start an archangel

Chapter 818 Investigation

Chapter 818 Investigation
Since sneaking in and breaking in is not enough, all that is left is to lure the enemy and divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Taking advantage of the fact that Janna, who had searched, hadn't involved them in the battle, Da Liang asked Shu Xiao and Gu Tao to use it to return to the city, and the three of them returned to the Judgment Area together.

Da Liang lays out a new plan.

"It seems that this investigation is more difficult than I imagined, but this battle also shows that Deep Sea Janna is very vengeful, killing them and a patrol team attracted a group.

We can use Janna's habit to lure them out of the settlement in batches.Then airborne directly above their heads for forced reconnaissance. "

Both Shu Xiao and Gu Tao felt that Da Liang's proposal was feasible.

So the three-person team continued to move.

Locate the teleport first, then sneak in from the other side of the Janna enclave.Use the fastest speed to eliminate a Janna patrol team. When a group of Jannas are attracted, the three of Da Liang use the return to the city to return to the Judgment Territory before being involved in the battle.

Continue to carry out sneak attacks on the Janna gathering place from all directions through positioning teleportation, and waves of deep sea Janna are attracted out, and the density of Janna in the core sea area gradually becomes sparse.

After a new surprise attack, the number of attracted Jannas decreased significantly, Da Liang, Shu Xiao, and Gu Tao came to the airspace above the target again.

"This time we rushed straight down. Shu Xiao and Julian took the lead. I provided magic support in the middle, and Taozi was responsible for assisting after the break. No matter what obstacles we encounter this time, we will not hesitate to rush directly. After taking the image of the coordinate position, Immediately retreat upwards. Out of the sea, these Jannas will have nothing to do with us.

Tao Zi pays attention to protecting us and uses teleportation a lot. "

After all, Da Liang called Julian out.

Shu Xiao flipped and dived down to the sea below, followed by Julian, and then overtook Shu Xiao when he was close to the sea, and was the first to rush into the water.

Da Liang and Gu Tao followed up one by one, and blessed everyone with buff magic alternately.

This is the sky above the Janna gathering place, and the Super Strike Squad was immediately discovered by the Jannas staying behind as soon as they entered the water.

Da Liang turned on the video recording function, and all the Jannas in the camera were coming upwards, and the large elite Jannas obviously accounted for a large proportion.

Janna blocking the view in front made it impossible for Da Liang to take a complete image of the bottom of the sea.

"Continue to dive and prepare for battle!"

Da Liang threw a few meteorites downwards, and the huge meteorites fell downwards, causing Jannas along the way to dodge one after another.Gu Tao, who was following Da Liang, released a few freezing spells, and large ice balls were formed underwater. The buoyancy dragged the ice balls up, and then collided with the falling meteorite.

The impact created local turbulence, which left many gaps in the originally neat Janna team.

Julian and Shu Xiao rushed over immediately. They hid behind a meteorite and attacked the Jannas who lost their balance.Da Liang used a force field shield to protect the team's flanks, while Gu Tao used teleportation to gather the team members behind the meteorite, which provided a downward barrier for the team.

If the Jannas wanted to attack, they could only bypass the meteorite and attack from the side.

The Archangel Walsh and the Azure Crystal Dragon Emily were released.Da Liang also put on the iron stone armor, and took out a sword with good attributes
, with Shu Xiao and Julian, relying on the force field shield to form a small defensive circle.

The battle officially broke out.

The Jannas who had circled the meteorite re-formed, and then charged towards Da Liang and the others in a small group.Facing the tight defensive formation, they did not rush to attack, but passed by the strike team at the fastest speed, and the moment they passed by, their tails swung violently.

The sea water was stirred up, and the turbulent current made it difficult for Da Liang and the others to keep their positions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the surrounding Jannas rushed forward.

This place is directly above the gathering place of Janna, so Janna's attack is a bit crazy.They attacked the strike teams from the side doors and from above, and some Jannas tried to push the falling meteors away.

The members of the Super Strike Team fought with the Jannas, their skills split the sea water, their magic flickered, and they collided again and again, making muffled thunder under the water, spreading to farther seas

Da Liang led his team to resist with all his might. He fought an elite Janna with a sword, and pushed the opponent out immediately after the "Expulsion" skill cooled down.Elite level monsters are equivalent to heroes. Da Liang is still unable to expel elite level Janna to other planes, but he can easily push elite level Janna a hundred meters away.

Before the new Janna could fill in, Da Liang quickly threw out all the magic spells that could be released.

summon iron fist

A series of powerful spells stopped Janna's attacking momentum, Julian and Shu Xiao rushed out to fight a small counterattack, and then when they were about to be besieged, Gu Tao used teleportation to pull them back one by one.

From entering the water to the present, everything happened in a very short time.

After Janna's strong attack was repelled, Da Liang and the others were still less than 20 meters away from the bottom of the sea.

Here you can already clearly see the entire Janna settlement, as well as the Jannas who came to support them from all directions.Those Jannas who were lured away by Da Liang and the others, when their settlement was attacked by invaders, they didn't have the heart to hunt down the murderers who attacked the patrol team, and rushed back to help as quickly as possible.

Da Liang quickly took pictures of the entire Jana settlement, and then immediately led the team upstream.

At this time, the Jannas' second attack had begun, and more Jannas joined in.The invasion of the colony aroused the greatest anger of the Jannas, and all the deep sea monsters that Janna tamed were driven out.

An octopus more than ten meters long, a sailfish that can penetrate the armor of a battleship, and groups of bloodthirsty white sharks.

What was even more frightening was that a leader-level Janna with a length of nearly ten meters also joined the chasing team. He held a long-handled battle ax in his hand and split a meteorite in half with one swing.

"Quick, quick, quick retreat."

Da Liang released a large exploding flame. Although the fire magic was suppressed underwater and did not produce enough lethal effect, the heat of the fire evaporated a large number of bubbles on the sea water.

The bubbles disturbed the Jannas' line of sight, and many Jannas who were rushing too quickly collided with each other, causing a series of chain collisions.

The pressure on the strike team was instantly relieved. Julian resumed his archangel form, knocked away all the Jannas blocking the way with his size, and then broke through the water and soared into the sky.

The other team members rushed out of the water one by one, followed by the Jannas chasing up.

They leaped high from the water, threw their bone spears at Da Liang and them, then fell back to the surface of the sea unwillingly, and finally the leader-level Janna rushed out.

He rushed higher, and sprayed a jet of water from his mouth, rolling towards Gu Tao who fell last.

And at this moment, Julian fell from the sky...

Holy blow!

Julian smashed the Chief Janna back into the sea with a shield.

 Thanks to the cat who went to heaven for the 200 yuan reward.

(End of this chapter)

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