go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 414 Which chapter to read

Chapter 414 Which Show to Watch

"Here, what promotional video is this?"

Watching the promotional video that was clicked, the fans of "Run, Brother" were stunned. Do they think this is still "Run, Brother"?

In their minds, the trailer of "Run, Brother" has always been the kind of laughing and joking. Tell me who will be coming in this episode, what kind of game will be played, and what will happen when the famous brand is torn off in the end. In short, the atmosphere is very easy.Even if it was the final tearing of the brand name, the atmosphere was very relaxed.

But the trailer for this issue, from the background music exudes suspense, and then the word "undercover" is slammed on the screen.

Who is undercover!The entire trailer revolves around these four words. At the beginning, the director announced that there will be a mysterious guest today, and then the mysterious guest got the water gun from the director.

Then there is a series of normal game screens, which is normal if you are skilled, but suddenly there is another suspenseful music, and then the narration tells everyone that the undercover agent has won the game.

Finally, in the part of tearing up the famous brand, it was the same as some horrible murder case. The fans and audience didn’t know what was going on, who was the undercover agent, and who was the mysterious guest. The MCs were killed one by one, and the living MCs All of them look like undercover agents, but they don't look like them at all.

Finally, I returned to the four characters: "Who is the undercover agent!"

Therefore, the trailer of this issue is completely different from the first season. It has no relaxed atmosphere at all, but it really looks like a suspenseful detective blockbuster.

Although it is completely different from the first season, the fans who watched these promos have the same idea in their minds: "Fuck, this is awesome, this episode is too hot."

Audiences and fans who are used to the relaxed atmosphere of "Run, Brother" are very surprised when they see this style of an issue, because they can feel that this issue must be very exciting and very beautiful, So all of a sudden excited up.

"I said that I didn't have any reaction to "The Star Is Coming", I just cut a trailer and it turned out that the first episode was so good. With such a good show, I really don't need to do anything about "The Star Is Coming". "

The fans thought in their hearts that everyone felt that "The Star Is Coming" was no match at all based on the performance of the trailer, so Chen Ze and Huaxia Lan did not take any countermeasures, and did not take "The Star Is Coming" seriously. is completely understandable.

After watching the trailer, fans and viewers immediately copied the address of the trailer, and began to publicize it on various online forums, post bars, and Weibo.

"Fuck, the first episode of the new season of "Run, Brother" is nuclear energy. The promotional video is really good."

"The promotional video for the first issue of the second season of "Running Brother" is out. What is the level of this promotional video? Can it be the best promotional video this year?"

"The variety show "Infernal Affairs", the promotional video for the first issue of the second season of "Run, Brother" is completely in the rhythm of a blockbuster movie."

These fans of "Run, Brother" as well as fans of Chen Ze, Zhang Jingning and other MCs are posting to promote it.Coupled with China Blue Satellite TV's own promotion, many netizens soon saw the promotional video.

Like those fans, these passers-by and netizens were all stunned after seeing the promotional video.Many of them have also watched the promotional video of "Let's Run, Brother", and almost all of them have watched the program "Let's Run, Brother".

So I didn't expect that the first promotional video of this new season would be in this style, this, this, this is completely in the style of a suspense blockbuster, it's too hanging.

"Damn, after watching the trailer, I think the first episode of the new season of "Run, Brother" will be very good."

"I also think that the rhythm of this completely blockbuster film, who is the undercover agent and who is the mysterious guest, I don't understand at all. I'm looking forward to it, I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'm also looking forward to it. The trailer doesn't tell who is the undercover agent at all. I feel like it might be a big black bull. His fixed expression is a bit wrong."

"I think it might be Hong Li. Don't look at him as a scumbag at ordinary times. In fact, he's a good monkey. I think he might be an undercover agent."

"Could it be Chen Ze? After all, he is the captain."

"It can't be Chen Ze, Chen Ze's performance in the trailer is completely normal, how could it be him."

"That's right, how could it be Chen Ze. If it's really him, then his acting skills are a little too good. Anyway, I can't tell it's Chen Ze at all."

After watching the trailer, these passers-by and netizens discussed one after another.At the beginning, I was still discussing that the whole trailer is very good-looking, it is simply a suspenseful detective blockbuster.But soon, the content of the discussion went deep into the trailer.

Everyone is guessing who the mysterious guest is and who the undercover agent is.But everyone can't guess it at all, because judging from the trailer, several people look like undercover agents, and their actions and expressions are very strange.

Of course, there are also people who are completely normal and definitely not undercover. This person is Chen Ze.

So after discussing and discussing, these netizens were all excited, and they couldn't wait to see the first episode of the second season of "Running Brothers" immediately, and wanted to see who was the undercover agent.

All of a sudden, the Internet was full of anticipation for the first episode of the second season of "Run, Brother". Everyone was talking about watching the premiere of this show.

Mango TV and the navy never expected that Chen Ze and "Run, Brother" just released a trailer at random, which turned the situation back.Naturally, they were unwilling to admit defeat like this, so they immediately started a new round of propaganda war.

What kind of king is dissatisfied with Xiao Xianrou, what popular movie star is dissatisfied with the program and is about to stop recording, what conflicts between the stars and the local audience during the recording of the program, etc. In short, it is how to tear it up, how to attract attention and how to publicize .

Soon, netizens were attracted by these promotions, but they were not sure which program to watch on Friday night. I want to watch the battle of "The Star Is Coming" on Mango Channel.

In this regard, countless netizens have fallen into contradictions. Facing two such programs, they wish they could have two TV series or two computers.

Of course, most people don't have two TV shows or two computers.So they all faced a choice, which variety show to watch on Friday night!

(End of this chapter)

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