start an archangel

Chapter 939 The New Moon Is Yours

Chapter 939 The New Moon Is Yours

In the final analysis, whether the four archangels can eliminate the evil energy depends on whether Julian can survive successfully.

And all this still needs to wait for the magic circle equipped by the angel to be completed and the channel leading to the crystal wall of the god plane opened.

Now it's time to deal with the matter of Xinyue, whether to keep or kill, I need Nicole to give me a reference suggestion.

Nicole looked at Xinyue imprisoned in the prison, and said to Da Liang: "I have seen your creatures transformed from the evil prison, such as Sophia. They were originally undead creatures. After the transformation, the biological characteristics still remain. Mainly the undead.

But Xinyue's situation is different. She was originally a pure soul body, but after receiving too much evil energy, she completely transformed into a demon.

And that floating shuttle arrow... became something like a phylactery to Xinyue. "


Da Liang knew that this was a tool that could store souls, and some powerful undead would put their soul fires in some kind of container and then hide them.In this way, even if the body of the undead is destroyed, it can be slowly resurrected through the soul fire in the phylactery.

However, using a phylactery will also limit the strength and growth of the undead itself, so the truly powerful undead will not put their soul fire in a fragile item, so the phylactery is not widely used among the undead.

Now this floating shuttle arrow has become Xinyue's phylactery, that is to say, as long as she holds this arrow, Xinyue will be obedient.

In this's not impossible for Xinyue to stay, after all, he is a level 15 hero.

Da Liang said to Nicole: "That is to say, as long as you have that floating shuttle arrow, Xinyue will obediently listen to me?"

"It should be said that you listened to me..." Nicole corrected: "When I left North Star City, the academic white-robed warlocks proposed a new ninth-tier soldier. Now the academic ninth-tier soldiers are gods and monsters. , as a high-level flying unit, the role of gods and monsters in the academic army is somewhat vague.

The gods and monsters have the ability to release beneficial magic to friendly forces, but the gods and monsters are the only high-level flying units in the academy, and their duties should be to compete for the airspace and attack the enemy's rear.However, the slightly lower speed of the gods and monsters and the bottom blood volume of soldiers of the same level make the gods and monsters suffer more losses when they charge.

The white-robed warlocks thought that the gods and monsters could be strengthened so that they could cast debuffing magic on the enemy.Preferably also stored in some sort of alchemy container, such as an oil lamp.

In this way, the new tier 9 units of the academic school can be stored and released in a centralized manner.

In the academic army, airships and aerospace battleships account for a large proportion. The same storage space is used to install oil lamps, and it can definitely hold more. "

Da Liang felt that the thinking of the academic white-robed warlocks was very clear. Isn't the oil lamp in the cabin similar to his skeleton soldiers?

"What does this have to do with New Moon?"

Nicole said: "Of course, the new moon itself is a demon, but it can also be put into the floating shuttle arrow. As long as I research the principle inside, I can realize the idea of ​​this new unit.

However... this research requires a relatively large amount of funds. "

Easy to store and store, portable ninth-tier soldiers, capable of casting spells and flying... There is no reason why Da Liang would not support such an amazing thing.

"I've decided that after the recovery of the angel equipment magic circle is completed, this alchemy laboratory will devote all its efforts to researching this oil lamp soldier. Funding...isn't a problem."

If money is okay, then everything is okay.But... Xinyue wants to stay here, Da Liang asked worriedly: "Is it really okay for Xinyue to stay here? You know... her hobby..."

Nicole said: "You mean that she wants to kiss me... In fact, there is a problem that bothers me. Why did I feel sick when Xinyue was going to kiss me, and I wanted to electrocute her, but you kissed me?" When I was alive, would there be such a violent alchemical reaction in my body?


What is this principle? "

Afraid of being dragged by Nicole to try the violent alchemical reaction again, Da Liang hurriedly said: "Stark and the others will stay here, and the new moon will be handed over to you. Shangjiang City will hold a new king enthronement ceremony soon, I must Rush back to participate.

you are busy...

You are busy! "

After all, Da Liang slipped away.

Shangjiang City has completed all preparations for the new king's enthronement.

All the golden griffin flags representing the old royal family in the city were replaced with the blue anchor flags of the new royal family.The palace was also redecorated, and the guard was replaced with the Joyce family crest.

Joyce is finally going to be king...

This day was probably beyond everyone's expectations. She was too young and her qualifications were too low.But at this time, apart from Joyce becoming the king, who can sit securely on that throne?

Joshua and Abigail are a lesson from the past. There is an invisible big hand controlling everything in the royal court. Even Bartlett, who controls the Shangjiang Angel Legion, chose to disappear at this moment.

The death army in Jiading City is still gathering and ready to go; new ships of the Pudong Fleet are launched one after another; Chongming City has abolished [-] troops; the disbanded Angel Legion all swears allegiance to the new royal family.

Shangjiang City is using expanded roads to connect to its subordinate sub-city, and almost all the city owners are looking forward to the road being built one day sooner.

This is the city-state that was in chaos at the beginning, and no one can maintain this situation if he becomes the king.

Therefore...Even if Joyce was unwilling in every way, she had to take this step for the sake of this city.

In Shangjiang Palace, Joyce was waiting in the bedroom for the formal start of the enthronement ceremony.

She was wearing a gorgeous sky blue gown, designed to maintain the majesty of the royal family and show the origin of the Joyce family seafaring family.His dark red hair is tied into a bun, and he wears a crown representing the crown prince.

Accompanying Joyce in the bedroom was Holy Bella, who had already put on the angel armor with her wings spread out, showing the holiness of an angel and the exclusive contempt of Holy Bella for everything.

At Joyce's enthronement ceremony today, the holy Bella, who has had enough rest, will also reveal her identity as the supreme angel.

This ceremony is destined to cause shock in all dimensions.

The holy Bella looked at her demeanor in the mirror, and at the same time said to Joyce: "I have always had a feeling... We have been tricked by Da Liang. If you don't want to be king, he pushes you to be king; I don't want to be king." In the end, Da Liang dragged him into this dispute with a few words."

Joyce replied: "This was originally our responsibility. Da Liang just pushed us on the right track when we hesitated and evaded. If I want Shangjiang to be stable, I must become king to protect it; if you don't want to fight, just You must show your sword to keep more dangerous wars away from you.

Da Liang is trustworthy as a friend. "

"I agree with this sentence..."

While Joyce was chatting with Sacred Bella, an attendant walked in. He saluted Joyce and Sacred Bella, and said, "Earl Feichen has arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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