100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 68 has been hailed as the greatest novel in the world

Chapter 68 has been hailed as the greatest novel in the world

Chapter 67 is hailed as the greatest novel in the world: "War and Peace"

For more than 100 years, "War and Peace" has been highly respected, and it is a novel with the largest number of editions and prints in the world.

After the French novelist Flaubert read it, he exclaimed: "This is Shakespeare; it is Shakespeare!" The British writer Galsworth

Push it as "the greatest novel in the world". "200 World Famous Works Exhibition Review" said: "Even if we refuse to
Read any novel, but not War and Peace. "

Live in the manor to write an epic

The greatest representative of Russian critical realism literature, Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, was published on August 1828, 8
Born in the family of a count in Yasnaya Polyana, Tula Province, and later inherited the title of count.Most of Tolstoy's life
Part of his time was spent in this manor, and most of his works were also completed here.

In the late 19s and early 50s, many writers turned their attention to historical issues
material.The role of the people in history became a central subject of concern for writers.This is because, at that time, Russia was undergoing serfdom reform.

Before and after the revolution, we are in a historical period when society will undergo tremendous changes.People want to find a way out for their own class from the experience of history
.At that time, Tolstoy was still on the standpoint of the aristocratic and landlord class. Between 1863 and 1869, he completed the epic novel

Say War and Peace.

Tolstoy completed his second novel "Anna Karenina" in the 19s and the novel in the 70s


In his later years, Tolstoy not only preached his religious moral theory, but also practiced it personally. October 1910, 10 Tolstoy left home

leave.Unfortunately, on November 1910, 11, he died of pneumonia at the Astapovo station on the way, at the age of 7.

Life of the Four Great Families People's War Picture Scroll

The novel is centered on the Russo-French War in 1812, starting from the St. Petersburg nobles talking about fighting against Napoleon in 1805, and passing through the Russian-Olympic Federation.

Battle of Osterridge between Napoleon and Napoleon, French invasion of Russia in 1812, Battle of Borodino, Moscow
The fire and the French army retreated across the board, and finally wrote until the brewing of the Decembrist movement in 1820.The book is based on Bolkonsky , Bezu

The four noble families of Khov, Rostov, and Kuragin are the main lines. In the alternate display of war and peace, it fully expresses the Russian history at that time.
The rich and colorful content and changes of China's political, economic, military and family life reflect the thoughts of people from all walks of life and from all walks of life.
emotions and life conditions.

The basic content of the novel is:

When Napoleon went to Russia, the young and handsome Andre enlisted in the army. He entrusted his wife in labor to his old father, Bao Erkang.
Duke Ski and his sister, Countess Mary.Bolkonski is a retired general. Although he is idle at home, he always pays attention to the
The situation of the war.At that time, it was Kutuzov who commanded the Russian army to face the French army.Due to the fierceness of the French army, the Russian army did not

Andre was disappointed to have to abandon Vienna and retreat all the way along the Danube.

It was 1805, and St. Petersburg was still peaceful.Prince Vasili is running two things: one is to put himself
His daughter married Count Bezukhov's illegitimate son Bill, who inherited a large amount of estate from the deceased old count.
Managed to get his son Anatole to marry Countess Marie, Andrey's sister.The two families to be married were the wealthiest in Russia at that time

nobleman.He succeeded in one thing. The simple and honest Bill couldn't stand the attacks of Ellen's father and daughter in turn, and agreed to the marriage.Other
One thing Count Vasily did not do because of the resolute opposition of the old Prince Bolkonsky.

On the battlefield of Olimez, Andrey closely followed Kutuzov.After they were discovered by the French army, they quickly became targets of shelling.

Soldiers fell one after another, and Andre was shot and wounded and became a prisoner.After the victory, Napoleon walked around proudly, Zeng Xi
Andre, who wished to become a Napoleonic hero, suddenly saw his vanity and cruelty, and the image of Napoleon
In his mind, he suddenly became small, and he felt that only those soldiers who charged forward were the real heroes.

Bill was not happy in his marriage.His wife, Ellen, is a well-known courtesan, living a dissolute life, and recently married a young earl.

Dolohoff has an affair, and Bill angrily proposes a duel with Dolohoff.In fact, Bill couldn't even wield a gun.In the duel, Doroho
Husband was shot, lucky Bill was not injured.Later, Bill left most of his property to Ellen and went to Moscow alone


The old Bolkonski family was worried about Andrei. His wife was about to give birth, but Andrei came back unexpectedly.No
Unfortunately, Lisa died after giving birth to her son.The old Bolkonsky was appointed as the commander of the Russian army and took office.Andre Temporary

When he is free, he meets and talks with his good friend Bill from time to time, and the most talked about is the issue of the emancipation of serfs.bill is a mason
, he agreed to emancipate the serfs, but it did not work on his farm.Andre realized this ideal in his own estate,

He resolutely liberated 300 serfs, changed the forced labor of serfs in his other manors to tax exemption, and hired a teacher
The priest taught the peasant's children to read.Andrey's behavior shocked the Russian upper class.

At a court ball, Count Andre met Natasha, the youngest daughter of Count Rostov, and they fell in love at first sight.

Andrei decided to ask Natasha to marry him with his father's consent.The old Bokonsky believed that in terms of status and property, this marriage was not a good one.
A good match, he asked his son to postpone the wedding for a year.Natasha was a little disappointed when she found out, and Andre told her that their engagement was not good.

To be public, during the year she is free.Andre also said that he still has to go abroad to fight, if she encounters any difficulties, but

to find his friend Bill.

After Natasha got engaged, the family's financial situation continued to deteriorate. In order to prepare for her dowry, some farms and houses had to be sold
, and at the same time find a wealthy woman for her brother Nicholas to marry.Nicholas fell in love with his cousin Sonia.I heard Ann
Andre is coming back soon.Count Rostov took his daughter Natasha to visit the old Bolkonsky, but was unexpectedly coldly received.na
Sha felt insulted and felt aggrieved.At this moment, Anatole, Bill's brother-in-law, took aim at Natasha, and Ellen was in the middle

Going through the needles, the innocent Natasha was seduced, and she planned to elope with Anatole despite Sonia's dissuasion.Sonya can't
Tolerating Natasha's behavior, she reported to the parents, and Natasha's elopement plan was suspended.After Bill found out, for his friend
In honor of his friend Andrei, Anatole was expelled from Moscow and decided to help poor Natasha.

On June 1812, 6, Napoleon invaded Russia without any reason and without declaring war, and soon the French army occupied the important western region.
Town Smolensk, and continue to advance east.Count Andre has been leading an alliance to fight at the forefront.gap in battle
In the middle, he found out about Natasha, and he felt very painful, so he broke off the engagement. Soon, he received a letter from his sister, old Baoer

Instead of retreating, Konsky organized a militia to fight against the invaders.Unfortunately, the old duke suffered a stroke while reviewing troops
Within a few days, he passed away regretting that he did not meet the invaders in person.

Napoleon originally thought that France would be as powerful as a bamboo, and it would take Russia without any effort, but along the way, he encountered the stubbornness of the Russian army.

Despite strong resistance, the morale of the French army was getting lower and lower, which was unexpected by Napoleon.On the battlefield not far from Moscow

On the next day, Andre was injured again, this time seriously.In order to preserve its strength and prevent Moscow from being burned by the flames of war, the Russian army released

Abandoned Moscow.The Muscovites are almost gone.

Natasha's family also packed their cars and prepared to evacuate. A team of cars transporting the wounded drove over, and there were many wounded officers and soldiers sitting in the car.
Not getting into the car, walking in pain.Count Rostov immediately ordered his servants to unload several carts of their own belongings and free up the cart to transport the wounded.
member.Natasha also ran up and down to work.At that time, Andre and the servant's car were inside.andre and natasha
They met again in an unusual way, and at this moment, they felt that nothing had happened, but they loved each other even more.thereafter

Natasha has been with Andrei all the time.On the way out of Moscow, Natasha saw Bill and only had time to listen to what Bill said.

In other words, he will stay in Moscow.

Count Andrew died on the eve of the French retreat.At the moment before he stopped breathing, besides Natasha and

His sister Mary and his youngest son.During the war, Bill lived a captive life, and after being rescued, he returned to Morocco.

Co, he soon met Mary and Natasha.At this time, Natasha was sad and mournful because of Andre's death, and her smile in the past
no longer exists.Unable to help it, Bill had a strange feeling for Natasha.Bill's wife, Ellen, had fallen ill and died.

The next spring, Bill and Natasha got married.In a few years, they had 3 daughters and 1 son.Natasha's brother
Nicolas married Countess Mary, and Nicolas managed Mary's manor and property well.andre's son
Little Nikolenka is 7 years old, and he already understands that he will learn to be like his father from now on.

The pinnacle of literary monuments

The scene of "War and Peace" is magnificent, the spirit is vigorous, and the capacity is huge, just like a great piece of music is being played.The book describes

Characters, ranging from emperors, generals, nobles, down to merchants, soldiers, and serfs, all kinds of characters have wonderful realism.

feel.Here, the slender and delicate brushstrokes of the Dutch school and the breath-taking momentum of Michelangelo are brilliantly intertwined.
Together, as Strahov puts it: "Innumerable scenarios, all possible spheres of state and private life, history, war

, all tragedies in the world, all kinds of lust, all stages of life, from the cry of a baby to the dying old man's feelings
the final march of the human race, all the joys and pains a man can feel, every conceivable inner thought, from stealing money from his fellow
The feeling of a coin thief, the noblest impulses to heroism and lucid contemplation - it's all there in this painting

. "

People also admire "War and Peace" because it is a heroic epic of the people's war.The novel shows the anti-French war in 1812

The justice reflects the patriotic enthusiasm aroused by the Great Patriotic War: the peasants put on their uniforms and went to the battlefield, the soldiers
High morale and full of confidence, the peasants in the Moscow suburbs would rather burn their hay than sell it to the high-priced French army, and the people spontaneously organized
organized guerrillas to kill the enemy in large numbers... The whole novel proves Tolstoy's "People's War" with irrefutable facts.

The great stick with all majestic and majestic force" drove away the correct judgment of the invaders.

In short, this novel combines the life of the protagonist, the activities of historical figures, the lives and struggles of the people, and the discussion of the philosophy of history.
The fusion of theory and theory constitutes a masterpiece with the characteristics of epic, historical novel and chronicle, which is worthy of being the masterpiece of the world's literary giants.
handwriting.As soon as the work came out, it aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad. Russian critical realist writers almost unanimously recognized Thors as
Tai is the leader of the literary world, and he believes that such unique novels make "he firmly occupies the leading position in the public mind"


"War and Peace" is not only a huge monument in the history of Russian literature, but also a towering peak in the history of world literature

.UNESCO conducted a survey of 55 countries, regions and languages ​​in the world, and counted the most popular books in the world.

Among the novels, Tolstoy's "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina" and "Resurrection" ranked first, light 19
Between 79 and 1985, the translations of the three works amounted to 144 editions.

(End of this chapter)

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