go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 151 Unlucky Zhu Chengwen

Chapter 151 Unlucky Zhu Chengwen
"Hi, hello, I'm a reporter from "Entertainment Weekly". I would like to ask if it's true that you have unspoken rules about actresses, banned Chen Ze, and forced him to withdraw from the competition recently uploaded on the Internet?"

In the office of the deputy director of Mango TV, Zhu Chengwen connected a phone call, and such a sentence came from the other end of the phone.

"No comment, no comment!"

Hearing this, Zhu Chengwen said angrily, and dropped the phone after speaking.

He is really annoyed now, Chen Ze did something beyond his expectation, he actually retired, and after retiring, there was such a big disturbance on the Internet again, he didn't know how to answer it these two days So many calls from reporters, all about Chen Ze's retirement.

What's more, there are more and more mysterious rumors on the Internet, saying that Chen Ze was forced to retire by himself, and that he wanted to be an actress under the unspoken rules. In the end, he was blocked in the room by Chen Ze wearing a bathrobe and taught him a lesson. Some said that they are perverts, and the age of actresses who want to unspoken rules should not exceed 15 years old.

Seeing these news, Zhu Chengwen's eyes felt black, and he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

He didn't know how the news about his plan to block Chen Ze got out, but Zhu Chengwen knew it must be someone from the TV station. After all, he was the deputy director of the whole station, and he didn't know how many people were staring at him. Now that he has finally found an opportunity, he must be punishing himself to death.

To be honest, Zhu Chengwen regretted it a little.If I had known that these things would happen if I provoked Chen Ze, I would never have provoked him even if I killed him.

The key is who would have thought that a small singer like Chen Ze could stir up such a big situation.

Zhu Chengwen already hated Chen Ze to death in his heart, and he decided that if he didn't use all the resources to kill Chen Zefeng this time, then he would not trust Zhu.

Ding Ding Ding!
At this moment, the phone in his office rang again.

"I've told you many times, I have nothing to say, I have nothing to say!" Picking up the phone, Zhu Chengwen yelled.

"Old Zhu, it's me." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this voice, the ferocious expression on Zhu Chengwen's face immediately softened, showing a flattering smile, his legs slightly bent, "It's the director, is there anything wrong with the director?"

"Come to my office, I have something to tell you." The director said.

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Zhu Chengwen said, walking towards the office of the director of Mango Station.

"Director, you are looking for me." Entering the office, Zhu Chengwen said.

"Old Zhu, you are here." The head of the station said, looking at Zhu Chengwen, "Recently, a lot of things happened on the Internet, and everyone in the station already knows about it."

"Director, all of this was done by that Chen Ze. I never thought that he, a little singer, and a popular little singer on our show, would dare to do this. Please rest assured, Director, I can solve this matter."

Zhu Chengwen also guessed that it was because of Chen Ze's affairs that the director was looking for him at this time, so he quickly said what he had thought up a long time ago.

From his point of view, he just needs to blame Chen Ze for all his faults, and then try his best to teach Chen Ze a good lesson.After all, Chen Ze is just a young singer, and he himself is the veteran deputy director of the stage, so there is no reason why he would take Chen Ze's place on stage in this matter.

"Chen Ze is too ignorant. We have made him famous on our show, but he suddenly bites back. So, director, I have already figured it out. We have to use all our resources to completely ban Chen Ze as an example to everyone. Those little stars know what will happen if they offend our Mango Channel." Zhu Chengwen said.

As he said that, he became more and more excited. Before that, he only blocked Chen Ze in his own name, and he might not be able to completely block Chen Ze.But it's different now, Chen Ze actually offended the entire station by committing suicide.Zhu Chengwen felt that it would not be a problem at all to block a small Chen Ze in front of the behemoth of his Mango Terrace.

"Okay, old Zhu, don't say any more, the station has decided to dismiss your position as the director of "Huaxia Singer". You should take two days off and go back to rest." The director said, interrupting Zhu Chengwen who was in high spirits .

Hearing the director's words, the smile on Zhu Chengwen's face suddenly froze: "Director, what do you mean?"

Removing the position of director system and going back for a two-day vacation, this, this does not mean that the responsibility lies with oneself, and the consequences must be borne by oneself.And it was hard for me to get the position of deputy director. After this punishment, even if I can keep my position as deputy director, I have absolutely no real power and can only retire.

How could it be, how could he punish himself like this for Chen Ze.

"Even if what you just heard." The head of the station raised his head, looked at Zhu Chengwen and said indifferently, "Now the matter of you banning Chen Ze has been spread on the Internet, and it is the matter of you unspoken rules about actresses. These two incidents have done a lot of damage to our trump card program "Chinese Singer" and the reputation of our entire Mango Channel, so someone must bear the consequences."

"But, director, these are all rumors and lies. I don't have unspoken rules for actresses. I just invite them to have a meal together." Zhu Chengwen hastily defended.

"Okay, Lao Zhu, needless to say, whether it's a rumor or a fact, the problem now is that something has happened, and someone must be responsible. And you are the person directly responsible, and now everyone on the Internet has already shouted at you. , I just relieved you of your position, I am already very worthy of you." The head of the station said.

"No, Director, you can't treat me like this, and Taili can't treat me like this. I have contributed to Taili all these years, and I have worked hard, and Secretary Zhang, Secretary Zhang will not agree to your dismissal of my post." Zhu Chengwen shouted loudly.

Hearing Zhu Chengwen's words, the director sneered in his heart. Because Zhu Chengwen had some relationship with Secretary Zhang, he didn't take himself seriously on weekdays, and even took over the producer right of the ace show "Huaxia Singer" , wanting to take the greatest credit, but who knew that this guy actually courted his own death and caused such a big disturbance on the Internet.

Did he think that after such a big incident, Secretary Zhang would still protect him?
"Old Zhu, do you think Secretary Zhang will still trust you as before after such a big incident? He called me just now and said that you let our station handle it, and he didn't care. Let me tell you clearly, You're done this time." The director sneered.

"How could it be, how could it be, how could Secretary Zhang treat me like this."

Hearing the director's words, Zhu Chengwen muttered to himself.Secretary Zhang has always been his biggest backer. He never expected that because of this incident, because of Chen Ze, even he would stop helping him.

This time, it's really over!
Zhu Chengwen's face darkened for a while, and he thought of Chen Ze.If I give myself another chance, maybe I will never offend Chen Ze.

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(End of this chapter)

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