100 must-read books for college students

Chapter 9 Confucian Classics

Chapter 9 Confucian Classics
Chapter 8 Confucian classic: "The Analects"

When it comes to "The Analects of Confucius", it is probably the most well-known Confucian classic. It can be said that "The Analects of Confucius" is a classic even in today's China.
people in cultivation

base part.Ban Gu wrote in "Hanshu Yiwenzhi": "In "The Analects", when Confucius responded to his disciples, people and disciples were in harmony with each other.

The words are received from the words of the master.At that time, the disciples had their own records. After the master died, the disciples discussed and compiled it together, so it is called "The Analects of Confucius".

》。 ”

Compilation of Words and Deeds of Saints and Disciples

The content of "The Analects of Confucius" mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius throughout his life, including questions and answers between Confucius and his disciples, people of the time or disciples.
The work of the language of answer.These words were recorded at any time at that time. After Confucius died, his disciples collected them and edited them into a book.
That is "The Analects of Confucius".In the Han Dynasty, there were three versions of The Analects.Among them, there are 20 articles in "The Analects of Lu"; 22 articles in "The Analects of Qi";

The Analects of Confucius was written by Liu Yu, the son of Emperor Jing of the Western Han Dynasty, King Lu Gong, who built the palace and destroyed the old residence of Confucius.
have to.It is called "Ancient Analects" because it does not use the official script of the Han Dynasty, but is written in the popular script of the Warring States Period.At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the great Confucianist Zheng
Xuan took "Zhanghou Lun" as the base, and wrote "The Analects of Confucius" with reference to "The Analects of Qi" and "Ancient Analects", and some people later made it
Make a note.Wei Heyan of the Three Kingdoms collected all the good commentators and wrote "The Analects of Confucius", which was established alongside Zheng Xuanzhi's "Annotations of the Analects".to the Tang Dynasty
, Zheng's note was lost.And He Zhu left it down.

There are different opinions about who the editor of "The Analects of Confucius" was and when it was completed.Zheng Xuan thought that "Zhonggong, Ziyou, Zixia, etc.
"Written". Liu Zongyuan's "The Analects of Confucius" thought that Zeng Zi's disciples "must be the disciples of Zichun and Zisi". "Confucius disciples tasted
Miscellaneous notes of his words, but those who have completed his books are also disciples of the Zeng family. "Based on some information provided in the Analects, this book is not
It was completed by one person at a time, but it was compiled successively by the disciples of Confucius and the retransmission disciples after about 80 years of hard work.final book

When around 400 BC.

"The Analects of Confucius" has 20 articles in total, 492 sections in total, and a total of 12700 words. "The Analects" records the death of Zeng Shen, a student of Confucius in his later years.

Among them, important materials of Confucius' life, thought and theory, especially important materials of educational thought and teaching activities are preserved.

It is a very precious cultural heritage of our country. It can be said that "The Analects of Confucius" is the earliest educational book in Chinese history.

When "The Analects of Confucius" was written, it coincided with the complete collapse of the slave society from the economic base to the superstructure.
collapse, the new feudal system formed and grew irresistibly, and various social contradictions became unprecedentedly sharp and intense.slave

The basic social contradiction, that is, the contradiction between the slave class and the slave-owner class has become more intensified, and the style of struggle of slaves against the slave-owner class

The rising tide, the emerging landlord class that has grown up has launched a struggle to seize power from the slave-owner aristocracy, freedom in the city

The people, the so-called "country people", set off a struggle against the slave-owning class.Struggles on all fronts have converged into a powerful torrent
, violently impacting the decadent and declining slavery.The world is in chaos, and "rituals are broken and music is broken."This is the transition from slavery to feudalism in our country

An era of great shifts in which drastic changes are enacted. "The Analects of Confucius" is the product of this era of great change.

Concentrating on Confucian classics

"The Analects of Confucius" takes two or three characters from Chapter 1 as the title, such as "Xue Er", "Wei Zheng", "

Gong Ye Chang" and so on. "The Analects of Confucius" contains a wide range of content, involving politics, thought, culture, education, ethics,
Germany and other aspects.

The core of the book "The Analects of Confucius" is "benevolence", and the ethical meaning of "benevolence" is "loving others".

Using the basic category of "benevolence" to "government with virtue", that is, to take "government" as the title of the article,

The following are similar.Except for a few chapters that have a general center, such as "Xue Er" talks about the fundamentals of being a human being, "Eight NC031", "Rural Areas"

Outside of the music system, most of the chapters in The Analects of Confucius, which is a collection of quotations, have no center, and there is no internal connection between chapters.

The language of "The Analects of Confucius" is simple and concise, and it is good at expressing profound meanings with short words and sentences, which makes people endlessly interesting.Song Dynasties Scholar
Cheng Yi said: "Since the [-]th and [-]th commentaries, I already understood the meaning of the text. The longer I read it, the more meaningful it becomes."

Some words and sentences still have vitality and are widely circulated among the people.Such as "learn the new by reviewing the old", "learn without getting tired, teach

People are tireless", "haste makes waste", "think twice before acting", "there is a long way to go" and so on, these concise sentences express
Expressed a profound philosophy of life, to inspire people.

"The Analects of Confucius" puts forward that the most important principles of Confucianism are loyalty, filial piety, brotherhood, trust, and forgiveness.Loyalty is subject to king and general

norms of human behavior.Filial piety and fraternity are the norms for maintaining the relationship between people within the family and clan, and are the norms for maintaining the patriarchal relationship.

the bond.Filial piety is the respect and obedience to parents, and regulates the behavior of members of the clan and family towards the patriarch and parents, so as to maintain the integrity of the clan.

Absolute authority of parents and elders.Ti is to respect elders, and regulates the relationship between members of the same generation within the clan and family, so as to protect the eldest son
, The eldest son's absolute authority in the children's life.Both filial piety and brotherhood involve the conscious obedience of the subordinates to the superiors.Faith means honesty, not deceit, keeping
promise. "People don't have faith, and they don't know what to do" is about "faith".Confucius believed that this is the basic requirement of being a human being, and also

It is a generally applicable code of conduct for dealing with relationships such as monarchs, ministers and friends.

Confucius emphasized the restraint effect of ritual on various moral behaviors.Li, as etiquette, is the external form of practicing benevolence.
It is through the implementation of the corresponding etiquette that the principles and norms of Taoism are reflected.

Confucius' political ideal is to "serve the country with propriety" and "govern with virtue". "Serving the country with propriety" refers to using propriety to establish a ruling order,
Fix the hierarchical relationship and make the class relationship harmonious.

"Government with morality" means to use moral principles as the guideline and guidance for handling government affairs, that is, the rule of virtue.rule of virtue
Touching people's hearts is more effective than criminal and political governance.

The implementation of the rule of virtue first requires the rulers to improve their own moral cultivation, first "cultivate themselves", and then "safety others".rulers "self-cultivation

"On the one hand, it is to cultivate the moral emotions of lovers, which is indispensable for those in power; on the other hand, it is to form a moral image to
Influence the people.Dealing with government affairs with virtue is like the Polaris in its seat surrounded by stars.

Rulers "live in their place", and the common people will naturally support them.

What Confucius longed for the most was to achieve "be able to benefit the people by giving to the people" ("Yong Ye") and "safety for the people".

What Shundu has not fully achieved is an ideal that should be realized.

Confucius' value of life is the value measure of "benevolence, nothing can be appreciated".The pursuit of benevolence is not the tendency of individual people, but the

their common will.

Since benevolence is the most valuable pursuit in life, when people make value choices, it is natural that benevolence should be taken as the

The scale determines the trade-offs.

Confucius highly praised the dedication to uphold principles and practice moral ideals, which had a great impact on traditional Chinese culture

In order to realize the ideal of "benevolence", Confucius put forward a methodology centered on "the golden mean".The so-called moderation refers to observation and treatment
The methods and principles of the problem include the two links of implementation and application.Over and under are relative to the two ends, it shows certain things
The movement of objects in time and space, when it develops to a certain state, should find out and determine its certain quality from the relationship of quantity, which is
is "middle".Therefore, this "middle" can be understood as "degree", and the truth of things lies in the "degree", and it does not reach the "degree".
Or more than this "degree" will fall into one-sidedness or fallacy.Confucius also believed that "middle" is not a fixed thing.
At the same time, in different things, the moderate relationship is not the same.

Confucius' dialectical understanding and handling of a series of opposite ends in social life embodies the operation of the method and principle of "the golden mean".

use.In the theory of governing the country, Confucius proposed contradictions such as leniency and fierceness, benefits and fees, labor and resentment, and enriching the country and enriching the people.he
When dealing with these contradictions, instead of restraining the two ends of the contradictions, we should seek adjustment points and adopt appropriate ways to make both parties feel harmonious.

interests are linked and shared.

Confucius is the first great educator in our country who broke the "official school" and "taught without discrimination".

"Learning well is an official", teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and following the rules

An education that is good at inducing, humbly seeking advice, emphasizing both learning and action, and combining learning and thinking
Thought has a great influence in the history of Chinese education.He summed up the teaching practice and teaching methods
The invaluable experience he gave has established an indelible contribution in the history of education in our country.
According to Confucianists, it later became the orthodox doctrine of the feudal landlord class, and "The Analects of Confucius" became the main classic of Confucianism.to the south

In the Song Dynasty, the Confucianist Zhu Xi combined "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius", "University", and "The Doctrine of the Mean" together, and called them the Four Books.arrive

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was stipulated that in the imperial examination, the topics of the eight-legged essay must be selected from the four books, and must "write words on behalf of the saints."

As a result, scholars at that time would regard "The Analects of Confucius" as a "sacred scripture" and memorize it thoroughly.

Throughout the feudal era, especially after the Han Dynasty, Confucianism initiated by Confucius has always been in the dominant position. Therefore, as a Confucian
The "Analects of Confucius", the main classic of the study, naturally has an extremely far-reaching influence in the history of ancient Chinese thought and culture.it
It is a must-read for feudal scholar-bureaucrats and students. Whether it is the essence or the dross, it has deeply penetrated into the political and moral

, culture and education and other fields.It not only played an immeasurable role in the formation of Chinese traditional culture and national character;

The negative side has been expanded and used by the powerful people of all dynasties, and transformed into a means of ruling and enslaving the people's thoughts.

The obvious positive and negative social effects make the evaluation of "The Analects of Confucius" divergent and even sharply opposed.However, one thing is certain
De: "The Analects of Confucius" is a key to understanding traditional Chinese culture, and its influence has gone beyond the borders of the country, throughout the East and even the world

.In ancient and modern China and abroad, the works on "The Analects of Confucius" are simply "a lot of things", and only the Japanese scholar Dr.
There are more than 3000 kinds recorded in "Spectrum".

(End of this chapter)

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