start an archangel

Chapter 912 Prophet Sword

Chapter 912 Prophet Sword

In terms of beliefs, the City of Sighs and the Wizards Guild share a common language, and their relationship seems to be closer than the old religion represented by other dead monarchs.

But the wizard guild occupied Eternal Night City, after all, it challenged the death monarch's rule over the kingdom of death, and the hatred between the Holy See of Wugou and the wizard guild could not be simply resolved by a single belief.

Will said to Lucas: "If you are willing to submit to the Holy See of the City of Sighs, you can surrender to the Sorrowful Monarch and ask for his forgiveness."

Lucas said helplessly: "Even you think like this. If we really surrender, I really don't know what kind of disaster will be waiting for us. It seems that this war will continue until the end of the war. The dead monarchs regard the Wizards Guild as an existence equal to the Vatican."

Since Will was stubborn, Lucas stopped talking nonsense with him and directly attacked.

As the top hero of Tier 15, Will is naturally extremely powerful, but when there is a gap in the hero ranks, and when facing a veteran Tier 16 hero like Lucas, his attacks appear weak and weak.

After a burst of dazzling magic skills were released from Lucas' hands, Will resisted a few times before being restrained by the magic, and then forced to seal it.

After successfully capturing Will, Lucas activated the gate of time and space, and wizards escorted Will back to Eternal Night City.

And Da Liang never showed up during the whole process of arresting Will.Will was so familiar with his breath that even though he used a smock to hide his appearance, Will might recognize him.

In order to hide his identity, Da Liang didn't even leave through the gate of time and space with the wizards.Instead, let Ye Shi open the gate of another dimension, they first moved to the outside of the Soul Eater's Tomb, and then flew towards Eternal Night City.

In the process of arresting Will, Night's raid played a crucial role. Not only did she miss Will's first escape, but she also took the opportunity to set up a gate of another dimension in front of the portal.Will, who was in a hurry to escape, did not notice the abnormality of the portal, and the arrival of Lucas did not allow him to observe too much.He slammed into the door of another dimension, and was left in the tomb by the night.

Ye Shi was also seriously injured after being hit hard by Will. Will's fighting power is really terrifying.

Fortunately, he was really caught this time.

The fact that Will was caught by Lucas had a huge impact on the situation on the battlefield of Eternal Night.

If the City of Sighing really followed the strategy set by Da Liang for the Sad Monarch, it wouldn't take long for the cyan coalition forces to be exhausted, and then the Death Monarch could start to counterattack.At that time, except for Yunzhongcheng's full involvement in the war in the kingdom of death, the result of the death monarch ending the civil war will be unstoppable.

But as a multifaceted spy with lofty aspirations, Da Liang certainly doesn't want to see the cyan coalition fail completely.The main enemy is gone, which means that the sad monarch's reliance on himself has decreased.And as the only death mentor who can contain him in Protestantism, it is hard to guarantee that the Sorrowful Monarch will not turn to deal with himself after becoming famous.

Therefore... If Da Liang wants to gain a foothold in the Wugou Holy See, and then develop his own strength, he must raise his own self-respect.At least until Protestantism is fully spread in the kingdom of death, and Da Liang's influence breaks through the city of sighs and expands to the entire plane, the sad monarch must not dare to touch himself.

This requires that the actions of the city of sighs in the city of eternal night cannot be too smooth.

Will gets caught by Lucas and that solves the problem.

The Sighing City's army in Yongye suffered heavy losses and lost its unified dispatch. Those stragglers were slaughtered.Before the City of Sighs reacts and sends a new commander to clean up the mess and re-consolidate the front line, the cyan coalition will complete further expansion and complete the consolidation of the occupied area.

Sighing City's income in Yong Ye will be reduced, and the cyan coalition forces will not let Sighing City take advantage of it after they have time to breathe and recuperate.

Once the division of the Eternal Night region is completed, the war will gradually subside.

Besides, it's not good for Will to use any weapon other than the Prophet Sword...

This is original sin.

Da Liang, who returned to Eternal Night City, successfully obtained Will's Prophet Sword from Lucas, which was the reward he deserved.

Prophet Sword:
Attack: +6
Defense: +6
Knowledge: +6
Intelligence: +6
Armor Break: Improve the damage effect on heavy armor and shields; combat perception +3; attack speed increased by 15%; attack skill effect increased by 15%.

Purification: Each attack hit removes one beneficial magic from the opponent.

Star of Heaven: Accumulate rage points during attack and defense. When the rage points are full, you can release powerful attack skills in a wide range.

Holy Body: After release, all attributes increase by 15%.

When Da Liang got the Prophet Sword, he finally understood why Will couldn't put it down, even if it was a weapon produced by Yunzhongcheng, he had to carry it all day long if the style didn't suit him.

It's really a good thing, a superb weapon.

But in Da Liang's hands, it is just a component.

So far, Da Liang has collected all the props that record the opening of the channel leading to the crystal wall of the plane of God.

The crown of the oracle, the magical armor, the shield of the lion king, the holy boots, the necklace of the angel, and the sword of the prophet.

Regardless of whether the process is cheating, abducting or stealing, in short, everything has been obtained

With six pieces of angel equipment, Da Liang returned to the Boneyard as quickly as possible, ready to open the passage to the crystal wall of the god plane.

With the full support of Da Liang, the great tomb of the Boneyard has completed the surface filling project, and the entire super-large death summoning magic circle is completely covered under the soil layer.

The first layer of surface defense system is being built. The maze is combined with magic traps. The death summoning magic circle will always be full of undead monsters during the low-consumption operation.

The results produced by the Blackfire Collar Alchemy Laboratory will gradually improve the magic defense and anti-osmosis capabilities here.

The main function of the underground space is to store troops.

Da Liang's army is not a single undead, and the main heroes are not dominated by undead. Therefore, when building a large tomb, it is necessary to consider the living environment of these non-undead troops and heroes.After all, the morale of the non-undead army is greatly affected. Only by eating well and living well can a high morale be maintained.

The relationship between Shangjiang City and the Judgment Leader allowed Da Liang to have a very large human army. In Chongming City, he would also accept an army of elves with a size of [-].

After the Battle of the Snowfield River, the soldiers of the Orcs will gradually grow in size.

Also, the dark cavalry recruited from Songjiang during this period belonged to the dungeon.

As Da Liang's last refuge, when he had to activate the Great Tomb of the Boneyard, the entire underground part had to provide everything a large army needed.

Eating, drinking, lazards and everything should be controlled.

There also needs to be various buildings that generate war supplies.

Da Liang has already transferred a group of elves from the Forgotten Hills to transform the underground environment, and some important buildings in the Judgment Territory and the Black Fire Territory have also built a set of backups here.

(End of this chapter)

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