start an archangel

Chapter 868 Magnet Area

Chapter 868 Magnet Area

When the space battleship fell from the sky, Shu Xiao and her infiltration troops were all staring blankly at what happened before them.

A huge battleship with a length of more than [-] meters was bombarded by their three artillery pieces!
It's too dramatic!
The explosion threw things on the battleship outward, and the nearby artillery positions were not spared. All kinds of things fell from the sky, scaring the players to look for cover, and the unlucky guy was naturally smashed into a white light and resurrected. up.

The defenders fighting the artillery positions with the infiltrating troops were also smashed, and soon the originally spacious position was filled with debris falling from the sky.

Although there are gun barrels and logs in these things, they are small objects compared to the things that will fall next.

I don't know what kind of big thing suddenly fell into the middle of the artillery position without warning, knocking down all the artillery that was left.At the same time, a large amount of burning debris appeared, sparks splashed, and smoke filled the air.

Before Shu Xiao could see what it was, and could only recognize it as a tall cube from the fuzzy smoke, Da Liang sent a message: "Did you receive it?"

Shu Xiao said: "I have received it, but what is this?"

Da Liang was very happy to get the energy core of a third-level space battleship, he said: "This is the energy core of that space battleship, you should hide it quickly, and don't let it be destroyed by Yunzhong City, the cyan coalition forces and Yong Yong." The Nightside defenders saw.

In the future, we will rely on it to build aerospace warships. "

Shu Xiao's energy core is so precious. When she knew that the energy core of a third-level aerospace battleship was inside, she immediately ordered: "All personnel should immediately destroy the enemies here, and no one is allowed to run out. Set fire, Light up the fire, smoke up, and don't let the above situation.

All the magic of the earth specialty release the quicksand trap together, and bury this thing in the ground. "

Although the members of the infiltration team didn't figure out what the big box that suddenly appeared in the open space was, they still acted immediately according to Shu Xiao's order.

Regardless of the threat of something falling down, the team members launched an attack on the remaining defenders of the artillery position.

The fire mage lit fires everywhere, completely submerging the building area under black smoke.Several mages who specialize in the earth system used the earth magic - the quicksand trap - on the ground below the wooden box together.

The solid land was quickly deserted, and the wooden box carrying the energy core slowly sank.

Da Liang, who had successfully stolen the energy core, began to shift his energy to the faction confrontation. At this time, Feng Moying had arrived to join him.

Riding the bat-like vampire sword guard that comes standard with the shadow of death, Feng Moying stayed beside Da Liang.There is an endless battle line ahead, and the explosion scene of the space battleship is just one of the more dazzling flashes in the whole war.

When the camp confrontation was triggered, other apostles were already on their way to support them.

Since it would cost faction contribution points to invite the apostles to join the camp to fight, Da Liang did not let them directly participate in the battle, but stood by in a nearby city.

Da Liang asked Feng Moying: "The main force of the church is here, they didn't position me, did they position you?"

Feng Moying has already read the introduction of the faction confrontation battle, and knows that players from the opposing faction can locate each other's coordinates. She confirmed her information and replied: "Master Zero, I have not been located either."

No positioning was carried out, indicating that the church was prepared to take a defensive position.

So Da Liang unceremoniously found the three knights of the temple to locate them, and the information in the receipt showed that they were all in the control area of ​​the cyan coalition army and gathered together.

They are waiting for the cyan coalition to completely occupy the magnet area.

Da Liang's move caused the Holy Church to reverse position, and now the other party also knew his location.At the same time, Feng Moying said that she was also targeted.

Make the transfer first.

Da Liang took Feng Moying to retreat to the rear of the defenders of Eternal Night City. At the same time, he asked the intelligence department of the Shadow of Death and the intelligence department of the University Alliance to collect information on the players in Eternal Night City, especially the magnet area, to confirm how many player corps are on the way. Move to the magnet area.

After the cyan coalition forces control the magnet area, it is best for the templars to use their own legion. When their legion arrives here, they will have an absolute advantage over the shadow of death.

Soon, information about the player legion marching towards the magnet area was presented to Da Liang, including information about the guild the legion belonged to and the head of the legion, as well as Da Liang's old enemy—Braveheart and his Scotch Fort Legion.

The leader of the legion belongs to the human race, and the scale belongs to the world's top-level legion. Those who meet the requirements are checked one by one, and then a list of nearly twenty legions appears.

Da Liang didn't know if all these legions belonged to the Holy Church, but he was sure that most of the legions on this list were related to the Holy Church.

Look at their marching route again...

The magnet area is big or small, so many legions are heading towards the frontline positions set up by the Judgment Legion and the Cloud Legion, so blatantly pretending to be robbery, do you really think we are fools?

The Judgment Legion and the Sky Legion are about to be attacked.

Da Liang immediately told Xu Man of his judgment, and asked Xu Man to withdraw the personnel put into the theater as soon as possible, and prepare to resist the attack.At the same time, contact the friendly troops in the Chinese game area on the battlefield for support.

Then, after thinking about it for a while, Da Liang shouted on the Eternal Night City area channel as Da Liang: "All friends who are about to enter the battlefield from the Eternal Night City's magnet area, listen carefully, I am Da Liang from the Chinese game area.

Given that the population of the Chinese game area accounts for 20% of the total population of the game area, then we should occupy a single urban area among the five warring urban areas.

Now I announce that the magnet zone line only welcomes players from the Chinese game zone.

Any non-Chinese game player legion that tries to enter the magnet zone will face indiscriminate attacks from the Judgment Legion and the Cloud Legion.

Everyone comes to the Battlefield of Eternal Night City to do missions, level up, and get rewards, so don’t just cross the red line I drew. Since I said that the magnet area belongs to me, I have the ability to kill all those who challenge me. . "

After Da Liang's words appeared on the Eternal Night City regional channel, it immediately caused a big wave of hype among the players.

Standing on the opposite side of players from all over the world, this guy is too arrogant to divide a city on the battlefield!
Is it so amazing that there are so many people?

All of a sudden, there were a lot of curses in various languages ​​on the regional channel. However, except for the legion in the Chinese game area, all the player legions marching towards the magnet area stopped at this moment.

It's really not safe to go to the magnet area at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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