go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 197 Level 2, 1 song

Chapter 197 The second level, a song
"The most is the gentleness of bowing the head, like a water lotus flower's shyness that cannot withstand the cool breeze!"

As soon as Chen Ze's words came out, everyone froze in place, and were immediately moved by Chen Ze's words.

The most is the gentleness of bowing the head, like the shyness of a water lotus that cannot withstand the cool breeze.Beautiful, so beautiful, this sentence is so beautiful.

Everyone seems to have seen that the beauty is like jade and water lotus, and she is shy in the cool wind, which is really beautiful.

The female guests who came here all looked at Chen Ze staringly. They didn't expect Chen Ze to be so talented, and a casual sentence would be so beautiful and artistic.

And those male MCs and the director team also looked at Chen Ze stupidly, and were all moved by Chen Ze's words.

The audience was silent, as if they were immersed in Chen Ze's sentence.

"Cough cough!" Chen Ze coughed, and the crowd reacted, and the audience burst into applause in an instant.

"It's so beautiful, it's simply too beautiful."

"That's right, Chen Ze, you are so talented."

"What a beautiful sentence!"

The female guests said one after another.

The male MCs were howling like ghosts and wolves:
"Chen Ze, what you said is so beautiful, what shall we say next?"

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have asked Chen Ze to demonstrate. His demonstration completely cut off our way."

"Chen Ze, once you say this, we can't say anything."

All the male MCs knew that Chen Ze's sentence was so beautiful, it was impossible for them to think of a sentence that could be compared.But this is just an entertainment program, in fact, there is nothing you want or not.

They are crying like ghosts and howling like wolves now, just for the effect of the show.

"I take care of you."

Chen Ze was also extremely cooperative, smiling triumphantly with his hips crossed.The appearance of him and the other male MCs immediately made everyone laugh.

In the end, because it was the first time that Chen Ze achieved the satisfaction of the whole audience and the applause of the audience, he and Zhang Jingning set off first. Already drove to the second level.

The second level is on a street.There are various task cards hidden in the shops in the street. If you find one of the task cards and complete the tasks in it, you will pass the second level.

The first person to pass the second level can get a kit, which contains the special ability to tear up the name tag at night.

Chen Ze and Zhang Jingning came to this street first, and they immediately searched for it.I thought that the second task would be completed soon, but who knew that the program team hid the task card really well. He and Zhang Jingning searched for it for a long time, but they didn't see the task card.

"Excuse me, may I ask if you have seen such a big card."

"Such a big card, have you seen it?"

"Do you have this kind of card in your store?"

Chen Ze and Zhang Jingning jumped up and down and searched all the shops on this street, but they still couldn't find the mission card, and they were exhausted and out of breath.

At this time, Hong Li's couple's group and Li Yan's couple's group also rushed over.

"What are you two doing here?" Hong Li asked.

"Take a break." Chen Ze said.

"Oh, take a break." Hong Li nodded, "Then did you find it?" They also knew the rules of the second link and asked.

"I found it." Chen Ze nodded without guilt.

"Found it?" Li Yan was surprised.

"Don't listen to him. I think he must have not found it. If he found it, he would definitely not be able to stay here. He would have gone to complete the mission long ago."

Hong Li curled his lips, piercing Chen Ze's words.

Chen Ze and Zhang Jingning laughed embarrassedly when they heard his words.

The two groups of Hong Li and Li Yan walked into these shops at this time and began to search for them.

"Let them look for it, but they won't be able to find it anyway." Chen Ze laughed.Zhang Jingning also nodded, she had spent a long time just now.In the end, nothing was found, and she didn't believe that the two groups could find it so quickly.

The result was far beyond their expectations. Hong Li was almost blessed by the god of variety shows. He actually found the mission card just after entering.

"I found it." Hong Li's excited voice came from the room he entered.

Then, I saw him and his female companion come out excitedly, holding a mission card in their hands.

"found it?"

Seeing this, Chen Ze and Zhang Jingning were completely stunned. What's going on, I just searched for so long and found nothing.Why did they find it as soon as they went in?

"Hey, take a look, this is the task card, this is the task card." Hong Li deliberately waved in front of Chen Ze, and then proudly took his female companion and walked towards the task completion site.

"What should we do? They found it." Zhang Jingning asked, "We both seem to have bad luck finding things today."

"It's really bad luck to find things." Chen Ze whispered, "But the luck to grab things must be good."

Hearing Chen Ze's words, Zhang Jingning was taken aback for a moment, and then seeing the expression on Chen Ze's face, she quickly understood, and a smirk appeared on her face.

"Go." Chen Ze said.

He took Zhang Jingning and quietly followed Hong Li's group.

Hong Li and his group walked to the task site, which was already surrounded by many spectators.Now as long as he and his female partner stand on the stage at the mission location and complete the mission on the mission card, they will win the second level.

After seeing Hong Li coming over, the audience at the mission site became excited and looked at Hong Li's group, wanting to see what kind of mission Hong Li's group was going to complete.

But when Hong Li was proudly preparing to go on stage with his female companion, they saw Chen Ze and Zhang Jingning rushing over from behind, grabbed the mission card in Hong Li's hand, and stood on the stage .

"Wow!" Seeing this scene, the audience screamed.

As for Chen Ze and Zhang Jingning, there were smirks of success on their faces: "Sorry, it looks like we are going to win again."

Hong Li didn't have a frustrated and disappointed expression on his face, as if he had expected it a long time ago: "You guys open it first and look at the tasks inside, and see if you can finish it."

Seeing Hong Li's appearance, Chen Ze suddenly felt something was wrong, and quickly opened the mission card to take a look: "Please write a song on the spot and give it to your girlfriend."

"Hahaha, this is writing a song on the spot, I'll see how you do it." Hong Li laughed loudly.He knew that Chen Ze was good at writing songs, but when he wrote a song on the spot, he felt that even Chen Ze couldn't finish it in such a fast time.

The onlookers at the scene, after hearing this question, showed shocked expressions on their faces, and they all knew that this question was almost impossible to complete.

"Hong Li, what are you proud of, wouldn't you be able to complete this task without us?" Chen Ze said.

"Hey hey." Hong Li laughed again, "Who said I only have one mission card."

As he said that, he actually took out another mission card from his chest: "Actually, I have two mission cards. The one that is so difficult is intended to attract you. This one is my real mission card."

As he said that, he read out the mission on the other mission card. On this mission card, just let the mission person sing a song.

Singing a song is not as difficult as writing a song.At the scene, after hearing these two tasks, the onlookers were even more amazed. They didn't think that Chen Ze could complete this task.

Even Zhang Jingning felt that Chen Ze was doomed.

"Okay, okay, come down quickly, this stage belongs to me, and the tips are also mine." Hong Li laughed.

"Hong Li is too 'insidious' to leave such a difficult task to Chen Ze."

"Even if it is changed, Chen Ze and Zhang Jingning can definitely complete it."

"This is the essence of this show. I find it very interesting. It's betrayal and trickery. This is a reality show."

"It's a pity, if it were another task, Chen Ze would definitely win."

At the scene, everyone spoke one after another.

Zhang Jingning was about to go down, but was grabbed by Chen Ze: "Who said we can't write a song, I have already written it."

(End of this chapter)

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