start an archangel

Chapter 865 Infiltration

Chapter 865 Infiltration

The speed of the battleship's descent was gradually slowing down. Air units sent by the Cyan Allied Forces and the Eternal Night City Defenders arrived one after another. They rushed forward to fight together without stopping to observe.

The angels stationed on the ship fought hard to resist the attack of the defenders of Eternal Night City and prevented the enemy from boarding the ship.The artillery and catapults on the battleship constantly use barrage to attack the enemy trying to get close.

The magic amplification device of the space battleship needs to slow down the speed of the battleship's fall, and cannot provide magic support for its own side.At the same time, due to the insufficient supply of magic power, the strength of the magic-proof shield generated by the magic-proof device was also greatly reduced.

Some of the magic shot from the ground penetrated through the magic shield, and erupted and wreaked havoc around the hull.

In order to compete for this space battleship.The two warring parties continued to send more troops to the landing site of the warship, and this urban area instantly became the most intense fighting place on the entire battlefield
Da Liang immediately contacted Shu Xiao after seeing the falling Tier [-] space battleship, "Did you see that Angel battleship that fell?"

Shu Xiao was leading people to fly towards the battleship, but the battle that broke out around the space battleship made her not know how to snatch it. The holy angels and dracolich all appeared on the battlefield. Not even a single flower can splash.We had no choice but to land at a place far away from the battle first, looking for an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

"I see... Now Cloud City, Cyan Allied Forces and Eternal Night City are all vying for that space battleship. It's a big guy, if we can grab it, we can go sideways in the main world in the future."

Da Liang slowly flew towards the space battleship. There was already a battlefield there. He was wearing a bishop's robe. Once he was targeted by the cyan coalition forces, he would definitely send heavy troops to encircle him.

After finding Shu Xiao's location on the map, Da Liang said to her: "Not to mention whether we can snatch it, even if we really let us snatch this space battleship. If Yunzhong City comes to ask for it, what should we do?"

"That's right!" Shu Xiao finally thought of this point, space battleships are not those scattered and abandoned weapons and equipment on the battlefield.Such a big guy, inside and out are all high-end alchemy products, and the Judgment Legion here represents the Judgment Leader.If I drive this battleship away by myself and Yunzhongcheng comes to ask for it, will I give it?
If you don't give it, even if Yunzhong City doesn't directly grab it, even if it sets a little difficulty on the territory mission, the ruling leader can't stand it.

"Master, you have a lot of ideas, what do you think we should do?"

Da Liang set up the binoculars and saw several teams of angels flying up from the Super Cross Fortress, and the target was the fallen space battleship.Then he said to Shu Xiao: "Knock it down and break it, let's go and pick up the parts."

Shu Xiao was surprised and said: "Shoot it down! What a pity that such a powerful battleship is smashed."

"No matter how strong a battleship is, if you can't take it away, you don't have it. If you pick up one more part, we will make money. If you are lucky enough to take away the energy core in the space battleship, it will depend on the level of the division's senior ship designer and the level of this battlefield. There is no problem in fighting an aerospace battleship."

Since space battleships are alchemy products, the difficulty in hull design is much less than that of surface ships.Moreover, aerospace battleships must be built purely by hand, and the restrictions on shipyards and blueprints are lifted.Therefore, as long as the weight can be lifted by the energy core, the shape and internal structure of the space battleship can be very arbitrary.

The Super Cross Fortress and the Cathedral of Eternal Night City are themselves different types of space battleships.

Of course...the level of the ship designer determines whether he can make the most of the energy that the energy core can provide.For example, Geese, the Black Pearl he designed, used the energy core of the fifth-level space battleship to create a battleship that was stronger than the fourth-level space battleship.And if the energy core of this third-tier space battleship falls into Da Liang's hands.

According to his current level of senior ship designer, the space battleship he built may be just a show.

But it's perfectly fine to bluff people.

Anyway, the Cyan Allied Forces, Cloud City and Eternal Night City are all watching here. It is absolutely impossible to drive this space battleship away, but it can still reap benefits if it is brought down.

Shu Xiao knew that what Da Liang said was correct, the purpose of the Judgment Legion coming to Eternal Night City was to do tasks and pick up trash, and they did what they could.A complete space battleship is obviously beyond the capabilities of Judgment Corps, and Qiang Tun will support himself to death.


"How to fight? Such a big battleship, how can I defeat it with so few people?"

Da Liang carefully flew around the periphery of the battle, trying not to attract the attention of the cyan coalition army, and then he said: "I saw an artillery position in Evernight City, and there were three heavy-duty magic alchemy cannons inside. With these bombardments, as long as Being able to hit the right position can definitely interrupt all the power of that space battleship."

Shu Xiao looked at the map, and there was already a brightly marked place on it, which was the location they were going to arrive at.

An artillery position controlled by Eternal Night City is naturally not in the occupied area of ​​the Cyan Allied Forces. This requires Shu Xiao to lead her men through the battle area and into the enemy's rear.

The danger is definitely very dangerous, but it's worth fighting for. Shu Xiao said to Da Liang, "I'll take people there now. You have to find a good route. Don't let us crash into the encirclement of the Evernight City defenders."

Da Liang was not fit to move forward anymore, so he summoned a giant bat to ride up, and then let Ye Shi return to the demon form and become invisible, ordering her to investigate for Shu Xiao.

Then Da Liang said to Shu Xiao: "I see, I will conduct a detailed investigation of the situation around your advancing route. Right now, the defenders of Eternal Night City are focusing on the air and space battleships. As long as you can break through the battle zone, Their rear is still relatively empty.

Remember... walk from the ground, never fly. "

Of course Shu Xiao knew that flying in the battle zone was a living target, she agreed, and then ordered an infiltration team.

Archangel Walsh, two angels, and two squadrons of elite players with both offense and defense.

Stepping on the bones on the road, the team marched towards the battle area.

Soon the detailed environment around the infiltration team appeared on Shu Xiao's tactical map. The terrain was accurate to each house, and the enemy and friendly troops could be accurate to the type and number of arms.

How did you do it?
You must know that the information provided by Da Liang at the beginning was relatively rough, only the large-scale movement and garrison of the defenders, and the general structure and approximate number of arms, just like looking down from a place far away from the battle in the enemy-occupied area.

Now it's just...

It was as if Da Liang was flying above his head.

Shu Xiao couldn't help but looked up, but didn't see anything special, let alone Da Liang.

"Hey... don't look around, this is a battle zone, I can't guarantee that there are no enemies hiding in places I can't see."

(End of this chapter)

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