start an archangel

Chapter 857 The Arrival of Players

Chapter 857 The Arrival of Players
Facing Yargu's sarcasm, Da Liang said: "I only do things that are beneficial to me. Now the higher the Lord of Sorrow stands, the higher my status will be. Speaker, the rotten undead need a farsighted Lord of Death .If the Lord of Sorrow and other Lords of Death stand together, it will only delay the time of demise."

Argu doesn't know what will happen in the future, but the interests of the city of sighs are his interests. Since the sad monarch wants to be the first monarch, as a subordinate, he must do his best for the ambition of the monarch.

"Hope you're right."

"I also hope mine is right, now let's watch the battle in Evernight City here together."

Da Liang originally wanted to watch the battle in the Cathedral of Eternal Night City, but he didn't even have the idea of ​​bringing his bodyguards to make up for mistakes on the battlefield.

The battlefield of this battle is too dangerous. The number of ultimate creatures participating in the battle cannot be counted, let alone those advanced heroes whose strength has reached the 14th and 15th ranks.The personal guards with archangels, shadow dragon demons, and ancestors of the blood clan can handle small-scale battles with ease, but in a battle of this level of plane decisive battle, they can't even turn a flower.

Da Liang came to the Cathedral of Eternal Night City with only one purpose, and that was to bring the Crystal Dragon in to resist the attack of the angels when the Cathedral retreated.

But...Da Liang's idea of ​​being a spectator backfired. Shu Xiao sent a message at this time that the main force of Judgment Legion and Yunxiao Legion had entered the battlefield of Eternal Night City.

How did they get in?
The civil war in the kingdom of the dead is currently the largest and most advanced war plot in the game, which has naturally attracted widespread attention from players.However, since the war takes place in the realm of the undead plane, it is difficult for non-undead players to participate in this task.Even though they reached Eternal Night City through various channels, their racial identities restricted them from accepting missions in the two camps of the Death Lord and the Cyan Alliance.

However, when the decisive battle in Eternal Night City was about to break out, Yunzhong City suddenly released many territory missions and legion missions in the Heroic Spirit World, and the Magic Forest also had territory missions and legion missions.

The rewards for this kind of big plot war mission are generally very generous. The Judgment Territory belongs to the Territory of the Human Race, and the Territory of Yunxiao belongs to the Territory of the Elf Race. The activated teleportation array arrived at Eternal Night City.

"Master, we have already reached the outskirts of Eternal Night City. The death army of the cyan coalition army is everywhere, and there are legions of players everywhere. We can't even see Eternal Night City. How can we fight?"

Being able to fight, Shu Xiao is the happiest.But when she arrived at the battlefield of Eternal Night City with the main force of the Judgment Legion, [-] players, and saw an army of tens of millions, and a sea of ​​undead that could not be seen, she was confused.

I can't even see the Eternal Night City, how to do the mission?

At this time, all the players who received the mission and arrived on the battlefield were also blocked from the battlefield by the undead army of the cyan coalition army.Some players tried to pass through the formation of the cyan coalition army, but they were immediately attacked by undead soldiers. Even the undead players who accepted the quest of the cyan coalition army could not disrupt the formation of the coalition army.

You can't even fly from above.

The commander of the cyan coalition is Boswell, a strict commander who dares to kill his own subordinates for the sake of military discipline, let alone these adventurers who belong to the role of mercenaries.

There is an army of more than ten kilometers between the players and Eternal Night City. When the war really starts, they probably won't reach Eternal Night City until the second half of the game.When the victory is confirmed, it will be easy to play, but the rewards will definitely not be too much.

The Judgment Legion and the Cloud Legion temporarily stationed on a slope, and the flags of the two world's top legions prevented other players from approaching.Surrounding them is also an army of players gathered together, there is a large army of 2000 people, and there are also small groups of dozens of people.These legions come from all over the world, in different regions, and in different languages, but the same thing is that all of them are blocked by the cyan coalition forces outside Eternal Night City.

For this war that the cyan coalition forces must win, it is beneficial to enter Eternal Night City earlier, so how to get closer to Eternal Night City has become the first problem for every commander of the leading army.

At this time, it depends on how the players are doing in their respective planes, and whether they have established a good relationship with key npcs, so the legion commanders are all eight immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers.

Many players who stood in the cyan coalition camp early in the morning took action one after another. They met many wizards and death lords during the mission.Under the guidance of the wizard and the death lord, these player teams smoothly entered the army formation of the cyan coalition army, and walked towards the position close to Evernight City.

The leader of the human race army with a high mission in the world of heroes can also find angels with connections and status. Under the leadership of these angels, they also smoothly entered the army formation of the cyan coalition army.

Elf players are more difficult to deal with, and the cyan coalition strictly prohibits Dream Forest from participating in the battle.However, the Fantasy Forest has opened up many secret observation points on the battlefield of Eternal Night City. Therefore, as long as you have a very high task rate in the Magic Forest and a very strong relationship, you can also reach places closer to Eternal Night City through the portals of these observation points. .

Xu Man obtained the cloud collar of the elves early on, and now she has completed the upgrade to level 7 collar, so her task level in the Dream Forest is still relatively high.After going back and forth to the fantasy forest several times to contact a well-known NPC, the Cloud Legion was allowed to reach a frontline observation point of Evernight City in the fantasy forest through a secret portal.

"This location is about seven kilometers away from Eternal Night City. Basically, it is the best position that players can reach. Flying sand and walking stones can only bring his master army to a position five kilometers away from Eternal Night City. In this way, we can Enter Eternal Night City faster than most players, and can complete more legion missions and territory missions." Xu Man was a little excited to be able to get such a position, after all, most players are even close to the blue coalition army formation. No way was found, and the player corps that could enter the cyan coalition army formation were all about ten kilometers away, and most of them were more than ten kilometers away.Cloud Lingling has seized a great opportunity at the start.

But Xu Man was a little worried that the Judgment Legion hadn't found a way to enter the Cyan Allied Forces.

It was really too late to get the Judgment Collar, and because of Da Liang, the Judgment Collar did not develop smoothly in the Heroic Spirit World. It has just improved a little recently, and it is no longer being troubled by the angels in Cloud City.Therefore, it should be more difficult to enter the cyan coalition army through the relationship of Cloud City City.

Gu Tao said at this time: "If it doesn't work, I will go to my magic teacher. He is the elf envoy of the Dream Forest, a 15th-level hero. Although he is living in seclusion, he might be able to meet the big shots in the Dream Forest."

Shu Xiao said: "To meet important people, I guess we need to do tasks to cultivate goodwill. When the goodwill is cultivated, the war here will be over long ago. I have already notified Da Liang that he can even meet Metatron in Cloudsdale City." Now, it should be possible to bring the Judgment Legion into the Cyan Alliance Army."

Xu Man was shocked: "No way, Da Liang could see Metatron? He seems to be the supreme angel with a very high status in Cloud City. I heard that when Michael was not in the world of heroes, it was Metatron. Long is managing Cloud City, and Gabriel, the supreme angel who leads the angelic legion in the kingdom of death, is still below Metatron in the ranking."

(End of this chapter)

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