Chapter 170

Zhang Yining, one of the top executives of Mango Channel, used to be sought after wherever he went in the entertainment industry.But in the past two days, Chen Ze has been so angry that Chen Ze, a small singer, who in their opinion is barely popular because of "Huaxia Singer", dared to offend himself, and after he was blocked by himself, unexpectedly He still appeared in the entertainment circle alive and kicking, and even wrote a poem to satirize the reporters under his banner.

To satirize the reporters under one's own banner is not to slap oneself in the face of Mango TV.A young singer, and a young singer who has been banned by his own station, dares to do such a thing.

Can this be tolerated?This is absolutely unbearable!
However, Zhang Yining had nothing to do with Chen Ze. The ban that was used on others was also used on Chen Ze. He tried everything on others, but it didn't work on him at all. This made him really depressed.

But the mood has improved a lot recently. Their Mango Channel’s ban order on Chen Ze finally got some effect. The show "Run Brother" that Chen Ze wants to do, the guests he invites and the sponsorship he pulls All rejected him because of his own TV station. Thinking of Chen Ze's mood when he got the news, he felt very refreshed.

This is not the only thing that makes him happy. Recently, he opened a small account on Weibo, and wrote articles with the big V reporters and staff under the Mango Channel to mock Chen Ze. Chen Ze didn't dare to respond. This put him in a good mood.

Especially when he saw the helpless look of fans who supported Chen Ze on the Internet, he was in a better mood.

Recently, it has become a habit of him to send meek taunts to Chen Ze every day at work.Today is the same as the previous two days. He opened Weibo in the office, and when he was about to write another article, he suddenly found someone @自己. He opened it, and the @his person turned out to be Chen Ze.

"Chen Ze finally couldn't help it?"

Zhang Yining was in a good mood. Although he felt good when he mocked Chen Ze and Chen Ze didn't retaliate, he always felt like his fist was hitting the cotton.

But it's different now, Chen Ze actually posted meager.Now it's fun, yes, Chen Ze is indeed very talented, he can write poems as well as articles, he can't be argued against alone.

But with so many people rushing to Mango Terrace, is he still afraid of him alone?
With this feeling in mind, Zhang Yining opened Chen Ze@his content!

"A person like you can live up to two episodes in a TV series!"

陈泽@他的content first reposted his last tweet, and then posted a picture in which a person with a strange expression slapped another person with the same strange expression on the face, accompanied by On this sentence.

The two people in this picture are not ordinary people, but more similar to that kind of cartoon characters.If there were people from Chen Ze's previous life here, they would be able to recognize them immediately, Nima, aren't these two people the two giants of emoji packs, Brother Xueyou and Director Jin?

This picture is also one of the most classic emoji pictures in the previous life.

Of course, Zhang Yining had never seen this kind of picture, but looking at the two people in the emoji, he could feel Chen Ze's mockery towards him.

He picked up a pen and wanted to respond, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to respond.If Chen Ze sent a sentence, or wrote an article, it would be a good response.But now Chen Ze posted a picture, it was still this kind of picture, he didn't know what to do.

And during this period, he discovered that Chen Ze not only responded to him alone, but also responded to other people on Mango Channel, and none of them said a word, and they all sent such similar messages. picture.

"I advise you to eat some shit and calm down!"

"It's easy to get beaten when you talk like that, you know?"

"I'll come over and beat you after I finish eating this lollipop."

"Do you still dare to pretend?"

"I'd like to see how thick your skin is!"

"Do you feel uncomfortable if you don't pretend?"

"I said you are as handsome as shit, you are comfortable."

"Don't @我, you are so ugly that my phone is dead."

"You go, I don't have a son like you!"

Chen Ze posted more than [-] messages in a row. Looking at these pictures and looking at the faces of the emoticons above, it seemed that Chen Ze himself was mocking him, and it was very vivid. This made Zhang Yining angry for a while, and he wanted to immediately Go and tear up Chen Ze.

He felt that Chen Ze really deserved a beating and was too scary.Originally thought that he would write an article to fight back at most, but this guy was completely unreasonable and played his cards. He got so many emoticons, which made Zhang Yining feel angry, but he was helpless. He had never seen such a thing before. Don't even know how to fight back.

Not only Zhang Yining, but the rest of the Mango Channel were also very angry. The ridicule value of these pictures sent by Chen Ze was beyond the charts. It was obviously just a picture, but I don’t know why people feel very uncomfortable after seeing it. He still feels uncomfortable writing a [-]D article in response.

They all wanted to fight back, but there was absolutely nothing they could do.

On the contrary, those netizens on the Internet were immediately attracted after seeing the pictures posted by Chen Ze.

"Damn it, where did Chen Ze get these pictures? The ridicule value of this picture is beyond the charts. I laughed to death when I saw it."

"This is absolutely a top-notch emoji pack. The emojis on the picture, together with these matching words, make me laugh so hard."

"Hahaha, the people at Mango Terrace are really confused now. I knew Chen Ze would fight back, but I didn't expect the way of retaliation to be so special. How did the people from Mango Terrace fight back? This way is too funny."

"Save it and save it, this picture is so interesting, I think it can be used in future chats."

Netizens responded to Chen Ze's Weibo one after another. They were all attracted by Chen Ze's emoji photos and laughed. They thought they hadn't seen these things before. How did Chen Ze come up with such a thing? Such majestic poems can actually produce this kind of picture.

Many netizens have discovered the value of these pictures, and have saved Chen Zefa's pictures for future use.

They also mourned for Mango Terrace, thinking that it was really unlucky for Mango Terrace to offend Chen Ze.Chen Ze's tricks are too many, from writing "Diary of a Madman" to couplets, to poems, and now this kind of emoji, which makes people hard to guard against.

They all felt that these people on Mango Terrace were also big-hearted. If other people were greeted by Chen Ze's moves, they might have suffered a mental illness long ago.

"Chen Ze is really awesome, don't mess with Chen Ze." This was the unanimous thought of everyone.

The staff of Mango TV had nothing to do with Chen Ze's emoticons at first, but later they saw that some netizens saved these emoticons and prepared to use them in future chats, and they were reminded.

They also all saved these emoticons, and used emoticons to deal with emoticons.

They also used Chen Ze's emoticons, and continued @陈泽, feeling proud: "We also have emoticons, let's see what you can do!"

After seeing the pictures posted by Mango Channel, netizens secretly scolded Mango Channel for being shameless, but at the same time, they had nothing to do with Mango Channel's behavior.He has made it clear that he is shameless, what else can you do with him.

Who knew that when the people at Mango Terrace were complacent, Chen Ze posted another picture of the emoji.

It was still Director Jin's expression, he took a sword and pointed it forward, with a sentence on the picture: "You can steal my picture, but you can't steal my temperament."

"Hahaha, Chen Ze is so talented."

"It's so funny, Mango Terrace is stupid, Chen Ze is obviously waiting for them here."

"These emoticons are too funny, how could there be such a funny expression."

"In ancient times, there was Zhuge Liang's tongue war against the Confucians, but now there is Chen Ze's emoji war against Mango Taiwan!"

Netizens responded one after another. They thought that Chen Ze's picture was a stroke of genius. This one would probably completely confuse Mango TV.

This is indeed the case. When these people on Mango Channel were preparing to fight with Chen Ze's expression picture, this picture of Chen Ze directly stunned them.

Damn, it's all out, how can I fight back!

Everyone still wanted to fight back, but they hesitated when they thought of Chen Ze's possible methods, fearing that they would become the laughing stock of netizens.

But at this moment, Chen Ze posted a meager message, which once again attracted everyone's attention: "Do you dare to bet?"

(End of this chapter)

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