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Chapter 885 Potential Financial Crisis

Chapter 885 Potential Financial Crisis

The Battle of Eternal Night City has gradually subsided, and the war in the kingdom of death has entered the next stage. The scale of future wars will be larger and more complicated.

More and more planes will be involved, and the main plane is destined to become the cruelest battlefield.

But most players are still enjoying their leisure time in the game.The dividends generated by the large-scale development of the map have stimulated more and more people to invest in this profitable game.

A piece of singing and dancing.

However, the few players who have really penetrated into the game's plot have discovered that the entire game world has entered the stage of "the rain is about to come and the building is full of wind", and a battle starting from the city of eternal night, the kingdom of death, has quietly started.

Players with a little foresight and good information are quietly hoarding gold coins, because when the war starts, the price of gold will definitely rise sharply, and many people will go bankrupt.

The last time Boss Jin found out a bit from Da Liang, he withstood the pressure from the board of directors and demanded that Yingshi Virtual Bank in China’s game zone increase the review conditions for lending, control the outflow of reserve gold coins, and at the same time speed up the return of external gold coins to increase Reserve of thick bank gold coins.

In order to prevent the start of the war, the occurrence of depositor runs.

But reducing lending and investment will reduce the bank's profits. So many mouths are waiting for the bank's profits to eat, and so many depositors are waiting for the bank's monthly interest rate. Isn't this conservative measure against yourself?
Now the external economic situation is very good, many players lined up to get a loan from Yingshi Virtual Bank to invest in the game industry. As a result, Yingshi Virtual Bank abolished its martial arts at this time and put money away without making money. It's so stupid.

The Chinese game area is now more than just a virtual bank, Yingshi Virtual Bank. Many player financial institutions are eyeing the share of Yingshi Virtual Bank. Now Yingshi Virtual Bank sets a threshold for itself, allowing other player financial institutions to enter a golden period of development.

Therefore, the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank began to put pressure on Boss Jin. The recent decline in the performance curve of the financial statement also made Boss Jin hesitate whether to change the current measures of Yingshi Virtual Bank.

But I still need to listen to Da Liang's opinion.

At this time, Da Liang has returned to Shangjiang because Shangjiang City is facing the threat of the sad monarch.After hearing that Boss Jin had something important to do, he went to the headquarters of Yingshi Virtual Bank on Angel Avenue.

In a secluded room in his Earl's mansion, Da Liang met Boss Jin.

The pressure from the board of directors makes Boss Jin look sad. Other banks are constantly making money, while Yingshi Virtual Bank’s performance is declining like a roller coaster. Directors and shareholders are constantly bombarding Boss Jin with information to change decisions.

Boss Jin showed the financial statement to Da Liang: "Brother Da Liang, you must give me an accurate statement today. How far has the plot of this plane war reached, how far it can be fought in the future, and how much impact it will have on us players.

Like the Battle of Eternal Night City, the scale is indeed large.But it's too high-end, and most players can't participate at all, and our bank is doing business with these players.If plane wars are fought like this, it won't have much impact on us. "

In the past, Da Liang only knew that the plane war was about to happen, but he really didn't have much idea of ​​what kind of war it would be and how much it would affect the players.After all, he has never experienced it, and it is difficult for him to have too much intuitive imagination of the scale of the war from some hearsay news. He only knows that most planes will participate, and it will affect the main world and players at the same time.

But the sad monarch's performance made Da Liang really realize something. If Da Liang didn't stop him this time, Sighing City would have annexed Shangjiang City.

The sad monarch said so casually, which is enough to see his attitude towards the city-states of the main world. He can do business with you fairly in peacetime, but when war comes, the city-states of the main world are fat sheep to be slaughtered.

A death monarch has this attitude towards the main world, and the other base camp planes must also have the same attitude.

Therefore, Da Liang judged that when the plane war started to break out, the main world would be overwhelmed by the war immediately, and the city-states of the main world would be harvested like leeks.The main activity area of ​​the player is in the main world. The order that the player has just established will be completely broken, and the player will passively board the chariot of the plane war.

In a brutal war, there are winners and there are losers. If the losers happen to be carrying debts from Yingshi Virtual Bank, they will not be able to pay them back.Therefore, improving the lending review and giving money to a strong player team can effectively reduce the occurrence of such bad debts.

At the same time, when the war begins, players who feel the crisis will withdraw the gold coins deposited in the bank.If the bank releases the gold coins at this time and cannot get them back, and the treasury does not have enough gold coins to provide exchange, it will be a serious blow to the bank's credit and all aspects, and even cause bankruptcy.

To Boss Jin's question, Da Liang replied, "Brother Jin should be very familiar with the death mercenaries of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce."

Boss Jin said: "Of course I know that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has now covered the entire Yangtze River Basin, and the cities that opened up trade routes along the way were opened up by this dead mercenary."

Da Liang nodded and said: "This death mercenary was actually provided by the city of sighs, the kingdom of death. Just a few hours ago, the sad monarch of the city of sighs had the idea of ​​occupying Shangjiang city, but I stopped it. If I can't stop him, what will happen, Brother Jin should be able to imagine."

Boss Jin has some information about where the dead mercenaries of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce come from, but this time he only got confirmation from Da Liang.However, the Sad Monarch's desire to occupy Shangjiang City was indeed beyond his expectations. After all, the two cities cooperated so well, and there will be broader prospects for cooperation in the future.

But Boss Jin didn't doubt Da Liang's words.

If the Lord of Sadness wants to attack Shangjiang City, and the death mercenaries and Sighing City's army should cooperate internally and externally, there is absolutely no possibility of Shangjiang City being defended.Then the player teams that are closely related to Shangjiang City will suffer a major impact, including Yingshi Virtual Bank, which is headquartered here. The economic center of this Chinese game area will be severely hit, and many people's investments will be turned into Nothing.

Thinking of the consequences, Boss Jin, who has seen the big world, couldn't help but feel a little scared: "I understand, the main world doesn't have the strength to stop the invasion of the base camp plane, and it also has the wealth that makes the base camp plane envious. Now Yingshi Virtual Bank is suffering a little bit. Earn less, just to survive the tide. After this war washes away those small fish and shrimp, the rest of the market will be ours.

At that time, the rich were the real masters! "

Da Liang continued: "I know a lot about the progress of the game. In terms of finances, I'm an expert in front of you. However, if Brother Jin has any difficulties, he will focus on the Southern Lords Development Cooperative. Feishazoshi understands the game better than anyone else." It's all clear."

(End of this chapter)

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