100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 62 The Common Program of the World Proletarian Revolution

Chapter 62 The Common Program of the World Proletarian Revolution
Chapter 61 The Common Program of Proletarian Revolution in the World: The Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto was written by Marx and Engels for the world's first proletarian political party - the Communist League
Written party platform.It is the first work in which Marx and Engels systematically expounded their worldview. The advent of the "Declaration", a sign

The birth of Marxism. The slogan "Proletarians of the world, unite!" was like a loud thunder that shook the earth.


Labor Leaders Communist Manifesto

Marx (1818~1883) and Engels (1820~1895) were the founders of Marxism and the great mentors of the proletariat.
The greatest thinker in human history.Marx was born in a Jewish lawyer family in the Rhine province of Germany, and went to Bonn in 1835.
He studied law at university and transferred to the University of Berlin in 1836, graduating in 1841 with a Doctor of Philosophy.Engels was born in Germany
A wealthy businessman family from the Rhine Province of the United States started to engage in business activities before graduating from middle school.

The two met in 1843 and became business partners and close comrades in arms after 1844. In 1844, the two collaborated on "God"
In 1846, he co-authored the book Marking the birth of Marxism.
German Ideology". In early 1846, Marx and Engels founded the Communist Correspondence Committee, an international

The organization of proletarian revolutionaries put forward the purpose of communists. In January 1847, Marx and Engels participated in the "

League of the Just" and rectified and reorganized the League from thought to organization, and renamed the League "Communist League"

". This is the world's first international organization of the proletariat guided by the idea of ​​​​scientific communism.

In November 1847, at the Second Congress of the Communist League, Marx and Engels comprehensively discussed the scientific communism

The basic idea of ​​doctrine, and in the fierce debate criticized various wrong views, unified the thinking of the conference, and finally they

Commissioned to write a manifesto for militant communism. In February 1848, their joint manifesto appeared.this is after

The "Communist Manifesto" that has been passed down to countries all over the world and pointed out the direction for the proletarian revolutionary struggle.

"Communist Manifesto" Proletarian Soul

The Communist Manifesto has an introduction and four chapters.The introduction succinctly paints a picture of the early communist movement, describing the communist
The process of human growth under the curse and siege of all kinds of enemies, and the process of publishing the "Communist Manifesto" against this background

Chapter 1 "Bourgeois and Proletarians" focuses on the theory of class struggle, which is also a clue throughout the book.horse
Marx and Engels used the principles of historical materialism to comprehensively examine the process of human historical development, and systematically discussed the stages
The theory of class and class struggle puts forward the theoretical content of the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.

The Brilliance of Marx and Engels
That is, they linked class struggle with a certain historical stage in the development of productive forces, and made a historical analysis of class society.

Scientific summary.

The domination of the proletariat is destined to abolish the entire capitalist social formation and all domination

, but if the proletariat wants to gain dominance, it must first seize power. The "Communist Manifesto" inherited and developed these ideas

Thinking, formed a systematic theory of the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.

Class struggle is the direct driving force for the development of class society. This is the basic principle and principle throughout the "Communist Manifesto".

class struggle

Struggle is the direct driving force for the development of class society.On this basis, the "Manifesto" also pointed out that capitalist society replaces feudal society

Since then, class antagonisms have been simplified, and the whole society has increasingly split into two hostile camps, into two directly opposing camps.

Established classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

And there are irreconcilable contradictions between these two classes.With the further development of productive forces, this contradiction becomes more and more acute, thus

It is prominently manifested as the cyclical economic crisis that is constantly expanding and deepening.This shows that the ownership relations of the bourgeoisie have accommodated
The powerful production relations created by itself are gone.The weapons used by the bourgeoisie to overthrow the feudal system are now aimed at the bourgeoisie

The bourgeoisie themselves.Therefore, the demise of the bourgeoisie is the inevitable result of the development of internal contradictions in capitalist society.
Victory is equally inevitable.

In Chapter 2 "Proletarians and Communists", it first explained the nature and characteristics of the Communist Party, and stipulated the basic tasks of the Party

and goals.The Communist Party is the political party of the proletariat. It has no interests different from those of the proletariat as a whole and has always

Always adhere to the internationalism of the proletariat and the great goal of communism.The task of the party is to "make the formation of the proletariat
level, to overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie, and let the proletariat seize power", and then develop the social productive forces as quickly as possible, adopt

Measures to gradually integrate industry with agriculture, to combine education with material production, and to gradually eliminate the antagonism between town and country, class

Antagonism and class distinctions, and ultimately communism.He also criticized all kinds of slander and slander against communism that were popular at that time.

scornful words, clarified that "the communist revolution is the most radical break with traditional property relations; not surprisingly, it

In the process of its own development, it is necessary to carry out the most thorough break with the traditional concept.” This is the famous argument.

In addition, Marx and Engels put forward proposals for solving the ownership system and changing the entire mode of production after the proletariat took power.
10 specific measures, while pointing out that "these measures will of course be different in different countries".

Chapter 3 "Socialist and Communist Literature".Marx and Engels used historical materialism and class classification
The method of analysis exposed and criticized all kinds of non-scientific socialism and utopian socialism that were popular at that time, and deeply analyzed
The social class origins of these trends of thought and the class interests they represent respectively illustrate the differences between scientific communism and them in nature.

The fundamental difference.

Marx and Engels pointed out that the British and French feudal aristocrats who were defeated by the bourgeoisie also played the banner of "socialism", while

The essence of this "feudal socialism" is the dream of restoring the feudal system. "Petty-bourgeois socialism", that is,
The "socialism" advocated by the representatives of the petty bourgeoisie, which is constantly divided and bankrupt under the capitalist system, is actually

It is to restore the small handicraft industry and small peasant economy in the Middle Ages.The so-called "true socialism" is to represent the interests of small German citizens.
"Socialism" peddled by beneficial German writers who opposed both the bourgeois revolution and the proletarian movement

The rise of the Communist Party of China has played a reactionary role of killing two birds with one stone.All of the above were classified as "reactionary socialism" by Marx and Engels.


The so-called "conservative or bourgeois socialism" means that the bourgeoisie wants to eliminate the disadvantages of capitalist society, from
And the theory of some people who maintain the survival of this society.They advocate reform in an attempt to make the working class give up political struggle.

As for "critical utopian socialism and communism", it is a reflection of the interests and demands of the immature proletariat.

Its claims are of a purely utopian character.

Chapter 4 "Communists' Attitudes to Various Opposition Parties" clarifies the basic strategic thinking of the Communist Party. "The Communists
struggle for the immediate aims and interests of the working class, but at the same time they represent the future of the movement in the present", "Communist
Communists everywhere support all revolutionary movements against the existing social and political system", "Communists everywhere work hard
Striving for unity and agreement among the democratic parties of the world", but "the Communist Party does not for a minute neglect to educate the workers as much as possible

Clearly aware of the hostile antagonism between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, and never give up on taking a critical attitude towards erroneous ideas

rights”. These strategic principles require that the party must take immediate and long-term interests into account in the struggle against the capitalist system.
Combine the former struggle with the realization of the great goal of communism. In the struggle, we must unite with other revolutionary parties and support all revolutionary parties.
life-threatening movement, but at the same time keep a clear mind and maintain our independence and class consciousness.

The Manifesto concluded with the battle cry of proletarian internationalism: "Workers of the world, unite!"

The "Communist Manifesto" is also accompanied by seven prefaces written by Marx and Engels at different times. These prefaces may reiterate the "Manifesto"
The nature of the Manifesto, reviewing the history of the Manifesto's integration with the international labor movement;
The basic principles of historical materialism; or make some important supplements and modifications based on the practical experience of the proletarian movement.total

In short, these preambles have become an integral part of the "Declaration" and are of great importance to our understanding of the spirit of the "Declaration".


Documentation of scientific socialism program of the world labor movement

The Communist Manifesto marked the union of revolutionary socialist theory and the labor movement.As soon as it was published, it received worldwide attention
A warm welcome from the proletariat.Its fiery language, iron-like conviction, clear and thorough proletarian stand,
It has inspired and educated tens of thousands of oppressed and exploited working people.As stated in the preface to the 1890 German edition of the book
: "It is undoubtedly the most widely circulated and international work in all socialist literature, from Siberia to California
The common program of millions of workers from all countries in the world. "

Lenin once said: "The Communist Manifesto" is the "complete, systematic, and still the best exposition of Marx's theory."
. "

Stalin put it this way: "Marx and Engels created an era with their 'Manifesto'."

The publication of the "Declaration" undoubtedly aroused the fear of the reactionary government at that time, and it was once declared illegal.However, with
With the development of the labor movement and the victory of Marxism, it has moved from the background to the foreground and has been widely disseminated. According to statistics, so far
It has been translated into more than 70 languages ​​and more than 1000 versions.

The Communist Manifesto was the first programmatic document of scientific socialism.In this work, Marx and Engelsby
Systematically put forward the basic principles of scientific socialism, initially established the theoretical system of scientific socialism, after that, scientific socialism
The theory of socialism has been continuously improved and developed, and it has become the basis for the proletariat to overthrow the rule of capitalism and establish a socialist social system.
ideological weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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