start an archangel

Chapter 880 Tolls

Chapter 880 Tolls

Gabriel's words made Red Baker suddenly hesitate.

Once the Holy Angel Legion enters the battlefield, the Crystal Dragon will definitely suffer heavy casualties. If the Cathedral is not defended in the end, the Crystal Dragon will really be exterminated.

And Gabriel promised to return the crystal vein in five years...

Five years is a very short period of time for the crystal dragon, and it passed in almost a night of sleep. At that time, the obelisk tower of the crystal vein may not have been destroyed.

But what if it is destroyed?
For a moment, Red Baker didn't know how to make a decision.

After seeing that Red Baker was already moved, Gabriel continued: "I can promise you that we will never use destructive experiments on the obelisk tower of the crystal vein, after all, we are about to obtain the obelisk tower of the kingdom of death. .”

If this is true, Red Baker is a little moved.

But at this moment, a ball of light suddenly flashed from the side of Red Baker, and then the ball of light spread out, and a figure shrouded in a black robe appeared vaguely.

A hollow voice came from the shadows: "Patriarch Red Baker, if you agree to Cloudsdale's proposal, do you know what kind of situation you will put your friends in?

When Yunzhong City really returns the crystal veins to you five years later, what face do you have to accept it, and why do you have to guard it? "

When Gabriel and Red Baker started negotiating, Da Liang let Ye Shi hide nearby, so Da Liang could understand the conversation between them very clearly.

And when Red Baker became hesitant because of Gabriel's conditions, Da Liang knew that he could no longer hide behind the scenes.

Da Liang activated a prop that was left here when he placed the teleportation beacon, and his image was displayed at this critical moment.

Faced with Da Liang's questioning, Red Baker immediately thought that this matter was not just a conflict between Crystal Dragon and Cloud City.

Faced with the threat of Cloud City, Zilong withdrew from the camp of goodness, and provided cross-plane positioning teleportation for Crystal Dragon's struggle to regain its homeland.This kind of large-scale teleportation, as long as Yunzhong City carefully investigates, it can be found that the magic forest is responsible.

Crystal Dragon signed an agreement with Yunzhongcheng here, which would push Zilong to the opposite side of Yunzhongcheng, and Yunzhongcheng has always been thinking about the obelisk of the magic forest.Now that Zilong is no longer in the good camp, Yunzhong City, which has an excuse, will definitely launch a war against Zilong.

After Zilong was wiped out by Cloud City, how did Crystal Dragon face Cloud City? After five years, they will return the crystal mine, which doesn't mean that the angels won't snatch it again.Even if angels don't rob, hell will rob, and all other planes that have studied to become gods will come to rob.

Because Crystal Dragon has no strength and no allies, so it is easy to bully.

Red Baker, who wanted to understand, suddenly realized something, he immediately released his skills, and said angrily to Gabriel: "You actually used spiritual magic on me! You are worthy of being the supreme angel who comprehends the spirit of the law level. Influenced by you."

Gabriel smiled, and the evil smile made the woman jealous: "It's your subconscious that thinks I'm right, and you are influenced by me. Also, I want to know... who is this person?
According to Red Baker's character, he would never think of a strategy of exchanging the Cathedral of Eternal Night City for crystal mines. He would only bring the crystal dragon to fight with the Purple Dragon Clan.

The friend of the Red Baker you mentioned just now should be Zilong, who sent the crystal dragon into the cathedral using the teleportation array.

Cloud City, Death Lord, Crystal Dragon, Purple Dragon, all are in your calculations.

You make me feel threatened.

who are you? "

In the magic image, Da Liang was not afraid that Gabriel would recognize him.Now in the negotiations, Red Baker is obviously not Gabriel's opponent, and Da Liang can only fight against him himself.

"I am deeply honored to be able to make the supreme angel Gabriel feel threatened, but I dare not expose myself to the sight of Cloud City.

You have also seen the current situation, the Crystal Dragon Clan intends to defend the Cathedral of Eternal Night.You cannot take control of the Cathedral of Eternal Night until all the Crystal Dragons are destroyed.

There will be regrets in this war.

It will become difficult for the cyan coalition forces to capture the Yongye area, and then they will fall into the quagmire of war, and finally be wiped out by the death monarch.

The layout of Cloud City in the Kingdom of Death will return to the initial point, and all your investments and sacrifices here will be compensated. "

Gabriel looked at Red Baker, the crystal dragon took a step back without saying a word, ceding the dominance of the negotiation to this magic image.

Gabriel said to Da Liang: "In the face of our attack, the Crystal Dragon will definitely not be able to defend the cathedral."

Da Liang smiled and said: "If you were really that confident, you wouldn't come to negotiate with us. The four dead monarchs sit in the cathedral of Eternal Night City, with sufficient magical energy. You have no way to destroy the cathedral from the outside, you can only enter Attack, forcing the dead monarch to evacuate.

Now the crystal dragon is guarding the interior of the cathedral, so what if you send more angels, even holy angels, to attack, the number that can enter the cathedral is limited.To eliminate the Crystal Dragon, Cloud City must pay several times the price.

Lord Gabriel, the war has just begun. Are you sure you want to sacrifice too many holy angels to attack the cathedral guarded by the crystal dragon?
If you really insist on fighting to the end, after you eliminate the crystal dragon, there are still four dead monarchs left, as well as the original defenders of the cathedral, and the reinforcements who have arrived.Do you still have the ability to stop the cathedral?
Lord Gabriel accept reality.

The war will not always be carried out according to your wishes, and when Cloudsdale has won a major victory, we must also be allowed to win some small victories on certain battlefields. "

Gabriel knew that the opponent had already calculated everything. He let Crystal Dragon make a time difference at the most critical moment, and seized the most important result at the moment when Cloud City City was about to win the most brilliant victory.

Eternal Night City, the first main city of the Kingdom of Death.How many wars between good and evil, the city has never been captured.Now, this extremely iconic city has been captured by justice, and Yunshangcheng absolutely does not allow any regrets in this perfect victory.

The Cathedral of Eternal Night must be taken.

But Crystal Dragon stopped at the end point leading to victory at this time, and asked Yunzhong City for travel expenses.

The cathedral continued to fly away from Eternal Night City. Every minute of delay at this time would increase the chances of the cathedral escaping.

Gabriel did not argue with Da Liang, he waved his hand, a large number of portals appeared in the sky above the cathedral, and then holy angels flapping golden wings flew out of the portals.Gabriel said to Red Baker: "Red Baker, let me ask you the last thing, you have to think about it, are you really going to bring the Crystal Dragon Clan to perish?"

Red Baker didn't have the slightest fear in the face of the rushing holy angel. He said: "Crystal dragons will not betray their friends, nor will they compromise with their enemies. Today, for our homeland, all crystal dragons will never take a step back, including me."

Gabriel said: "It seems that I want to try to see if the Crystal Dragon can block our attack."

Red Baker knew that Cloud City would never easily agree to return the crystal veins, and this battle was definitely going to be fought.As long as the crystal dragon can withstand the violent attack of the holy angel, so that Gabriel can't see the hope of defeating the crystal dragon before the cathedral escapes, he will compromise and agree to the request to change houses.

The test of the crystal dragon is about to begin...

However, just when Gabriel was about to order a strong attack on the cathedral, many dark red teleporters opened up in the sky above the cathedral.

A large number of 15th-level fallen dark angels and 15th-level demon lords flew out from the teleporters, and a 16th-level fallen angel king also appeared in the air.

It's Beria.

Beria said to Gabriel in the air: "Cloud City actually uses large-scale positioning teleportation in the kingdom of death. This seems to be inconsistent with our tacit understanding. Don't think that there is a threat from the Lord Lord of Hell, and we will violate the rules against you. There is no way.

Of course we don't want to fight a muddle-headed war here.

Well, if the army you teleported doesn't join the war, we don't join the war either. "

(End of this chapter)

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