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Chapter 824 What is Blasphemy

Chapter 824 What is Blasphemy
The Sorrowful Lord thinks his Eviscerated Pope is in control.

But only Da Liang knew that this meeting had actually gotten out of control.

In such a situation where everyone around him hates and rejects him, the best situation for Da Liang is that Yargu firmly stands on the ultimate belief.

In this case, even if the impulse of the Protestantism and the old religion had to be resolved by force in the end.However, if Protestantism has cathedrals, churches in the misty area, and churches in the shadow area, the spread of Protestantism can be completed even if wars are launched.

For Da Liang, this is the safest situation.

But now...Yargu's [-]-[-] split made Da Liang very uncomfortable.

Yargu didn't give Da Liang a chance to think too much, he directly asked Da Liang at the other end of the conference table: "Pontiff Eviscerate, let me ask you... Did you propose the ultimate belief?"

A very sharp question, which made Da Liang the focus of the audience in an instant.

All the heroes are waiting for Da Liang's answer.

Yes or no……

Da Liang had no choice.

In the confrontation between the ultimate belief and the old religion, he can't back down in any way, answering "no" at this time, maybe he can save himself, but in the future, he can't even think about making any further progress on the line of the city of sighs.

And answering "yes" is undoubtedly going from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, so that all the old religious forces will target themselves.Everyone is happy to be able to successfully promote Protestantism, but if it fails...just being convicted of framing Yargu will make Daliang lose most of the interests he currently has in the City of Sighs.

Da Liang didn't hesitate, he stood up from his seat, his voice echoed in the parliament hall: "Yes, the ultimate belief was proposed by me..."

If Da Liang admitted that he was the proposer of the ultimate belief before Yargu came in, it would definitely attract criticism from the entire meeting.But after Yargu came in, he was the representative of all churches and territories. He had just expressed his attitude and gave the ultimate faith a chance to speak.

Therefore, when Da Liang admitted that he was the creator of the ultimate belief, this expected result did not arouse the excitement of the crowd, but they all waited to see what Algu would do next.

Now that both sides have shown their cards to show their positions, Yargu said to Da Liang: "Thanks to Pope Eviscerate, I have listened carefully to the newly compiled Wugou Doctrine many times, and I also know what the ultimate belief is.

Among the ultimate beliefs, the core and most controversial is that the believers of the ultimate belief want to become gods and serve the god of death as gods.

Is it considered blasphemy to try to become the same existence as the god of death? "

Without waiting for Da Liang to answer, a priest stood up from the gallery and said, "I am very happy to hear that the ultimate faith has been publicly mentioned in the parliament, and I am willing to admit that I am a believer in the ultimate faith. I think becoming God is not a blasphemy against the god of death, we just want to get closer to the god of death.

Like I can see my monarch now, what I say can be heard by the monarch.As for the undead outside, although they also know that the monarch is their master, they will never see the monarch until they die.

I am sitting here through my own efforts, and I also want to sit closer to the monarch through my efforts. Does anyone think this is a blasphemy against the monarch? "

The sad monarch said: "It is very inappropriate for you to use me as a metaphor for the god of death. We are all citizens of the god of death. Your remarks must be punished, and you will not be allowed to participate in the meeting of the city of sighs for five years. But I can understand that you To my loyalty, you can sit closest to me at this meeting...

In addition, I hope you can control your speech, I don't want to hear any more blasphemy about death. "

Then the Sad Lord pointed to the position in front of him and asked Will to place a chair.

The Protestant believers who just spoke were really excited, sitting closer to the Lord of Sorrows than the Speaker of Argu, what a grace this is!Moreover, Will moved the seat himself, which undead can have such treatment?

Protestant believers sat tremblingly in front of the sad monarch, which is definitely a very encouraging signal for Protestant believers.

The ultimate belief was greatly encouraged, and immediately other Protestants stood up, declared themselves Protestants and showed that the ultimate belief had absolutely no intention of blaspheming death.

But the Protestantism also ushered in the refutation of the old religious forces.

The two sides insist on their own opinions, quarreling and even preparing to fight.

At this time, Speaker Yargu said: "Be quiet! I'm asking Pope Eviscerate! I want to hear, as the proposer of the ultimate belief, under what circumstances did he come up with the ultimate belief? And why do you think his thought has no Blasphemy against Death?"

The venue was immediately quiet, and everyone looked at Da Liang again, waiting for his answer.

When did you come up with Ultimate Belief?

This thing is that your monarch put a knife on my brother's neck, and my brother was just talking nonsense. I never thought that this situation would come out.

I don't understand whether the ultimate belief is blasphemy against the god of death?

But brother will never admit it.

Da Liang maintained a steady speech speed and said: "Living and undead have very different perceptions of the world. Since living things have a limited lifespan, we are all used to spending a limited amount of time exploring and understanding. Among living things, The lifespan of the human race is even shorter, so the human race is the most adventurous and imaginative race.

Therefore, after I believed in the God of Death, I became curious about everything about the God of Death. However, the records of the God of Death in the Wugou teachings were far from satisfying my desire for knowledge, so I came up with the idea of ​​seeing the God of Death with my own eyes.

Then this idea gradually turned into an ultimate belief. I want to have the identity of a god if I want to see the god of death.

As for whether there is blasphemy against the god of death?Only the god of death can answer this answer. Trying to judge who blasphemed him instead of the god of death is precisely the real blasphemy against the god of death...

I would like to this hall, who is qualified to refuse the audience of us believers of the ultimate faith instead of God of Death? "

This hat is a bit big.

The loud voice made all those old believers who accused the ultimate belief of blasphemy of the god of death just retract their heads.

At the same time, everyone is also thinking about how the god of death will treat these believers who are going to visit him.

At this time, Yargu said: "Yes, none of us is qualified to replace the god of death to decide anything. But can you really become a god? If becoming a god is just your delusion, then the ultimate belief will only make believers become confused and confused in the end. confusion.

The belief of innocence has existed in the kingdom of death for countless years. It constitutes the order of death and is the basis for the rulers of death to rule this plane.

If the believers who believe in the ultimate belief fall into chaos after it is finally proved that they cannot become gods, causing turmoil in the kingdom of death, I think it is better to continue to maintain our current state.

Undead don't think too much and give everything when they're damned. "

(End of this chapter)

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