Chapter 6
Chapter 5 The Holy Book of Military Science: "Sun Tzu's Art of War"

After the defeat of Kaiser Wilhelm II in the First World War, he occasionally read a Chinese military book, and he sighed repeatedly: "It's a pity that 20
I didn't see this book years ago. "This Chinese military book, which made the Weihe emperor regretful for a while, is known as the world's ancient book of war.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War", the first book of war.Although it is in fact impossible to save the inevitable failure of Wilhelm II's war of aggression

, but the profound and profound content of this military book has indeed impressed military strategists from ancient and modern China and abroad.

The Thirteen Chapters of the Art of War

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" is a military classic written by Sun Tzu, a great military strategist in ancient my country in the late Spring and Autumn Period.

Sun Wu, with the word Changqing, was born in Le'an (now Huimin, Shandong) in the state of Qi at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. He was born in a general family and was a famous soldier in ancient my country.

Military scientist, founder of military dialectics.The date of his birth and death is unknown, but he was about the same time as Confucius or slightly earlier than Confucius.he from Qi
Guo went to Wu State, recommended by Wu Zixu, an important minister of Wu Wang Helu, and presented 13 articles on the Art of War to the Wu State.

military.Sun Wu made outstanding military exploits for Wu's annexation war. He sent troops to break through the strong Chu in the west, conquered Qi and Jin in the north, and became famous among the princes.sun
Wu finally died in the state of Wu and was buried outside Wumen, the capital of Wu.

The main idea of ​​"Sun Tzu's Art of War" comes from Sun Wu.Later generations have disputes.However, in 1972 in Shandong Linyi Yinqueshan Han
After a fragment of "Sun Bin's Art of War" and "Sun Tzu's Art of War" were unearthed from the tomb, as well as more than 70 bamboo slips recording Sun Wu's words and deeds.

Many readers have tended to think that the book was written by Sun Tzu.

The emergence of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" was mainly due to the transformation from slavery to feudalism in the Spring and Autumn Period, slave uprisings, civilian riots, etc.

It pushed the emerging landlord class to seize power from the slave-owner aristocrats, and the princes competed for hegemony, and annexation wars were frequent.The vassal states made great efforts to rule

To make the country rich and strong, it is often necessary to achieve the goal through the means of war, and the scale of the war is also expanding day by day.war for a country

Life and death are very important, so the rulers of various countries urgently need to summarize the laws of war in order to win the war. "

Sun Tzu's Art of War came into being under the impetus of such social and historical conditions.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" is an outstanding military work in ancient China.Also known as "Sun Tzu", "Wu Sun Tzu's Art of War", "Sun Wu's Art of War"

".The existing "Sun Tzu's Art of War" has a total of "strategy", "combat", "conspiracy", "form" and "potential".
"Fictity and Reality", "Military Struggle", "Nine Changes", "March", "Terrain", "Nine Places", "Yongjian"

", "Fire Attack" and 13 chapters, each of which has its own theme, but the whole book constitutes a complete ideological system.

In the "Ji" chapter, it discusses the question of whether to go to war.Sun Tzu pointed out that war is related to the life and death of a country

event. "Tao", "Heaven", "Earth", "General" and "Law" are the five basic elements that determine the outcome of a war.grandson recognizes
Because, starting from these five elements, according to whether the monarch is wise or not, and whether the general is talented, the conditions of "heaven" and "earth" are as follows:
He, whether the laws and regulations are implemented, whether the army is strong or weak, whether the army is well-trained, whether the rewards and punishments are clear, can be predicted.
The victory or defeat of the war, so as to take appropriate countermeasures and corresponding actions in a targeted manner.

The "Combat" chapter mainly talks about how to carry out war.Sun Tzu believes that the consumption and expenditure of war are very huge

A protracted war is bound to endanger the survival of the country.Therefore, he advocated quick victory.In addition, in order to compensate for the consumption and weakening of our own
For the enemy's country, he also advocated that "the food is given to the enemy" and "the victory over the enemy will make it stronger."

In the article "Scheming to Attack", it mainly discusses how to attack the enemy's country.Sun Tzu advocated to obtain

The greatest success is to strive to win without fighting, to capture the enemy's city without a hard attack, and to destroy the enemy's country without a long battle.So, to achieve

For this goal, he particularly emphasized the use of strategy to win, pointing out that the best way to use troops is first to win by political strategy, and secondly to win by strategy.
To win by means of means, and to win by force again, the worst strategy is to siege the city.And to do this, it is necessary to achieve the goal of "knowing ourselves and knowing each other".

", in order to be "invincible in a hundred battles".

The chapter "Form" mainly expounds how to use the "form" of matter to protect oneself and achieve complete victory.Sun Tzu believes that only the first

Make yourself invincible, and then wait and seek the opportunity to defeat the enemy in order to win the war.

The "Position" chapter mainly explains how to create a favorable situation to overwhelm the opponent.Sun Tzu believes that to create a favorable situation,

It is necessary to correctly organize and deploy troops, be good at commanding and mobilizing troops, and be good at winning by surprise.

How to gain the initiative in command operations and attack the enemy proactively and flexibly, Sun Tzu discussed in "Virtual and Real" that to gain the initiative

Therefore, we must be good at luring the enemy to benefit, mobilize the enemy army without being mobilized by the enemy army, we must be good at understanding the enemy's situation and concealing our army's intentions,

Laws of action and use of troops.

In "Military Struggle", the author discusses how to take the initiative through maneuvering, create a favorable situation and win victory before the enemy

conditions of.Sun Tzu believes that when two armies are in conflict, the most difficult thing is to know how to regard twists and turns as straight, and take disadvantages as advantages.
Arrive at the battleground before the enemy dispatches later, and gain the advantage of winning the enemy first.

As for how to give full play to the flexibility of command, Sun Tzu made a special discussion in "Nine Changes".Sun Tzu pointed out that the basis of flexibility
It's about comprehensively weighing the pros and cons.Only by looking at the pros and cons in an all-round way, seeing the unfavorable factors in the favorable situation, and seeing the unfavorable factors in the unfavorable situation
Only when we see favorable factors under certain circumstances can we seek advantages and avoid disadvantages according to the specific situation, so as to take corresponding countermeasures and actions.

The "March" chapter mainly tells how to deploy and organize the army, observe and judge the enemy's situation, and unite the soldiers.Sun Tzu pointed out that marching and fighting

It is necessary to occupy a favorable terrain that is convenient for combat and life, to be good at deploying troops according to the terrain, and to carry out careful and meticulous monitoring of the enemy's situation.
Observation, good at foresight, from the phenomenon to the essence, to make correct judgments on various symptoms.Sun Tzu also believes that a general can only

After gaining the trust of the soldiers, you can use the method of combining education and punishment to train the soldiers well, and lead the whole army to win.

The "Nine Places" chapter expounds the principles of commanding operations in nine different combat areas.Sun Tzu pointed out that in different combat areas, the

Shuai should take different actions according to the terrain.The principle of using troops is to be good at discovering the gaps that the enemy can take advantage of.

Prepare, act quickly, concentrate your forces, and capture its strategic points first, so as to overwhelm the enemy's resistance and win.

In the "Fire Attack" chapter, it mainly describes the target and type of fire attack, the material and meteorological conditions of the fire, and the implementation method.grandson

He pointed out that fire attack is only a means of assisting military offensive.Therefore, the fire attacker should take advantage of the disturbance of the enemy army caused by arson,

Attack at the right time to achieve greater victories.

"Yongjian" mainly explains the importance and methods of using spies.Sun Tzu believes that understanding the enemy's situation is crucial to war

The outcome has a significant impact.To predict the enemy's situation, you can only turn to spies.

In the chapter "Terrain", Sun Tzu mainly discussed how to command the actions of the army under different terrain conditions.grandson believes that

Form is an auxiliary condition for using troops.The general should pay attention to the terrain, be good at using favorable terrain and avoid unfavorable terrain.under this premise

If the general knows himself and the enemy, correctly judges the enemy's situation, takes winning victory as the only criterion for action, and makes the whole army
If you unite as one and obey the command, you will surely win.

The idea of ​​military science has been promoted by later generations

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" summarizes the combat experience before the Spring and Autumn Period, reveals some important laws of war, and focuses on the description of strategic warfare.

The application of military techniques created a systematic military theory, with rich thoughts of simple materialism and original military dialectics.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" contains rich thoughts of simple materialism. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" pointed out that the laws of war and the outcome of war are

What can be known and predicted, the key lies in proceeding from the objective reality, "forbidding auspiciousness and eliminating doubts" ("Nine Places"), that is, opposing superstition
and suspicion. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" puts "Tao" in the first place. Sun Tzu believes that winning the support and support of the people and putting

The unification of officers and soldiers is the only "way" to win the war. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" believes that the five basic factors that determine the victory or defeat of a war
The factors are: "One is Dao, the other is Heaven, the third is Earth, the fourth is General, and the fifth is Law".

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" pointed out that "know the enemy and know yourself, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles (danger); if you don't know the enemy but know yourself, you will win and lose one;

A confidant, every battle must be defeated" ("Multiple Attack") famous assertion. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of the enemy's situation, our situation, and the understanding of nature.
The objective conditions of the time and place accurately reflect the objective laws of war and have the nature of simple materialism.

On the basis of materialism, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" summed up a series of concepts and laws of dialectics, expressing rich principles.

The original thought of military dialectics.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" believes that the use of troops is like flowing water. There is no fixed formula.

measures to win.Different strategies and tactics must be adopted according to changes in the balance of forces between the enemy and the enemy.Our troops are stronger than the enemy
Surround it if it is ten times larger, attack it if it is five times larger, divide it if it is twice as large, and if you have an equal force, you can confront it.
People have to defend, and the strength of the troops is quite different, so they have to avoid it temporarily.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" has seen the dialectical relationship between war and politics, economy, and natural conditions. Sun Tzu believes that military power is the real

As a tool for achieving political goals, war is an important means to obtain economic and political interests, but it is also a kind of forced

The military dialectics of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" is summed up from rich experience in war. It is a scientific conclusion, so it has

Strong vitality.Therefore, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" has been appreciated by many great military strategists in ancient and modern China and abroad, and it has been used in actual battles.

Using and developing, it has become a dazzling pearl in the history of war. Materialism in "The Art of War" and

The thought of military dialectics has made valuable contributions to the development of Chinese philosophy.Its materialistic atheism is based on
Inherited by later materialist philosophers, its dialectical thought provided important ideas for later Lao Tzu's dialectical thought

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" is the earliest surviving military theory work at home and abroad, which laid the theoretical foundation of the Chinese classical military system and is known as

It is "the ancestor of a hundred generations of soldiers", "the world's first famous book on military strategists", and "the holy book of military science".As the world's first complete

The book of war has high military value, not only valued by Chinese military strategists of all dynasties, but also by military strategists in other countries.
attach importance to.It contains rich philosophical ideas, but it is also inevitably limited by the times and classes.but the materialistic

Thoughts of doctrine and dialectics are extremely precious, primitive and simple.

Some ideas in "Sun Tzu's Art of War" have even been adopted by some Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs and management scholars. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in China

It is also widely spread abroad, and there are many foreign language translations such as Japanese, Russian, English, German, Czech, and Vietnamese.It is the splendid ancient culture of our country

a precious legacy.

(End of this chapter)

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