start an archangel

Chapter 985 Meet Lucas

Chapter 985 Meet Lucas
Regarding the reconciliation between the Wizards Guild and the New Innocent Holy See, it was not as simple as both Lucas and the Sorrowful Monarch agreed.The Sorrowful Monarch still has a lot of concerns about the wizarding guild, and the situation in the wizarding guild is more complicated.

The hatred between wizards and the Holy See of Wugou, the interests of Boswell and Cloud City, and various rights disputes are complicated.

What Da Liang can do now is to establish a dialogue mechanism between the Wizards Guild and the City of Sighs, suspend the war between the two sides in the Eternal Night area, and then find out where the Eternal Night Cathedral was brought by Cloud City.

Letting both Cloud City and Hell lose the stolen obelisk is the next strategy of the Five Color Banner Alliance.

Da Liang soon arrived at the city that split the kingdom of death.

Eternal Night City still hasn't escaped from the last war, and there are traces of the battle everywhere in the city. The war made the Cyan Allied Forces spend all their funds on the reorganization of the army, and naturally much less was spent on city construction. .

However, the recent plunder of the main plane has greatly improved the financial pressure of the cyan coalition forces. The post-war cleanup of Eternal Night City has ended, and the rest is rebuilding.

Boswell is leading the main force of the cyan coalition to consolidate the occupied territory, so only Lucas is in command and dispatching here in Evernight City.

As one of the elders of the seven branches of the Wizards Guild, Da Liang met Lucas very smoothly.

"The establishment of the five-color flag alliance and Shangjiang's joining the five-color flag are beyond everyone's expectations." The rise of the five-color flag alliance has increased Da Liang's status in all aspects.Especially after the five-color flag alliance suddenly shot to arrest the pain devil Buck, all parties wanted to know the attitude of the five-color flag alliance.Lucas had this, and he asked: "The Five-Color Flag Alliance has captured Buck, what are you going to do with him?"

Da Liang repeated the matter of exchanging Buck for the sulfur cave.

This is also the unified caliber within the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Neutrality is still the strategy that the Five-Color Flag Alliance adheres to.

Don't take sides, don't provoke disputes with the good camp and the evil camp.

Do not expand, do not show weakness; develop with all your strength, lay out in secret, and make efforts in the later stage.It was Da Liang who formulated the overall plan for the entire planar war for the Five-Color Banner Alliance.

"We just want to return to the Sulfur Cave for the poisonous dragon. The action of the five-color flag alliance in hell has nothing to do with other races. The poisonous dragon is miserable enough. Both the three-color dragon clan and the five-color flag alliance are obliged to help the poisonous dragon. Return to the Sulfur Cave."

The news that the poisonous dragon was exterminated by the fallen angels of hell has gradually spread, and many people feel sad for the fate of a 15th-order dragon clan.Now that the three 15th-level dragon clans have joined forces, it is understandable that the five-color flag alliance they led to help the poisonous dragon ask for the sulfur cave.

The Union of Five Colors has no intention of participating in the dispute between good and evil, which is not a bad thing for everyone.

Lucas also recognized the poisonous dragon's ownership of the sulfur cave: "The sulfur cave is the home of the poisonous dragon clan, and the poisonous dragon was originally an important member of the evil camp. What the fallen angels did to the poisonous dragon clan is undoubtedly for the evil camp. It was a serious injury.

Of course... Now I belong to the cyan coalition and the good camp. "

When talking about the faction, Da Liang said: "President... I have dealt with something without your approval, please don't blame me."

After asking about the five-color flag alliance, Lucas's expression became relaxed, and he said: "You have done a very good job in the City of Sighs, and I will support any decision you make."

"I told the Lord of Sadness about my identity in the Wizarding Guild..."


Lucas didn't expect that Da Liang would throw such a "bomb", and he was really caught off guard.Da Liang is now the Deputy Speaker of the City of Sighs, the Pope of the Misty Area, and the Death Mentor of the New Wugou Holy See.He confessed his identity and sorrow to the monarch, and sighed that the good situation in Chengda was not all ruined?
But Lucas thought about it, with his disciple's ability, this matter is definitely not that simple.

He asked: "Then...what happened, after the sad monarch knew your did you react?"

Da Liang replied: "Of course he was very angry...but he didn't kill me, instead we had a long talk."

Although Da Liang said it lightly, Lucas could feel the danger at that time.And asked curiously: "What happened next, and what did you talk about?"

"We talked about the possibility of cooperation between the Wizards Guild and the New Unsullied Holy See."

Seeing Lucas listening, Da Liang said: "The Sorrowful Sovereign now has a new understanding of his situation from the arrogance of City of Sighs' full acceptance of the ultimate belief.

Against the cyan coalition, he could not win.Now the wizard guild has established a firm foothold in the Eternal Night area, and directly began to threaten the city of sighs.

As for the Lord of Death... He can't even convert the downtrodden Lord of Moaning to the ultimate faith, let alone other Lords of Death.

Step by step, the spread of the ultimate belief in the kingdom of death is long.The sad monarch wants to be the pope, and it is simply impossible to fight a few battles without actually fighting.

And the overall disadvantage of the evil camp in the war of planes made the Lord of Sadness feel the pressure, and he also woke up from his blind arrogance.

He is willing to discuss cooperation with the Wizards Guild..."

"Really?" Lucas has been thinking about how to end this civil war of the undead since he discussed with Da Liang the possibility of peaceful coexistence with the New Vatican.However, if the Sad Monarch does not express his opinion, he will not be able to persuade important members of the Wizards Guild.Now that the sad monarch is willing to talk, this is definitely good news.Lucas asked urgently: "What request did the Sad Monarch make?"

"What he wants most now is to be the ruler of the kingdom of death... As long as the Wizards Guild approves his request, anything can be said on this basis."

The "Pope" was not included in the newly compiled Wugou Doctrine at the beginning, it was a hole that Da Liang dug for the sad monarch, and it was added.

The purpose is to cut off the possibility of the sad monarch peacefully evolving into other dead monarchs.

The other dead monarchs don't want the seventh monarch of the lowlands to be sad, so they won't easily accept the ultimate belief, so the sorrow who wants to be the "pope" can only find another way.

The cyan coalition army belongs to the nouveau riche of the kingdom of death.Relying on the support of Cloud City, they defeated the No. [-] monarch, Wain, and occupied Yong Ye, the No. [-] main city of the Kingdom of Death. This truly shocked the whole world.However, the cyan coalition army was rejected by most of the undead in the kingdom of death, and could only rely on Yunzhongcheng to maintain their existence.Then join the good camp with the evil race, it really doesn't please both sides.

Therefore, the Cyan Allied Forces have political demands to break away from the control of Cloud City and reintegrate into the Kingdom of Death.

There is no obvious conflict between the needs of the Sad Monarch and the Wizards Guild, so they can sit together and talk.

(End of this chapter)

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