go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 137 Chen Ze's Zhang Ying

Chapter 137 Chen Ze's Response

"Okay, this time the public opinion was created well. It not only took advantage of Chen Ze's popularity, but also compared his song "Broad Sea and Sky", and made our song completely famous. Okay, very good, the advertising department This month, an extra third of the salary will be paid.”

In Huaxia Brokerage Company, Wang Xia said with a smile.A computer was turned on in front of him, and the meager pages of those big Vs stayed in the computer.

Wang Xia is very satisfied, especially when he sees that the current Internet public opinion has completely moved in the direction he wants.

He wanted to teach Chen Ze and Zhao Tao a lesson this time, to let them know that they couldn't do without them, and they were just two little people after all.

Now that the public opinion on the Internet has been completely created, the next thing is to release this song "Who I Love", and then completely snatch the right to speak in Cantonese songs from Chen Ze, so that everyone can know that it can be written well The song in Cantonese is my Huaxia management company.

Of course, to achieve this goal, the quality of the song "Who I Love" is very important, but Wang Xia is not worried about this.Still the same point of view, Chen Ze, a person from a non-Cantonese speaking area can write Cantonese songs well, but he invited a master from the Cantonese speaking area, can't he surpass Chen Ze?

"Freedom, this topic is a bit difficult!"

In a room, Chen Ze frowned and muttered these words.The word "freedom" is the title of the third issue of "Huaxia Singer", and a song will be created around the word "freedom".

The theme of freedom is really too big, how many things and people in the world need to pursue freedom, and how many things can be written.

However, although there are many things that can be written, because the topic is too big, it is very difficult to write well and brilliantly.

So now Chen Ze is also a little distressed, not knowing where to start.

"Hey Chen Ze, what are you going to do?"

Beside Chen Ze, Zhang Jingning asked.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Ze asked back.

"It's about Huaxia's management company and the Cantonese song. They've used and provoked you naked this time. Don't you want to find a way to respond to them?" Zhang Jingning said.

"Oh, you said that matter, there is actually nothing to respond to that matter." Chen Ze said.

In fact, he didn't believe that Huaxia Brokerage Company could easily create a song that surpassed "Broad Sea and Sky". That song is one of Huang Jiaju's most classic songs. So simple and beyond.

Especially since there have been no Cantonese songs in this world before, it is even more impossible for this song to be surpassed so simply.

Chen Ze felt that as long as he didn't do anything and waited for the song to be released, netizens would use their ears to tell which song was better. At that time, no matter what Huaxia Brokers had done before, it would be impossible Turn the tables.

This is Yangmou, using strength to crush them uprightly, it is higher than Huaxia Brokerage Company's conspiracy of hiring a navy to guide public opinion.

"But, if you don't do anything, then the word-of-mouth reputation of your Cantonese songs will be over. Huaxia Brokerage Company will take the right to speak in Cantonese songs. It's the kind of song you created. How can it be taken by them? Robbed."

Zhang Jingning didn't know where Chen Ze's thoughts and his confidence came from, and said anxiously for Chen Ze.

"Haha, don't worry." Chen Ze smiled, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, "Cantonese songs, freedom, yes, you can use this song."

Chen Ze was very excited, quickly picked up the pen on the table, and started writing on the paper he had prepared earlier.

"What did you write?" Zhang Jingning asked.

Chen Ze didn't respond to her, but only after writing out the song completely, he said, "This is the song I'm going to sing in the third show."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Zhang Jingning was very curious. She lowered her head and carefully read the song, but she frowned when she looked at her.

This song seems to be a bit confusing!
"Chen Ze, it seems that you can't sing this song fluently." Zhang Jingning asked, frowning. She didn't expect Chen Ze to make such a mistake, and the song she wrote couldn't be read smoothly. It shouldn't be!

"Of course I can't read Putonghua fluently." Chen Ze said with a smile.

"Mandarin?" Zhang Jingning was stunned for a moment, then realized, "You mean."

"That's right, this is a Cantonese song, and it's my response to Huaxia's management company." Chen Ze said with a slight smile.

On the Internet, netizens have been discussing the song "Who do you really love" after the big V's song review held by Huaxia Brokerage Company.

"I'm really looking forward to it. This song will be released in two days. I don't know what kind of song it is. It's better than "Broad Sea and Sky". I'm really looking forward to it."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it too. Judging by word of mouth, it must be a divine song. Maybe it's the kind of song that can be passed down for decades. It's a blessing that we can hear it the day after tomorrow."

"I am also looking forward to it, but compared to this song, I am also looking forward to what response or action Chen Ze will have. He proposed the genre of Cantonese songs. This time, Huaxia Brokerage Company used his "Broad Sea and Sky" "Propaganda, I think he should respond to something."

"I think so too. With Chen Ze's strong creative ability, he shouldn't just be told that his songs are not as good as others, and then he doesn't respond at all. This is not his style."

"What's the use if it's not his style? Put it there, his Cantonese songs are not as good as others'. I'll see how he can respond."

Netizens are very much looking forward to the launch of "Who Do You Love?" Similarly, they are also looking forward to Chen Ze's response. Some netizens think that Chen Ze will definitely respond. After all, he will not watch his Cantonese songs be surpassed.

However, there are still some netizens and sailors who continue to belittle Chen Ze, thinking that Chen Ze will not respond, because his Cantonese songs cannot be better than this "Who I Love".

At this moment, Chen Ze's meager line came online!

"Welcome everyone to watch the third issue of "Huaxia Singer". The theme of this issue is freedom. I wrote a Cantonese song based on this theme. I hope everyone will like it."

Seeing Chen Ze's meagerness, all the netizens were overjoyed.Although Chen Ze's meager article did not mention the Huaxia Brokerage Company's "Who Really Loves", a new Cantonese song was also released at this time, and it happened to be released on the same day as "Who Are You Loved". It can be seen that this is the response given by Chen Ze.

He was challenging Huaxia's management company to let the netizens see whose Cantonese songs will be better by then!
 Chapter 1 is released, this chapter will be released first, and the rest will be updated tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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