start an archangel

Chapter 860 Frontline

Chapter 860 Frontline
Shi Fei disconnected the communication with the Fool. This guy is indeed a racist like his previous life, and all the members of the temple are white.

But that's because the strength of Cloud City makes the Holy Church stronger.

In this life, he led Orion to surpass the Holy Church in terms of strength. After the sudden rise of Mieshi joined the shadow of death, the Holy Church has been squeezed to the third position.

At this time, the Fool still looks down on players with other skin colors... It is really hopeless.

Hope the fool can understand the situation.Although in the npc situation, the cyan coalition has an advantage, but in the player camp confrontation, neither Orion nor the temple dare to accept camp missions at will, in case they are drawn into the camp confrontation by the shadow of death.

If the Holy Church and Orion want to make a difference in this war, they must find a way to fight against the destruction of the world.The personal force of Mieshi is too strong, and it may not be beneficial to cooperate with the shadow of death and dispatch all the temple and Orion.

The best way is to mobilize the power of NPCs to fight against them.

Because the Holy Church was killed in the City of Sighs because of Holy Brandon, the trust of Cloud City in them was greatly reduced, and it was almost impossible to mobilize the power of the angels.And Orion...

The cyan coalition absolutely does not allow the troops from the Dreamland to openly appear on the battlefield of Eternal Night City. Although they belong to the good camp, they cannot change the hostile relationship between the Kingdom of Death and the Dreamland.

Then the only thing that can be used is the Cyan Alliance, and the Holy Church and Orion don't have a good relationship in the Cyan Alliance.

At this time, Da Liang, who could easily enter the stronghold of the cyan coalition forces, became the best candidate to fight against Mieshi.

But... The Fool is really stupid, it makes people anxious.

After finishing the call with the Fool, Shi Fei didn't care what he would decide.It would be better if Da Liang could be recruited into the Holy Church. You can watch him bite the dog with the Mieshigou, and the Juggernaut Legion can benefit from it; The sanctuary and the shadow of death, the dreamland does not have too important tasks here.

It’s just that the positions of the Judgment Legion and the Cloud Legion are so good that they can enter Eternal Night City at the beginning of the war, and the cyan coalition army will be the vanguard, and the cyan coalition army barracks will guard the retreat.

In comparison, the Juggernaut Legion is five kilometers away from Eternal Night City, and it is still in the corner of the mountain...

"Notify the Overlord Legion to prepare to move their location. We need to be closer to Eternal Night City. Pay attention to planting the legion assembly flag, we may encounter stragglers from Eternal Night City on the way."

Under the command of Shi Fei, the Juggernaut Army began to march towards Eternal Night City.

The Fool is also thinking about what Feishazoshi said.

In the city of sighs, he encountered the shadow of death consecutively. Not only was he wiped out twice by the group, but the mission NPC Holy Brandon also died.Cloud City's trust in the Holy Church has reached the bottom. If they don't make some achievements in Eternal Night City, they will face the danger of being disbanded.

Of course the Fool knows that Da Liang is much stronger than Braveheart. So far, the Fort Socrates who were beaten by Da Liang have not regained their strength. I don’t know how many businesses use the Lionheart Fortress as the background to promote themselves. Braveheart is really good this time. He was cheated to death.

But the Fool wants to make the Sanctuary into a white group, and let a yellow-skinned player join in, isn't it making himself sick?

However, if they couldn't control Mieshi, the Holy Church wouldn't dare to operate in Eternal Night City, and if they couldn't complete the faction tasks, they couldn't save Yunzhong City's confidence in the Holy Church.Once the church is disbanded, the founders of the new church don't necessarily have to be of any color.

The Fool will never allow himself to be led by a yellow or black person in the future.

Then... In order to maintain the current church, it is not impossible to recruit a subordinate of the yellow race.

Therefore, the Fool established a call with Da Liang through some channels.

"Lord Daliang, hello. I am the Fool of the Temple. Presumably you should know by now that there is a player faction against the team in the game, that's right... I am the leader of the player faction against the team under the Cloud City City.

As a top team of players, I think your ability qualifies to be a member of ours.

Are you willing to become a glorious templar and contribute your strength in the war between good and evil? "

Da Liang was originally in the magic barracks of the Cyan Allied Forces, enjoying the adoring gazes of Shu Xiao, Gu Tao, and Xu Man, bragging by the way, but the Judgment Legion received a communication request from the Fool.

Isn't the fool the fool of the temple?Nine out of ten people from the Holy Church are also in Eternal Night City, and there may be a faction confrontation here.No matter what purpose the Fool is looking for at this time, let's listen to what he wants to do first.

Da Liang connected to the communication with the Fool, but the Fool's tone of being superior, I think you are your luck, made Da Liang very unhappy.

"I don't want to. I hate the most when someone talks about contribution over benefits."

The Fool was very uncomfortable being held back by Da Liang's words, but the energy shown by Da Liang in the cyan coalition is what the Holy Church needs most now, so the Fool could only suppress his anger and continued: "The player's camp against the team is currently the top player in the game. Group, join us, you can enjoy unimaginable rights and resources. We serve Yunshangcheng. According to the current development progress of the game, Yunshangcheng will definitely rule the world, and our church will become the strongest player group.

This is definitely the best opportunity for you, join us, you will step out of the circle of the Chinese game area and enter the international stage of the game. "

"Brother is now on the stage of the plane. Don't use the benefits of Sesame Point to seduce me. If you give me the command of the temple, I can consider taking you to fly."

After all, Da Liang, the leader of the shadow of death, felt that the Fool couldn't say anything new, so he turned off the communication directly.

Then discuss with Xu Man how to cut a big cake with little damage in this war.

Now that the legion is in the best position on the entire battlefield, Xu Man couldn't hide the excitement in her heart. She said: "Da Liang, you are really good at playing this game! Not only will our legion follow the first wave of attack by the cyan coalition army, it will be able to enter the eternal war!" In Night City, this barracks is also very safe as a place to plant flags.

It's just that the originally designated war plan is completely useless, and the most advanced Eternal Night City has great opportunities and great dangers. "

Shu Xiao also said: "Yes... the confrontation at the beginning of the battle must be very strong. In such a large-scale war, if a large magic falls, we may damage hundreds of people. We must plan well...

I think that to attack Eternal Night City, it is impossible for the cyan coalition forces to advance across the board. There must be several main attack points. Concentrate the most elite forces to penetrate and divide Eternal Night City into small pieces that cannot support and communicate with each other, and then point by point. The advance of the point eats up these urban areas.

As long as we can see the right time, when the cyan coalition forces start to erode the advantages of these urban areas, our two legions can cooperate to follow up and make up the knife, so that we can achieve great results with small damage. "

Xu Man nodded and approved of Shu Xiao's strategy: "That's the way to fight. But Evernight City is so big, we can't disperse, and the timing of intervention is not easy to grasp, so we still have to put our own safety as the top priority. I would rather give up some of the victories, Don't do too much damage."

Gu Tao said on the side: "It would be great if we had the battle map of the cyan coalition forces. Knowing their attack sequence, we can arrange and investigate in advance."

Shu Xiao said: "The battle map of the cyan coalition? It is the top secret, how could it be leaked out. We are in such a good position now, as long as we don't rush forward in this battle, we will definitely gain a lot."

At this time, Da Liang said: "The battle map of the cyan coalition? I have this thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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