go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 132 Satisfaction

Chapter 132 Satisfaction
When she woke up, Zhang Jingning was startled, she found that it was already dawn.

"It's over, it's over, why did I fall asleep, and fell asleep for so long, Chen Ze? How is the song?"

Zhang Jingning looked up, but there was no sign of Chen Ze around, and there was no lyrics on the table.

"He's gone, right? Probably not, but why haven't even written the lyrics yet, and the demo will be recorded after it's finished, and the crew will be here soon. It's over now, and it definitely won't be finished."

Zhang Jingning found that there were no lyrics on the table, thinking that Chen Ze hadn't written the lyrics yet, and suddenly became anxious.

She hurried out of the room and walked to the recording studio.In the recording studio, there were a few people lying crookedly. They were the people she said yesterday to stay and work overtime, preparing to record songs.

Zhang Jingning reached out and patted one of them awake: "Did you see where Chen Ze went?"

"Chen Ze?" The man just woke up and was a little confused at first. He didn't know what Zhang Jingning was talking about, but then he suddenly understood, "Mr. Chen is sleeping in another room. He was busy all night last night. Just now I just went to bed."

Hearing that this person said that Chen Ze was sleeping in another room, Zhang Jingning raised her leg and was about to look for him, but she stopped after hearing the last sentence.

"Busy all night? What are you busy with?" Zhang Jingning asked.

"Recording the sample song." The humane said that he was completely awake here, and his face showed infinite admiration for Chen Ze, "Mr. Chen is so talented, it only took less than an hour to write The song is finished, at first we thought it was finished so quickly, the song must not be very good, but who knew it was such a good song. Not only the lyrics are well written, but the melody is also well written, it’s really great.”

This is humane, he recalled what happened last night, at first they really thought that Chen Ze had just dealt with a song, because no one had ever written a song so quickly.

But when they heard Chen Ze's song, they realized that they were all wrong.Chen Ze's song is really well written, not only is it nice to listen to, but also fits well with that TV series.

Even after listening to this song, he found that the pores of his whole body were opened, and his heart was full of enthusiasm.

"Write it so quickly?" Zhang Jingning was also taken aback when she heard this, "Then why have you been busy all night?"

"That's because Mr. Chen Ze's requirements for songs are too strict."

Having said that, the man felt a little chilled.He remembered that Chen Ze was busy in the recording studio last night, constantly re-recording.Obviously it sounded very good, but he didn't think it was enough, so he had to re-record it.The result is that I have been recording until the sky is bright, and the recording is finally completed.

"Really, let me listen to that song." Zhang Jingning said.

She took the earphones that the man handed over, put them on, and listened quietly.The prelude sounded, and there was a loud sound of bugles. Just this sound made Zhang Jingning's eyes light up.

"If the motherland is violated, a hot-blooded man should strengthen himself. Drink up this bowl of wine from his hometown, and the strong man will never return..."

Zhang Jingning's eyes widened when she heard it. This song was written with great momentum, passion, and perfection, without any flaws.

Zhang Jingning knew that the crew of the TV drama would be satisfied, because even a girl, her blood boiled when she heard this song, and scenes of war and revolutionary heroes appeared in her mind.

"It's amazing, that guy is really amazing." After listening to the whole song, Zhang Jingning muttered.

"Sister Jingning, do you want me to wake up Teacher Chen?" the man asked.

"No need, let him sleep well." Zhang Jingning looked at the room where Chen Ze slept, with a gentle expression on his face.

"Old Wu, our TV series will be released soon, and the theme song has not been finalized yet. If it is not confirmed this time, it may be too late."

In the reception room of Zhang Jingning's company, there were two men in their 40s and [-]s, one of whom was sexual to the other.

"I know, aren't we here to choose a song this time? I heard that Zhang Jingning asked Chen Ze to write the song. I think it should be fine this time." Old Wu said.

"It's okay, I don't agree to find Zhang Jingning's studio to write songs, that Chen Ze may be okay to write pop songs, but you can tell by his age, how can he write war songs, I think we It's a waste of time again this time," said the man.

"He is the assistant director of the anti-war film crew. He specially selected episodes and theme songs for the TV series. Because the investment in this war film is huge, and the requirements for the theme song are also very strict, so it is about to be released now, but the theme song The song hasn't been finalized yet.

When he was worrying, another assistant director, Lao Wu, said that he had asked Zhang Jingning to invite him to sing, and Zhang Jingning promised that Chen Ze would write the theme song.

He has also heard of Chen Ze, who has been very popular recently, and it seems that he is indeed a master in songwriting.But this person is too young, maybe it's okay to write songs about love and love, but how can a child like him write such majestic war movie songs.

Therefore, he was very opposed to coming to Chen Ze to invite songs, thinking that it was just a waste of time.Who knew that this old Wu had a lot of confidence in Chen Ze, and he really couldn't beat him, that's why he came here today.

"No matter what Chen Ze wrote, we're here anyway, so let's listen to his songs." Old Wu laughed.Hearing this, the assistant director didn't say anything else, but he had already sentenced Chen Ze's song to death in his heart, and he was already thinking about who to ask for another song.

"Sorry to keep you two waiting."

Not long after, Zhang Jingning walked in with a player in her hand.

"Hello Miss Jingning, we didn't wait long." Old Wu smiled, and the other assistant director also nodded. Although he was disdainful of Chen Ze's song in his heart, he also knew Zhang Jingning's status and background, not him alone. The assistant director can't take it seriously.

"Let's stop gossiping. We've already recorded the song. Let's play it to the two of you. You can listen to it and see how it goes. I promise to surprise you both."

Zhang Jingning said, and she began to prepare.

Seeing Zhang Jingning's actions, the other assistant director nodded inwardly, because he just didn't want to waste time here.

"After listening to it, just find any reason to refuse it." He thought to himself.

After Zhang Jingning was ready, she handed the two earphones to the two assistant directors, and the two assistant directors put on the earphones.

In the earphones, a bugle sounded!The sound of the bugle caught the attention of the two of them in an instant. Just hearing the sound of the bugle, it seemed that the scene of the war where the gunfire raged and the death seemed to appear in their minds.

"If the motherland is violated, a hot-blooded man should strengthen himself, drink up this bowl of wine from his hometown, and the strong man will never return... The red flag is fluttering, the bugle is sounding..."

Listening to this song, the two seemed to be completely attracted.Especially the assistant director who didn't disdain Chen Ze's work at first, his face was flushed and his hands were shaking, obviously very excited.

That's right, he was really excited. He had already picked hundreds of songs for this TV series, but he was never satisfied. He originally thought that Chen Ze would not be satisfied here either.

Who knew that this guy actually wrote this kind of song.This song is really suitable for my TV series.

After the whole song was played, he took off his earphones and took a deep breath: "Miss Jing Ning, when will we sign the contract!"

(End of this chapter)

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