Chapter 815
Now the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has started a large-scale maritime expansion. Under the attack of strong ships and guns and the army of the undead, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has signed many treaty ports in East Asia and Southeast Asia.As an important shareholder of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the admiral of the escort fleet of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the bright Sifang Chamber of Commerce can be said to be making money every day.

In addition to the output of the fishery, the income and expenditure of the ruling... All the game industries entrusted to Boss Jin to manage and manage on his behalf were also counted by Boss Jin, and he gave Da Liang a detailed income and expenditure list.

In the end, Da Liang was taken aback by the assets he owned.

My brother has so much money.

Boss Jin was very happy that Da Liang would make money: "Brother Da Liang, you have so many gold coins in your hand now, and there is still a lot of surplus in the development and ruling collar. Why don't you sell some of them to me? It's investment boom now, and the gold coin reserves of the virtual bank are a little empty .”

Da Liang said: "Not much, I'm afraid it's not enough? Now the whole game progress is going towards the direction of the plane war, and when the fight starts, there won't be enough gold coins to fill it in. I want to keep the money for the battle. Brother Jin , I think virtual banks need to restrain themselves in terms of investment, and the future games are too risky, so there must be a strict control mechanism.”

Boss Jin knew that Da Liang had a deep understanding of this game, and Boss Jin didn't dare to take his words seriously. War can make you rich overnight, and it can also make you bankrupt overnight.Especially in this kind of uncontrollable war, the risk is really great.

Boss Jin kept Da Liang's words in his heart, and then asked: "Can we win the war against the American game zone?"

Da Liang said confidently, "We can win."

If Da Liang said he could win, he would definitely win!
Boss Jin laughed. He had already started to figure out how to make a fortune in this war.

While the big shots were discussing how to cooperate, Da Liang was also thinking about what role he could play in this confrontation.

The first thing that stopped the Northern Lords Alliance was the Japanese and Korean game area, and Tokugawa Nobunaga was at the helm of the Japanese and Korean game area.

Now Tokugawa Nobunaga's Xuyang leader is fully committed to developing the fog area, it can be said that his lifeline has already fallen into the hands of Daliang.It would be better if the Northern Lords Alliance could win over Tokugawa Nobunaga through diplomatic and military means.If Tokugawa Nobunaga doesn't know people, Da Liang must make a big move in the foggy area to let Tokugawa Nobunaga know who he is working for.

Da Liang also has another advantage, which is the cooperation with Brady.

Brady has the vortex passage leading to all the seas of the main world, the exclusive authorization of the two-masted frigate, enough to obtain the right of free navigation in Brady.At that time, his fleet can transit through Brady and reach all the sea areas he wants to reach.

If the American game area and the Chinese game area really want to have a large-scale conflict at sea, Da Liang can threaten their empty coastal territories and garrisons at any time.

This is a strategic advantage of the Chinese game area; another strategic advantage is Shi Fei. As a reborn, he has more experience in the ocean environment and large-scale sea conflicts in the game world than anyone else.

Therefore, the outcome of Da Liang's confrontation is quite optimistic.

The entire Pacific Raiders is a contest of strength between the two game areas.In the early layout of both parties, Da Liang's ruling fleet only needs to act together with the University Alliance.It was ruled that the fleet has fewer soldiers and better soldiers, which is more suitable for the second half.

After heated discussions, the meeting came to a successful conclusion, and the two-hour film "Return to the Angry Sea" also ended at this time.

How strong is the maritime power of China's gaming area?Much of the data and player perception is guesswork.This time, the Alliance of North and South Lords showed all the players their maritime strength.

Especially in the final sea battle, all participating ships and troops appeared on the stage.The crew used special shooting techniques to perfectly show a magnificent battle.

The battle line guns fired at each other, the magic concentrated fire bombed, and the air unit performed a large group attack and team cooperation, the ultimate biological decisive battle.

Progressive and exciting.

In the final clip, the crew also presented the backstage command center of the Northern and Southern Lords Alliance in front of the audience, letting the audience know that during the shooting of the film's battle, there was a logistics team of the same size to provide detailed data for the entire battle chain support.

The Alliance of North and South Lords submitted a perfect answer sheet for all the players in the Chinese game area through this film. With such sea power, it is enough to protect the interests of the players in the Chinese game area at sea.

At the end of the film, the infected players immediately entered the game and devoted themselves to the exploration of the ocean.

When Da Liang returned to the studio, he saw Shu Xiao and Gu Tao sitting together, discussing something with their heads bowed.

For Gu Tao, Da Liang's mood is a bit complicated.

A slender lady is a gentleman.

Of course Da Liang likes a girl who is gentle and caring, with both beauty and connotation.But at that time, Da Liang couldn't overcome a hurdle in his heart. He wanted to pursue it with all his strength, but he was worried that he would miss his real wife.

"Is it her?" When dating Gu Tao, Da Liang asked himself more often.

On the contrary, when he was with Shu Xiao, Da Liang seldom thought about these things.

After being pushed back by Shu Xiao, Da Liang has completely let go of his burden...

Shi Fei's past life was his past life, brother just needs to live his own life well.Shu Xiao is pretty good, and Gu Tao is also pretty good, if...


Shu Xiao looked up and saw Da Liang who was caught in a silly smirk there, knowing that his brain was starting to convulse again, so he shouted: "Master, what are you doing, the movie is over, and I don't see you coming out."

Hearing Shu Xiao's voice, Da Liang shivered all over, and felt a chill down his crotch.

Then... I felt the aroma in my nostrils, and my arm was held by a woman, and then the flash lights shone around.

The reporters gathered around, and more than a dozen microphones poked in front of Da Liang.

"Mr. Daliang, Ms. Banyuemao, may I ask what kind of relationship you have outside the game? Seeing that you are so close, have you already confirmed your relationship?"

The one holding Da Liang is the half-moon cat.

As the heroine of "Returning from the Angry Sea", Ban Yue Mao, who attended the premiere, specially wore a red dress. Her long hair was coiled up to make her neck look white and long, her exposed shoulders were delicate and smooth, and her deep collarbone fossa was sexy and charming.

Ban Yuemao stood next to Da Liang very naturally. Facing such an ambiguous question from the reporter, she glanced at Da Liang affectionately and replied: "Mr. Da Liang is young and promising, and he is very confident. During the filming, he Take good care of me. Everyone knows that many scenes in "Return to the Wrath" are shot in actual combat, and you may be killed if you are not careful. This kind of death in the game is actually not a big deal, but if you encounter any danger The lens, Mr. Da Liang will protect me in time, which makes me very touched."

(End of this chapter)

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