor, making the rock's captain realize that the enemy's artillery is very powerful, and it is likely to have the blessing of armor-piercing effect.If the opponent is allowed to shoot without interference, the Rock may be severely damaged after it enters the formation position.

The captain of the Rock immediately ordered the warship to change course, turn to tilt the hull in place, meet the enemy with the thick side of the ship, and use the side guns to fight back.

"Commander Vernon, the Rock is under attack and cannot enter the formation. We will contain the enemy ship in place, and ask the fleet to support our ship after the formation is complete..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The broadsides of the Black Pearl fired again.

(End of this chapter)

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