Chapter 168

"Xiongguan is as long as iron, and now it is overcoming it from the beginning! Chen Ze used this poem to respond to his views on his new program."

"Chen Ze reloaded, even if the road to Xiongguan is as good as iron, now he is making progress from the beginning, he will not give up, and he is full of confidence in his new program."

"The Cangshan Mountain is like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood. Chen Ze at the press conference expressed his inner thoughts with this line."

"Creator, singer, poet, what else is Chen Ze not good at?"

After the press conference ended, journalists from major media immediately sent out the press releases written by the conference, most of which quoted Chen Ze's poems as the title to tell about Chen Ze's new program "Run, Brother".

Of course, another part avoided the topic of "Run, Brother" and focused the report on Chen Ze's poems, including the two poems written by Chen Ze on the spot, as well as the poem revealed by Director Huaxia Lan and The articles that Chen Ze had published on Weibo were reported together. With so many reports together, these media were also very surprised by Chen Ze's talent, and gave Chen Ze a new nickname: Poetry Wit.

After reading these reports, netizens learned about Chen Ze's new program "Run, Brother" and these poems written by Chen Ze.If it is said that the "Diary of a Madman" and the couplet about "Mango TV I'm sorry for the Chinese singer" published by Chen Ze on Weibo, everyone still thinks it was just his whim, and a 20-year-old boy like him should not have this kind of talent.

Then after seeing these reports, everyone was also surprised.

On the mountain, the horse is riding fast without getting off the saddle, looking back in shock, it is three feet and three feet away from the sky!
If the sky is loving, the sky is also old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes!
Xiongguan Road is really like iron, and now it's over from the beginning!
Cangshan is like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood!

Looking at Chen Ze's poems these two days, everyone felt a little unrealistic.

"Chen Ze is too crazy, he is so talented, he really knows how to write poetry!"

"It's not just about being able to write poems. I don't think any of these lines are worse than those ancient classic poems we learned in our middle school textbooks. He is so good at writing ancient poems as a modern person?"

"Chen Ze is not letting others live. He writes a poem like this. If there is love, the sky will be old. The right way in the world is vicissitudes. The bottom line is just perfect."

"This sentence is as hard as iron, and now it is my favorite to start from the beginning. Although the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, it is full of confidence to win. I must watch Chen Ze's reality show this time. It will let him A program that writes such poems must be a very good program.”

"This sentence Cangshan is like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood, do you feel that it is similar to the poem fairy Li Bai's "West Wind Residual Shine, Han Family Mausoleum", the sense of picture and vicissitudes is too strong, and the momentum revealed by this sentence is strong , I can’t believe that Chen Ze, a 20-year-old man, can write poems, it’s so awesome.”

Everyone discussed on the Internet one after another, each expressing their views on these poems written by Chen Ze. Everyone has different opinions, and their feelings about these poems by Chen Ze are also somewhat different.But when it comes down to one point, they all have the same feeling, why is Chen Ze so hung up!
Just writing this kind of poetry, everyone thinks it is already a monster. After all, modern society is completely different from ancient times, and no one can write this kind of ancient poetry.But Chen Ze actually wrote it out, and actually wrote so much.

Thinking about the songs, articles, and couplets he wrote before, everyone could not wait to be stunned. Is this something that one person can come up with?

His 28 is really 28, it's so amazing!
Immediately, everyone looked at Chen Ze with the feeling of looking at an evildoer.

When I see the achievements of other outstanding talents, I feel amazing, so amazing, so amazing!
When I look at Chen Ze, my heart is full of shit, shit, shit, shit, numb!

It is not that there is no genius like Chen Ze in history, there are even people who are more talented than Chen Ze, but netizens feel that they are all historical mythological figures, but Chen Ze is different. He is a real person, not some mad scientist. Genetically modified humans.

He also encounters difficulties, gets angry, and writes poems to satirize others. This is a real person.Because of this, the shock to netizens is even greater.

In the end, the opinions of netizens turned into one sentence, "Nima Chen Ze is really too hot."

Of course, not everyone on the Internet is convinced by Chen Ze, and Mango Channel is the first to refuse.After the netizens began to worship Chen Ze, Mango Channel made another big move on Weibo.

""Run, Brother"? Isn't it "Wisdom and Braveness"? It's a hit show!"

"On Chen Zexin's program "Running Brother" Top Ten Possibilities!"

"The higher you climb, the harder you fall. The tragic life of those teenagers who became famous geniuses in history in the second half of their lives."

"No one in the eyes? No matter how talented a person who writes poems to satirize others is, he is just a ****."

The staff of Mango Channel, as well as its big V reporters and celebrities have published these meager content, the meager content is different, but they all hint or directly say that Chen Ze's new program "Run, Brother" will hit the street, Some even brought out those who became famous as young people in history, indicating that people who became famous as young people generally had a miserable life in the second half of their lives.

Some even denounced Chen Ze as an idiot. Although there is a little ink in his stomach, his behavior is no different from that of a hooligan, calling on everyone to boycott Chen Ze.

Ever since Mango TV decided to completely ban Chen Ze, they and Chen Ze had a complete falling out.Originally thought that with their influence, it would not be a matter of minutes to ban a young singer.

Who knew that this little singer turned around and cooperated with China Blue Satellite TV, which was a blatant slap in the face.That's why they sent reporters to this press conference to make a mess of Chen Ze, to make a mess of this press conference, and to embarrass Chen Ze and China Blue Satellite TV.

Who knew that Chen Ze and China Blue Satellite TV were not the ones who lost face in the end, but the reporters they sent over.That poem by Chen Ze was really annoying, it seemed to be talking about that reporter, but everyone at Mango TV knew that this poem was given to them all by Chen Ze.

Nima, our Mango Channel has never been humiliated like this. Filled with righteous indignation, these people attacked Chen Ze on the Internet one after another, and some even cursed directly, wishing Chen Ze's show to hit the street soon.

Although these people are not the high-level and core figures of Mango TV, any fool can see that it is obviously the instruction of the top management of Mango TV.

After seeing these meager posts, some netizens refuted and some agreed with the meager content.Most of them are staring at Chen Ze's meagerness. These people don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and they really want to see how Chen Ze will fight back against them.

(End of this chapter)

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