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Chapter 906 Robbery is a technical activity

Chapter 906 Robbery is a technical activity
Moreover, it is also necessary to prevent the Dragon Alliance's deadly behavior, and at the same time control the entire robbery process in their own hands to serve the commercial activities of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

So Da Liang said to Zi Ling: "Princess Zi Ling, robbery is also a technical job.

A city does not store a large amount of gold coins in the vault.Just like our Shangjiang City, the money earned here will be spent from the other side after changing hands. Our wealth is a variety of materials that are constantly circulating. These materials are the real wealth and they are very scattered.Gold coins are only a small part of wealth, and they are also scattered. When we need gold coins, we need to allocate them from taxation departments and commercial departments everywhere, and even mortgage some commodities to exchange funds from merchants.

Therefore, if you rob the city directly, you will get very little gold coins, and more valuable materials.

However, the transportation of these materials is very difficult. The number of dragons determines how much you can't take away, which requires the cooperation of a large number of low-level troops.And attacking the city will definitely cause the death of the low-level army. If one is not careful, the wealth obtained may not be able to offset the loss of the army.Therefore, unless there is enough intelligence to prove that a city is concentrating gold coins or hoarding high-value goods, do not attack a well-defended city lightly.

There is also the problem of transportation and handling of looted goods.

Robbery on land relies on land transportation, and the turnover of the army's mobilization of goods becomes very troublesome. Not only is the transportation capacity limited by the terrain and roads, but the whereabouts are also easily exposed. Once surrounded, losses will also occur.

This kind of situation does not exist in ocean robbery. The robbed goods can be loaded on merchant ships and taken away, and they can disappear without a trace after sailing for more than ten nautical miles.Merchant ships store a large amount of goods, far more than land merchants' convoys, and sea merchants sailing far away will not sell low-value items.We rob once at sea, and the harvest is higher than that of [-] or [-] robs on land.

Another point is, don't reveal the identity of your Dragon Clan and control the frequency of robbery.

At this time, the main world is a cake that the good camp and the evil camp are fighting for. If it is exposed that we are plundering wealth here, it will touch the interests of the good camp and the evil camp, arouse their vigilance, and prompt them to deal with us together.

Therefore, when robbing, we must try our best to keep our identities secret.

Zilong appeared in the image of a magic mage, and replaced the iconic blue and white magic robe, disguised as an ordinary mage.Crystal dragons also appear in small form, and through camouflage and armor they become heavily armored terrain dragons.

The poisonous dragon..."

When Da Liang talked about the poisonous dragon, he realized that there is only one dragon in the poisonous dragon tribe, and that is the patriarch Hu Po.

Attending the meeting this time, Amber also turned into a small form of a poisonous dragon.She stands like a human, similar in shape to a Lizardman, but taller than a Lizardman.It wears amber armor on the outside, and behind it is a thick tail.The overall image is like a mercenary who is both offensive and defensive, rebellious and very focused at the same time.

When Da Liang mentioned herself, Hu Po said to Princess Zi Ling: "Your Highness, please allow me to join this robbery team. I want to do my best to earn a part of the commission for the poisonous dragon clan in the future."

Princess Ziling nodded: "Earl Daliang's plan is very good. These jobs are also what our three dragons are good at. I decided to mobilize the strength of the three dragons to form this robbery team. The task of leading this team will be entrusted to Amber you."

Amber is very grateful for Ziling's arrangement.

Although this robbery team is formed by three dragon clans, she is the only one of the poisonous dragon clan. It caused the dissatisfaction of the Purple Dragon Clan and the Crystal Dragon.However, if the leader of the team is Amber, then Amber can use this identity to share more wealth.

To be strong, the poisonous dragon clan needs money even more.

"Thank you, Her Royal Highness."

After accepting Amber's thanks, Zi Ling asked Da Liang: "Now, Earl Da Liang, please explain to us what the protection fee is? Why do we not rob those ships only by paying these 'protection fees'? Make a lot of less money."

Several other Dragon Clan representatives agreed.

Big smile explained to these junior robbers: "The ocean in the main world is very large, and there are also a lot of ships sailing on the sea. Even if you keep robbing, you can't grab one ten thousandth of the number of merchant ships in the sea. One, it is far from reaching. But once your reputation resounds across the ocean, the sea merchants will fear you, and you don’t even need to do it yourself, just a pirate flag can make these sea merchants surrender.

There is a somewhat famous pirate company under my name, the White Fang Pirates.It has hundreds of warships and thousands of merchant ships of various types.

My plan is that this dragon robbery team will cooperate with my White Fang Pirates to carry out sea raids in the name of White Fang Pirates during the robbery.When the reputation of White Fang Pirates scares all sea merchants, we can collect protection fees from all merchant ships that encounter White Fang Pirates in order to buy our promise not to attack them.

10% of the total value of the goods, most maritime merchants will use this money to buy a peace.

This protection fee may not be as much as robbing the entire ship, but my White Fang Pirates are a hundred times the size of your dragon robbery team. We only need to rely on your reputation to rob a hundred times the ship and get ten times the rewards! gains, and no fight breaks out.You just need to sail with my boat, enjoy the sea breeze, eat seafood, and count the gold coins you get.

And when my fleet expands a thousand times to yours, our benefits will be even greater.

Is this kind of robbery simpler, more convenient, and more efficient than your one-by-one robbery? "

When Sidney returns with the main force of the Black Fire Fleet, the wealth he robbed can support Da Liang's acquisition of Yingshi Virtual Bank's shares.This made Da Liang clearly realize how correct his original goal of becoming a pirate was.

But being a pirate also depends on strength. Without Joyce's large fleet in front, Sidney would not be able to follow behind so smoothly and eat soup and meat.Now that Joyce has returned to Shangjiang, it is naturally impossible to go to sea to rob after becoming king, so Da Liang can only look at the bonus of robbing with greed.

However, this cooperation with the Three Dragons allowed Da Liang to see Qian Cheng as a pirate again.

The White Fang Pirates under Da Liang have Brady's right of passage and can sail on all major oceans at a relatively fast speed.As long as this robbery team composed of 15th-rank dragons joins the White Fang Pirates, and uses its absolute strength to create a reputation that makes all sea merchants and pirates terrified, Da Liang will dare to set up cards to collect protection fees on the main waterways of the oceans.

Qian and the Dragon Clan split the accounts [-]-[-].

There was no excessive looting, no city attacks, and peaceful looting had limited influence, so it would not trigger joint encirclement and suppression of coastal cities, nor would it attract too much attention from good and evil camps.

This business can go on forever.

(End of this chapter)

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