start an archangel

Chapter 841 The Princess and the Dragon

Chapter 841 The Princess and the Dragon
In the World of Heroes game, there are traces of what can fly and what can't. Either it has wings, or it has air masses, or it is a substance that can float.

Crystal dragons don't look like a race that is good at flying. Their super high defense and strength mean that their bodies are too heavy. Even if they fly, they are extremely cumbersome. It is better not to fly.

In addition, Da Liang flew over from the sky, and the Crystal Dragon did not intercept it in the air, but lay in ambush on the ground, which is not something a flying species would do.

Therefore, Da Liang made a judgment on the crystal dragons that they could not fly. Even if the patriarch of the crystal dragons or a small number of crystal dragons can move in the air through skills, most of the crystal dragons can only run on the ground.

The advantages of flying creatures over ground creatures are too obvious. No matter how powerful the ground is, there is no air power, and they can only shrink their heads and be beaten in the face of air bombing.No matter how strong your defensive ability is, no matter how high your magic resistance is, it's just a few more rounds of magic.

Through the layout of the entire crystal mining area, it can also be seen that the crystal dragon clan is in a comprehensive defense. The narrow defensive circle and crystal camouflage all reveal that the crystal dragon can only rely on crystal clusters to confuse enemies attacking from the air and share the burden from the sky. Magic bombing.

Da Liang's words pierced the sore spot of the Patriarch of the Crystal Dragon.

It can't fly, and it can't exert its power no matter how great it is.

However, in order to gain shelter, the patriarch of the crystal dragon can only continue to put on a tough and powerful posture.

"You should be thankful that we can't fly, otherwise we wouldn't talk to you, but just drove you out of the magic forest. We have fought many times, and we really have nothing to do with the flying purple dragon, but you It is also impossible to attack our crystal area. If you do not agree to our request, the war will only continue forever, and the entire forest will become our hunting ground for hunting purple dragons, unless you never land and never leave your fairy garden, Otherwise, like Princess Ziling, she will be killed or captured by us.

Of course, we crystal dragons will also be killed, but you will die more. "

The negotiations have reached an impasse, which also means that Da Liang's identity will not be suspected for the time being.If Da Liang proposed to suspend the negotiations at this time, the Crystal Dragons would not stop him from leaving, and the Crystal Dragon patriarch certainly didn't think about asking for the land through a negotiation.

But... retreating without gaining anything is not in line with Da Liangyan's style of plucking hair. If this kind of big plot doesn't follow up to reap benefits, Tokugawa Nobunaga probably wouldn't be able to do it, right?
Da Liang said to the Crystal Dragon patriarch: "I agree with you, patriarch, war is not good for us, but you are invaders after all. The magic forest is our home. Since you have lost your home, you should understand that we protect ourselves Territorial determination. In order to protect their homeland, Zilong will not be afraid of any enemies, nor will it be afraid of any sacrifices.

Lord patriarch, I advise you to take your people and leave here. If the crystal dragon is wiped out in the magic forest, then you will never be able to go home. "

The head of the Crystal Dragon stood up and stretched out the dragon's head in front of Da Liang: "Are you threatening me?"

Da Liang kept his seated posture and replied calmly: "Patriarch, please restrain your behavior. The crystal dragon clan invaded our land and kidnapped our princess. This is not something a noble dragon clan can do.

Patriarch, you should understand that what you get through extortion is to plant the lead for the next war.

Even if you traded the Purple Spirit Princess for the land, do you think it is possible for the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon to coexist peacefully in this forest?

In an environment of mutual hostility, there are too many excuses to start a war.

Lord patriarch, I suggest you return our princess and leave the magic forest with the crystal dragon clan.The world is so big, why do you have to come here to fight for land? "

The patriarch of the crystal dragon withdrew his momentum, and he said: "Yes, the world is very big and there are many planes. But to make crystal veins produce new crystal dragons, you need the power of obelisk towers. And the whole world has obelisks. In the plane of the stone tower, the only one we crystal dragons can beat is your purple dragon clan."


It turns out that the Zilong Dragon Clan is still a soft persimmon...

But what is the obelisk?
Afraid of exposing his ignorance and causing suspicion, Da Liang didn't dare to ask in detail, but the power of the obelisk can produce crystal dragons, so it must be a very high-end prop, an extremely high-end prop.

Now, Da Liang has a general understanding of the relationship of the whole incident.

First of all, the homeland of the crystal dragon should also be an independent was captured by people, and then the crystal dragon clan was driven out.

The home of the crystal dragon clan should also have an obelisk tower that can produce crystal dragons from the crystal veins. Without the obelisk tower, the crystal dragons will be extinct sooner or later if they are not replenished.And Zilong, who owns another obelisk, is a soft persimmon. At least Crystal Dragon thinks he can fight here, as long as he can fight for a piece of land, he may turn salty fish over.

So the crystal dragon invaded the magic forest.

Now Crystal Dragon is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.Without the power of the obelisk, they would have exterminated their clan, so why not grab a piece of land in the magic forest while they still have the strength.

Anyway, it is about the survival of the race, and it is basically impossible for Zilong to drive Crystal Dragon away peacefully.

Things are more complicated than what Da Liang initially imagined.

If a war between Zilong and Crystal Dragon is inevitable, Da Liang tends to side with Zilong.If necessary, the black fire collar can also provide support for Zilong, with massive cannon fodder support.

But first of all, we need to see what kind of dragon Zilong is, and whether it is worth investing heavily in this group.

The only thing that is certain now is that Zilong must be a natural 15th-level creature just like Crystal Dragon.

As for the specific strength... Crystal Dragon seems to have one in his hand.

Da Liang said to the patriarch of Crystal Dragon: "This is indeed an irrefutable reason... No matter whether we are enemies or neighbors in the future, on behalf of myself, I express my regret and sympathy for the loss of Crystal Dragon's homeland. Now, I want to see our Princess Ziling, and under your surveillance, have a closed dialogue."

The goodwill expressed by Da Liang at the right time made the patriarch of the Crystal Dragon take back all his power. He said: "I also apologize for the act of kidnapping the Purple Spirit Dragon Ball. This is indeed not something a noble dragon should do, but for the sake of the Crystal Dragon I can't help but survive.

You can meet Princess Ziling. I guarantee that she has not been abused except for being restricted in her scope of action. "

The patriarch of the crystal dragon ordered a crystal dragon to take Princess Ziling.

After a while, at one end...a beautiful girl who looked like a human race in a blue and white magic robe was brought over.

(End of this chapter)

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