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Chapter 887 Goodbye Joyce

Chapter 887 Goodbye Joyce

Of course, Boss Jin didn't believe that Da Liang was playing casually, but he didn't delve into this kind of private secret. He carefully explained to Da Liang that he would prepare the gold coins he needed and start buying the shares of Yingshi Virtual Bank at any time.

Then Da Liang left the Avenue of Angels and went to the Admiral's Mansion of the Pudong Fleet instead.

Joyce has led her pioneering fleet back, and the deteriorating situation prevented her from sailing again. Instead, she sorted out the gains of this pioneering and exchanged the stolen goods into gold coins as soon as possible.

Therefore, the entire Pudong military port is busy, and the warships of the development fleet need to be overhauled and supplies need to be replenished.

After sufficient funds, new battleships have been built in the shipyard, and the Pudong Fleet will add more than [-] battleships, a hundred three-masted warships and a thousand auxiliary ships of various types.

In addition, the order for space battleships has been sent to North Star City, the main city of the academy. Joyce plans to add 5 level 4 space battleships, 3 level 2 space battleships, [-] level [-] space battleships and [-] space battleships to his fleet. Secondary space battleship.

After these warships are in place, they will form Shangjiang's air and space fleet with the super aerospace battleship Oath, which can quickly support battles anywhere in Shangjiang and form a fire coverage strike.

The Pudong military port will also form a fortress to defend the east of Shangjiang City in the future construction.

After Daliang entered the Pudong military port, what he saw was a scene of massive construction. Only four of the magic towers had completed their basic construction.

Really rich.

Putting on the aristocratic costumes of Shangjiang City and wearing the earl's badge, Da Liang walked into the Admiral's Mansion unimpeded all the way.

Then I met Joyce in the admiral's office.

At this time, Joyce was discussing with a group of naval subordinates the establishment of a defensive circle in the east of the Shangjiang River.On the map of her desk is a defensive belt centered on the completion of Pudong, through the surface fleet and coastal defense offensive to block all sea threats from the east beyond the coastline.

Da Liang didn't disturb Joyce's work, and after realizing that she didn't see him, he took out a bottle of red wine and a wine glass from the wine cabinet, sat on the side and drank slowly, watching Joyce's changes.

This beautiful admiral has really changed a lot.The Pacific Rim robbery was a major test for her. The vast sea has no backup, and if she is not careful, the whole army will be wiped out.

When Joyce took over the Pudong Fleet, it was just when Shangjiang City was going downhill, and the ocean's strategy continued to shrink.In order to allow Joyce to be a good match for William, the old king of the East China Sea made her take on a heavy responsibility at a young age.Although Joyce also showed her commanding talent in the Pudong Fleet, she did not experience the test of the war due to internal worries.

The naval battle of Jeju City allowed Joyce to fully display her talent, and also established her confidence in foreign wars and absolute authority in the fleet.And this voyage around the Pacific Ocean really honed Joyce.

In the past, Joyce was just a qualified general, and his subordinates respected her very much.But now Da Liang saw that she was a commander exuding infinite charisma. Those admirals and nobles surrounded her like stars holding the moon, and their expressions were all admiration and admiration.

Joyce was very focused when discussing things with her subordinates. She was wearing a navy admiral's uniform, with a command knife on her waist, and her dark red hair was neatly combed under a triangular nautical hat, and then tied into a bun.

She tapped her hand on the map and talked about her layout idea, and listened carefully to the opinions of her subordinates, then she looked up and inadvertently saw Da Liang sitting on the side.

Joyce's face was surprised at first, then a hint of joy, and then a calm smile: "Let's stop here for today's meeting. We don't know what our future is, but Shangjiang City will stand firm under our protection." fall."

The generals of the navy saluted Joyce and left, and soon only Da Liang and Joyce were left in the room.

"You came."

"Yes, here I am."

After a question and an answer, there was a brief silence between the two of them. They both had a lot to say, but they didn't know where to start.

In the end, it was Joyce who said first: "I can feel that you are already very strong. Whether it is your strength or your influence, you are no longer the little pirate who snatched a boatload of durians. Now Shangjiang City is probably ready to go. I can't let you go."

Da Liang smiled and corrected: "My lord, what I'm grabbing is spices."

Joyce also laughed: "Yes, yes, it's spices, but the accusation against you by the lizard man is that you robbed his durian. Do you know what I thought at the time? I want to hang you directly , you are an embarrassment to the pirates.

However, what happened later was beyond my expectation, everything happened too fast and too suddenly.

I sometimes think, if it wasn't for our meeting, I might have died..."

As he spoke, the smile on Joyce's face gradually disappeared.

Looking back on everything that happened before, Da Liang is also full of emotion, and his rise also started at that moment.Seeing Joyce, who was worried about the future of Shangjiang, with a sad face, Da Liang couldn't help feeling pity in his heart. He stood up and said, "My lord, do you still remember my promise to you? No matter what happens in the future, 'I will Fight to the last moment for you!'”


Looking at each other, Joyce's eyes became brighter and brighter.She found that with this commitment, all the problems now seem to be no longer problems.

Joyce controlled her emotions to continue to ferment. She poured a glass of red wine for Da Liang and herself, then sat in a chair next to her, and said, "The battle of Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death is over. With a complete victory, the gentlemen of mourning were all driven away. In the kingdom of death, the monarch of death was crushed and unable to move; the civil war in hell had already begun.

In future wars, the good camp has a very big advantage.

Showing goodwill to Cloud City is probably our best choice. In this case, we will not be able to continue to cooperate with City of Sighs.

You are still serving the Lord of Sorrows, what is your opinion, and how will this matter affect you? "

The results of the Battle of Eternal Night City had begun to widely affect the main world. When the evil camp was in a mess and he was still unclear, the good camp, which had won a big victory for the first time, naturally won the favor of many city-states in the main world.

The main body of Shangjiang is the human race, the guardian is an angel, and has a natural affinity with Yunzhongcheng.Now that the kindness camp has won a great victory, Shangjiang City joined the kindness camp, so it is natural to lean against the big tree to enjoy the shade.

Then, in order to express their determination to Yunzhong City, the cooperation between Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and City of Sighs will be interrupted, and the death mercenaries will be repatriated.

However, this cooperation was facilitated by Da Liang, and it was related to his interests. Of course, Joyce had to seek Da Liang's opinion first.

(End of this chapter)

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