start an archangel

Chapter 916 Unexpected Punishment

Chapter 916 Unexpected Punishment

It's over, it's over, it's over.

Nicole actually remembered it again!
Da Liang stopped in the air, facing Nicole who was getting closer and closer, thinking about his various encounters.If it was before, I might still be able to struggle a bit.Now that Nicole has advanced to the 16th level, any resistance is futile, no matter how Nicole treats herself, just stand up.

I hope that the treatment of Heizhuzhu can be timely and effective.

Nicole is getting closer and closer, Da Liang is very manly and doesn't dodge or avoid.Soon he felt that something was wrong, the distance was too close...

Da Liang found that Nicole had already passed the normal hand distance, so close...even if she slapped her hand, she couldn't swing it.

not good!She has already posted it.

Want to retreat... the waist has been embraced.

Wanting to hide... the head is already supported.

This posture is so familiar to Da Liang, not long ago he hugged Nicole and kissed her like this.

Now, come retribution.

" listen to me"

Nicole's lips were pressed against Da Liang's lips, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

In the peaceful sky above the black fire, Nicole and Da Liang kissed close to each other.The sea breeze swayed Nicole's smock, and the bright fallen angel wings flapped slowly.

On the sea, ships entering and leaving the port raised their sails.

Black Pearl stood in the air not far from them, watching all this quietly.

Everything seems so beautiful.

This is definitely not the way of punishment that Da Liang imagined!

too suddenly……

After an unknown amount of time, Nicole let go of Da Liang.She pursed her lips, as if she was still reminiscing about the feeling of the kiss, and then said: "This behavior has given me an indescribable feeling in my body, it seems that something in my body has been catalyzed to produce subtle changes... …

It's amazing, what is the principle of this? "

Nicole, who was caught up in academic research, ignored Da Liang, but turned around in a thoughtful manner, and then flew towards the teleportation array of the Black Fire Collar with the black pearl.

Da Liang was also dumbfounded.

The leaping nature of Nicole's thinking really can't be explained by common sense. What was supposed to be a beautiful thing was turned into an academic problem by her.

What a surprise!

Seeing that Nicole and Heizhu had disappeared into the teleportation array, Da Liang immediately chased after them.

Time to get down to business.

When Da Liang returned to Nicole's alchemy laboratory, Nicole had already changed into her work clothes.While directing the alchemy puppet to dismantle the alchemy equipment for body transformation, she took the black pearl to familiarize herself with the entire alchemy laboratory.

After seeing Da Liang come in, Nicole unceremoniously took out a form and handed it over: "These are the alchemy materials I need, please prepare them as soon as possible, so as not to affect the progress of my experiment."

Da Liang took the form, looked at it and put it away.Then he asked Nicole: "Master Nicole, have you already comprehended the law and promoted to level 16?"

Nicole said: "I haven't fully entered the 16th level. I can only use the thunder power of the law level when I am in the thunder state. It takes a long time to experience the real mastery of the law."

Pseudo 16th order.

Like Da Liang's Raging Flame Command state, after Nicole enters the Thunder state, her master-level air magic skills should be forcibly raised to the law level.

Nicole in her normal state should already be at the peak of level 15, just like the holy Bella back then, she was already standing at the door of level 16.

Regardless of whether it is Tier 16 or pseudo Tier 16, there is no doubt that Nicole's strength has increased, which also means that the research limit of the Black Fire Alchemy Laboratory has once again increased.

The alchemy laboratory where the 16th-level hero sits, I am afraid that only a few base camp planes have such a level.

Da Liang asked again: "Master Nicole, have you made any new progress in your alchemy laboratory's research on the God Plane?"

Nicole, who is very confident in alchemy, became helpless when she heard about the plane of God: "I have seen all the materials of the God of Death Research Institute. I am very impressed with the research results of the Sighing City branch of the former Wizards Guild." Surprised, they actually found the plane of God. Although it is the outer crystal wall, it is also surprising.

But this is a very large and lengthy research process.

In a short period of time, it is very difficult to sort out these research materials. If you want to reach the research progress of the original City of Sighs branch, you can't do it in a few months.

If it's me alone...with Black Pearl, I can't even give you an estimated time. "

The study of God is really too vast, not only requires countless manpower and material resources, but also requires a lot of luck.

Fortunately, Da Liang has obtained a shortcut.

He took out the six pieces of angel equipment one by one.

And said: "According to the wizards of the Sighing City Branch of the Wizards Guild, Elder Quentin who opened the channel to the crystal wall of the god plane recorded the method of opening the channel in six pieces of angel equipment.

And these six pieces of angel equipment are also necessary props to open the passage. "

Nicole was very happy: "There is such a prop, if we can get it, it will definitely save a lot of research time.

Where are these props?
Let's call on the Prophet, wake up Keith, and go grab it together. "

Da Liang wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but in the end he met Nicole who was so hard-nosed.

Helplessly, Da Liang pointed to the six pieces of angel equipment he took out.

And Nicole looked at it, thought for a while, and then said: "You mean, those six props look like this, let's not grab the wrong one?"

Now Da Liang is so angry that Nicole has blood all over her face.

But he couldn't really do anything to Nicole, he was extremely helpless.

"Don't bother you to grab it, I have already obtained all six pieces of angel equipment that can open the channel of the god plane.

right in front of you! "

After listening to Da Liang's words, Nicole's eyes lit up.She really didn't expect that such an important prop would be placed in front of her so easily.She quickly used protection magic, put six pieces of angel equipment into the transparent defensive ball one by one, and let them all float up.And complained to Da Liang: "How can such an important thing be put away so casually? What if it breaks?"

"Blame me, blame me." Da Liang calmed Nicole's emotions, and then said: "Now we have all the props that can open the passage to the crystal wall of the god plane. How to use...Master Nicole should know."

Nicole's attention has long been focused on the six pieces of angel equipment.

She didn't answer Da Liang, but injected magic energy into the six pieces of angel equipment.The excited light of the angel equipment burst forth, and a white light like flowing water slowly connected the six pieces of equipment in series.

Then countless magic runes emerged from these equipments.In an instant, the entire alchemy laboratory was filled with these magic symbols.

Nicole looked at these magic runes and muttered to herself: "These are fragments of the magic circle that have been disrupted, as long as we can put these pieces together, we can form a complete magic circle.

This magic circle can combine these six pieces of angel equipment into a sword.

With this sword, you can split the passage leading to the crystal wall of the god plane. "

(End of this chapter)

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