100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 60 Military Classics with Dialectical Thought

Chapter 60 Military Classics with Dialectical Thought

Chapter 59 Military classics with dialectical thinking: "On War"

It can be said that as long as there are humans, there will be wars.War gradually developed into a military art.In the military field, General Clausewitz often

On par with Adam Smith for economists and Isaac Newton for physicists.His masterpiece "On War" is the first series
A general account of the modern concept of total war.

American scholar Downs commented: "Such a huge scientific and technological development after Clausewitz naturally made some of his conclusions obsolete.

More importantly, however, "On War" is its philosophical and psychological exploration of the topic, and it is more than just a military manual

, so the book is permanent. "

Serving the military and writing books behind closed doors

Carl Philip Gottfried von Clausewitz (1780-1831) was a famous Prussian bourgeoisie in the 19th century.
Military theorist, military historian and philosopher of war, major general of the Prussian army.He personally participated in the Franco-Prussian War and the French

The Russian War, on the basis of summarizing war experience and studying the history of previous wars, wrote "On War" in 12 years.

The era when Clausewitz wrote "On War" was a major event in which the European industrial revolution, national revolution and national liberation movement occurred successively.
Times of change.At that time, Britain, France and other countries had established capitalist systems one after another, but Germany was still in the infancy of feudalism.
.Accompanying this was the rise and fall of the Napoleonic Wars, and the formation of German classical idealist dialectics. May 1818

Clausewitz was transferred to the Berlin Military Academy as headmaster.He was not willing to be lonely, and determined to leave his thoughts behind by writing books and making arguments.

to posterity.During his 12 years as the principal, Clausewitz lived in reclusive life and devoted himself to writing books behind closed doors.In order to save from the spread of the war
He has studied more than 1566 war cases that occurred between 1815 and 130 to clarify the nature of wars in depth and depth.pass
Comments on many war history studies, and sorted out and summarized the experience of several wars that I personally experienced, and wrote many important articles.

Important war history works.On this basis, further comprehensive improvement, so that it can be upgraded to a systematic military theory, this is the representative

His military thought "On War".

The first Chinese translation of "On War" was published by the Commercial Press in 1978 and included in the "Chinese Translation of World Academic Masterpieces Series"


Military Classics of Cognitive Warfare

The book "On War" is divided into eight chapters: On the Nature of War, On War Theory, Introduction to Strategy, Battle, Army, Defense, Advancement, etc.
Attack and war plan.Each part has made a comprehensive and specific elaboration from the macro to the micro.In the chapter on offense alone, it discusses
Looking at offense from the perspective of the relationship between offense and defense, the characteristics of strategic offense, the goals of strategic offense, the weakening of offensive forces, the nature of offensive
Apex, destroying enemy troops, attacking a battle, crossing a river, attacking a defensive position, attacking a fortress, defending a single line
Attacks on the front line, attacks on swamps, floodlands, and woodlands, attacks on theaters that do not seek a decisive battle, attacks on fortresses,

There are 21 chapters on the attack of the losing team, the attack on the enemy's army in the camp, and the diversionary attack.

Specifically, Clausewitz mainly discusses the law of war from the perspective of whether war can be understood by people.he
He believes that understanding and judging the situation of war "must follow the law of probability."Military decision-making must never crudely violate concepts
natural law.The so-called probability of war reflects the possibility of accidental events in actual wars.to know
The law of war can only estimate the possibility of various accidental events based on a large number of known war phenomena.in this recognition

On the basis of knowledge, it is determined that Clausewitz made the conclusion that the law of war can be understood by people.

To infer war from the laws of probability, intelligence must be relied upon.intelligence is all we know about our enemies and enemy states

Materials are the basis of all our thoughts and actions.Clausewitz proposed that the cognitive process of war consists of planning and carrying out
The implementation plan has two phases.In his view, implementing a plan is more important than making a plan.In addressing the question of the laws of war, Crowe

Sevitz takes care to distinguish it from the laws of natural science.He believes that the idea of ​​war as a craft

view is inaccurate.War belongs to the sphere of social life, it is a conflict of great interests, it is
It is carried out in the way of blood, and what it deals with is both living and reflecting objects at the same time.

On the relationship between war and politics, Clausewitz said, "War is nothing but the continuation of politics by another means."

He clearly pointed out that politics is the whole, and war is only a part of political interaction. Politics not only causes war, but also
Dominate the war.

Clausewitz divides war activities into two categories, namely, war preparation and battlefield operations.The theory of war can also be divided according to this
For the military art in the narrow sense and the military art in the broad sense.According to this division, war preparations, operational planning, offensive and defensive
And other aspects of the problem have made rigorous theoretical elaboration, in order to establish a new set of military theory.However, he does not wish to
His theory has become the golden rule, only asking future generations to grasp the thought of life from it.He pointed out: Attempts to build military art

It is simply impossible to set up a set of rigid theories, like setting up a set of scaffolding to ensure that the commander has a basis everywhere
.Based on this understanding, he repeatedly emphasized that war theory should not be a regulation of war practice, but a kind of investigation.exist
The theory under study should be a guide to those who study the problems of war.In short, the theory of war is mainly to help commanders and

People should identify the basic clues of thinking, not like road signs pointing out the specific path of action.

In addition, in the process of war, spiritual elements are popularized in all fields of war, and have amazing effects, which can make material elements have
Vitality has a decisive influence on military power, and the loss of spiritual power is the main reason for determining victory and defeat, and thus

Conclusion: The spiritual factor is one of the most important issues in war.

The spiritual factors here mainly refer to the talent of the commander, the martial arts and national spirit of the army, in addition to the wisdom of the government,

The hearts of the people in the combat zone and so on.Among them, "army morality" is the most important issue.The so-called martial arts, for individuals,

It mainly refers to the thorough professionalism and superb military technology; for the army, it mainly refers to the spirit of uniting and fighting and marching forward bravely.

Style and the spirit of winning without arrogance and losing.Whether it is for individuals or for the army, Wude is not born with it, but
To go through a series of war training and training in military exercises can be gradually formed.Only with good martial arts can it be possible to obtain

The war is won.

Offense and defense are issues that military thinkers of all ages have attached great importance to. For the first time, Clausewitz clearly put forward the concept of "active defense".
The concept of "defense" and "passive defense". The enemy should be attacked while defending, rather than simply defending without active counterattack.

He also clearly advocated active defense and opposed passive defense, pointing out that the form of defense is by no means a simple shield, but

A shield made of artful blows.The main purpose of defense, like a shield, is to resist the enemy's attack, not to be passive

ground defense.

Clausewitz wrote a special chapter in "On War" to discuss popular war, and elevated it to a strategic position for investigation.he refers to

It can be seen that although a single inhabitant is as insignificant to a war as a drop of water is to a great river, the population of a whole nation is to a war
The impact of the war is by no means insignificant.Popular support and public opinion are an important factor in both national strength and military strength.people

War is the expansion and enhancement of the war process. The use of popular warfare can greatly enhance one's own strength. Generally speaking, one is good at
Countries that use popular warfare as a means have a comparative advantage over those that take it lightly.

The apex of offense is a new concept created by Clausewitz.The so-called apex of the attack refers to stopping the attack at the right time
moment.That is, most strategic offensives can only be carried out to the point where it is still strong enough to defend and wait for peace.

end.After this moment there will be a cataclysmic change, and there will be counterattacks, which are usually more powerful than the assailants.
many.Correctly judging the apex of attack is also of great significance to defense.

Clausewitz believes that only through the study of war history can a corresponding war theory be established.because in the army

The experience of military art is much more valuable than all philosophies. Through the study of war history, it is as if you are on the scene and see the details of the event with your own eyes.
process.The principles learned from theoretical courses can only help us to study the history of war and draw our attention to the most important things in the history of war

.Clausewitz dialectically pointed out that attaching importance to the study of war history does not mean that everything must be rigidly convened, and only experience should follow.he thinks
, it is very important to pay attention to the correct use of historical examples and to prevent the abuse of historical examples, otherwise the historical examples of war used are not only insufficient to explain
Problems can also directly hinder and affect the understanding of the problems.For this reason, care must be taken to prevent two wrong practices.One is to prevent

The practice of making up for the lack of proof of one fact by many facts is prohibited.The second is to prevent the practice of simply presenting historical examples.

Required reading for theoretical revolutionary military circles

"On War" is the first epoch-making military masterpiece in the history of military thought that consciously uses dialectics to systematically summarize war experience.
His military thought is the theoretical peak of the development of modern bourgeois war thought. In the history of the development of military thought, it reflects the
The progressive tendency and innovative spirit of the early class had a great influence on the military thought of the bourgeoisie.

On January 1858, 1, Engels said in a letter to Marx: "I am currently reading Clausewitz's "On War".

The method of reasoning is peculiar, but the book itself is very good. "Lenin's struggle against the social-chauvinists in the Second International
In "On War", a famous saying in "On War" has been quoted many times: "War is nothing but the continuation of politics by another means, that is, violence.
Continuation"; at the same time he also noted: "Marxists have always regarded this principle justly as the principle for examining the meaning of every war.

On the basis.It is from this point of view that Marx and Engels always examine all kinds of wars. "Lenin praised Clausewy

Ci is "a very famous writer of war philosophy and war history".

For thousands of years, Western military theory works can be described as voluminous and overwhelming, but they can attract Marx, Engels,

Lenin, Mao Zedong and other founders of proletarian military theories shared the same interest and won their unanimous praise. I am afraid that "On War"

is the only one.

Clausewitz once predicted that his "On War" would cause a revolution in military theory, and it would not be a
Books that are forgotten after two or three years.Now it seems that people cannot help but be amazed by his firm self-confidence and accurate foresight.

admiration. More than 100 years have passed, and the immortal soul cast by Clausewitz in "On War" has been active in the military dance of the world.

on stage.It has always been regarded as a must-read book by the bourgeois military circles. At present, mankind has entered the information age.no doubt, g

The essence of Lausewitz's military thought will still have vigorous vitality in the military revolution of the new era.

(End of this chapter)

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