start an archangel

Chapter 909 Secret Infiltration

Chapter 909 Secret Infiltration
Lucas thought about the countermeasures, and asked Da Liang: "You said that someone is watching Will, is it one of the two liches beside Will?"

Da Liang said: "No, this subordinate of mine has a special ability. When sneaking, he can not be discovered by Will. If the president wants her to restrain Will... When Will is determined to escape, the strength can The disparity is too great, she can't be involved for too long."

If it can't be restrained for too long, it means that Will can still be restrained.With this internal aid, the whole plan to capture Will will definitely go much smoother.

At this time, the wizards also completed the magic detection of the underground cemetery.

There are a lot of magic traps, and there are a lot of space energy detection and interference equipment, so it is not easy to reach Will directly through space transmission.

For his own safety, Will is really well-prepared.

The wizards marked the magic traps and reverse osmosis alchemy equipment they found on the topographic map drawn by Da Liang. Since the Holy See knights arranged by Will on the third floor were of higher level and more.In order to prevent being discovered, the wizards did not make excessive magical contact with the third floor.However, it is also conceivable that the layout of the third floor will definitely be denser and more complicated.

Lucas looked at the map, and the guards and defense arrangements on the first and second floors were already very clear.

He trusted the wizards he had brought with him.Playing tracking and anti-tracking games with the Wugou Holy See all the year round, they are not only very strong, but also very familiar with the various methods of the Wugou Holy See.

After looking at the map carefully, Lucas pointed to the second tomb and said: "If the map is correct, this tomb is obliquely above Will's tomb, and you can directly enter by breaking the soil layer. The lower tomb. I have mastered law-level earth magic, and it is very simple to open a passage.

The key is, is this topographic map accurate? Any deviation may cause the entire operation to fail. "

Da Liang is now a senior designer, and drawing is a derivative of this skill.A battleship cannot tolerate a single error in its design and layout, so drawing skills have error correction capabilities. The higher the level of design, the stronger the error correction capabilities.Although this underground cemetery is huge, its complexity is far less than that of a large warship, so Da Liang is very confident in the accuracy of this map.

"President, I can guarantee that this map is very accurate. Even if there is an error, it will never exceed one meter."

The error of no more than one meter only needs to make a slight adjustment to the angle when casting the spell.

What needs to be done now is how to get to the tomb on the second floor... Complete this infiltration without alarming Will.

But when Da Liang was thinking about how to sneak in, he found that the wizards had already started to act.

There are a total of six senior wizards who followed Lucas this time. They formed a semicircle in front, holding a purple magic light ball in their hands, and a faint magic shield enveloped them in the middle.

Lucas said to Da Liang: "Although Will's layout here is very strict, it is still not as good as the church of the Holy See of Innocents. As long as you know their layout, it is not difficult for experienced wizards to sneak in." .

Come with us and stay within the range of anti-detection camouflage magic. "

Thinking about the love and hatred between the wizards and the Wugou Holy See, none of the high-level wizards who survived so many years of confrontation is a cheap lamp.It can be said that they are more familiar with the Holy See of Wugou than the followers of Wugou Cultists themselves. It is not a complicated task for senior wizards to sneak into the church to take revenge and assassinate the senior priests.

Da Liang followed Lucas into the anti-detection camouflage magic, then infiltrated the team and walked forward together.

Entering the above ground area of ​​the underground cemetery, the wandering undead monsters here have no reaction to Da Liang who is a human race, and the Eye of Reality hidden in a corner also turns a blind eye to these wizards walking in, as if they are a group of wizards. The air is mediocre.

Regarding Da Liang's curiosity, Lucas explained to his disciple: "This is a camouflage magic specially developed by our Wizards Guild to infiltrate important places in the Wugou Holy See. It can cover up all kinds of magic within the magic range to the greatest extent The energy overflows, low-level undead creatures can't see us, and the real eye can't sense us.

However, advanced heroes can see through this layer of camouflage when they are at close range.

Therefore, when we are discovered, we need to kill them as quickly as possible before the Holy See knights sound the alarm. "

When Lucas introduced this anti-detection and camouflage magic, the team of wizards had already arrived at the entrance to the underground cemetery.

According to Da Liang's map identification, there is a tomb hall on the first floor below, and then there are three tomb passages extending in three directions.The tomb passage is about 100 meters long, followed by a tomb hall, and several tomb passages branch off into multiple branches.

The entire underground cemetery is a labyrinth. The undead monsters are mainly concentrated in the tomb hall and inside the tomb. The Holy See knight brought by Will is hidden among the undead monsters.

The wizards surrounded the downward opening, and a spiral staircase blocked the view of the lower burial hall.

Flying thaumaturgy.

The wizards levitated and lined up in front of the stairs.Da Liang didn't know what the wizards were going to do, so he spread his fallen angel wings and floated at the end of the team.

Lucas came to the front of the team, and the tacit understanding among the wizards prevented him from making any arrangements. After confirming the position and order of the wizards, he turned around and flew down the tomb hall at a high speed along the winding stairs.

The other wizards followed up one by one, and the whole action process was extremely concise and fast...

Lucas, who was at the front of the team, was also the first to enter the tomb hall on the first floor.As soon as he appeared at the entrance, he first released a range of slowing spell, and then a silence spell.

The roar of the undead monsters in the hall of the tomb disappeared, and all of them were fixed in place.

The wizard who flew in behind did not attack at all, and directly used short-distance teleportation to transfer to the three entrances of the tomb passages. At the same time, he released anti-detection and camouflage magic to block the detection magic in the tomb passage from the perception of the tomb hall on the first floor.

Frost Oculus
Lucas's third magic was released, and the ice ring filled the entire hall of the tomb, and all the undead creatures in the tomb whose movements were restricted by the slow method were all frozen into ice sculptures.Under the silent environment, these ice sculptures cracked silently and became fragments scattered all over the ground. Only three undead did not die in this magic attack. They were the senior knights of the Holy See who stayed here with Will.

At this time, the other three wizards also rushed in. They rushed towards the three Holy See knights who were restricted and severely injured. Various attack skills and magic were released like a storm.

And Lucas stood where he was, his mana filled the entire hall of the tomb, preventing any information of the battle from leaking out.

(End of this chapter)

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