Chapter 418
"How is it? What's the ratings?"

Asked by the person responsible for releasing the ratings every day at a subsidiary company of CCTV, an organization specialized in ratings statistics.He releases the ratings almost every day, but the ratings released every Monday are the most important, because the ratings released every Monday include the three days of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and these three days, each David TV will A large number of variety shows are broadcast, and these variety shows are the foundation of these satellite TV stations, and where the competition is the most intense.

Therefore, the release of ratings every Monday is what Satellite TV cares most about, so it is also the most important.

Moreover, the release of today's ratings is not only what these TV stations are most concerned about, but also the person responsible for releasing the ratings is what the person in charge of publishing the ratings is most concerned about.

Because he is a fan of "Running Brother", his favorite TV show is "Running Brother". Since the end of the first season, he has been looking forward to the arrival of the second season.Now the second season is finally coming, but it is facing the competition of the variety show "The Star Is Coming" created by Mango Channel.

Although as a ratings statistician, he can't do anything or comment on the ratings of the two variety shows, but as a fan of "Running Brothers", he still looks forward to today's ratings. "Running Brothers" can win.

And now, the ratings of the two variety shows have finally been counted.

"It's out, the statistics are out." A technician said excitedly.

"How much? How much?" the man asked quickly.

"The ratings of "Run, Brother" reached [-], while the ratings of "The Star Is Coming" is [-]." The technician said.


Hearing these two ratings, the fan of "Run, Brother" asked in shock. The ratings of "Running Brother" are higher than that of "The Star Is Coming", which makes him very happy.But, the problem is that there are too many high ones, one is at [-], and the other has dropped to [-]. This, this is impossible.

This fan still remembers that the ratings of the last episode of "The Star Is Coming" broke [-], and the ratings of this episode also broke [-], and it is still rising. How is it possible, how is it possible to drop to [-]? up?

If it's really [-], then "Run, Brother" will crush "The Star Is Coming".This, this, this, even if he is a fan of "Running Brother", he still can't believe the statistics of these two ratings.

"Impossible, can't it be that the ratings statistics are wrong? How could the ratings of "The Star Is Coming" be only [-]? Our previous statistics didn't mean that the ratings of this variety show broke when it first aired. Is it two? Why is it getting lower and lower?" the man asked.

"No problem, I've done the calculations several times." The technician in charge of the statistics said, "The reason why the ratings have dropped instead of rising is probably related to "Run, Brother."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

The statistical technicians did not answer, but pulled out the ratings analysis chart from the computer. The fans of "Run, Brother" saw that the ratings of "The Star Is Coming" just broke two. And it's still rising.

But just after a certain period of time, it suddenly fell off a cliff, as if all the viewers were bewitched or made an appointment, and they didn't watch the show "The Star Is Coming" at the same time, so the ratings of this show The rate fell to a few points.

"Here." The fan looked at the statistical chart, looked at this time period, and then thought about what the statistician said before, and immediately understood.This time period, this time period is the time period when "Run, Brother" starts broadcasting.

That is to say, when "Running Brothers" started broadcasting, almost all the viewers who watched "The Star Is Coming" switched channels and went to watch "Running Brothers", so the ratings of "Running Brothers" were only [-]%. There will be such a strange phenomenon that the ratings will drop so badly in the end.

"The ratings of the premiere episode of the last episode broke [-], and this episode actually dropped to [-]. This, the influence of "Run, Brother" is too great, "The Star Is Coming" and him are not at all An order of magnitude, crushing, this is absolutely crushing."

The fan thought to himself that he was very happy, and immediately sent the statistical results of the ratings to the various David TVs and announced them on the Internet.

Immediately, the ratings data caused an uproar on the Internet.

"Damn it, the first episode of the second season of "Running Brother" actually has such a high ratings, so much higher than "The Star Is Coming"?"

"Could it be that the data is wrong? How could it be so much higher? These are simply not two programs of the same level."

"I'm going, this, this, this is a data error."

After seeing the statistics of the ratings, the netizens were also stunned. They wondered if there was a mistake in the statistics. Although many netizens hoped that "Run, Brother" could beat "The Star Is Coming" in the ratings, but they thought The most is Xiaosheng, after all, "The Star Is Coming" is not a vegetarian.

But everyone never thought that this is not a small victory, it is simply a big victory, no, it is crushing.It's hard to believe that there is such a big difference between two programs that should have similar ratings.

In response to netizens' doubts, the ratings statistics company also stood up and confirmed that there was no problem with the ratings this time. The ratings of the first episode of the second season of "Run, Brother" were so high.

After getting this confirmation, the netizens were also excited, and they were extremely excited, especially the fans of "Running Brothers", who never imagined that "Running Brothers" not only won the battle of ratings , and it was crushing, crushing without any suspense.

"Hahaha, now I see how crazy the fans of Mango TV and "The Star Is Coming" are, crushing, the ratings are crushing."

"The two programs are not on the same level at all, and it's fortunate that they have the nerve to compare them with our "Running Brothers"."

"Jia Quan's face is swollen from the beating right now, and he won the No. [-] spot in "The Star Is Coming" without any suspense. I think he was crushed without any suspense. Hahaha, "Run, Brother" is mighty."

Fans and netizens posted to celebrate, and everyone couldn't be happier.

At this time, a large earthquake occurred inside Mango Terrace.They never imagined that the program they created with a lot of money would be crushed like this, so an internal meeting was held immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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