Chapter 420

"Hahaha, didn't you say that everyone else was fighting for second place before? Why did "The Star Is Coming" fail miserably this time?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you've been slapped in the face for your big talk beforehand. The ratings are only [-]. It's ridiculous."

"Crushed, really crushed, "The Star Is Coming" was crushed to death."

Since the ratings came out on Friday night, Jia Quan's Weibo has exploded, and all the comments below have been filled with such comments.

Jia Quan was very arrogant before the broadcast of "The Star Is Coming", and even satirized "Run, Brother". Although these ridicules greatly increased the popularity of "The Star Is Coming", it also had a side effect. Even the fans of "Run, Brother" and some passers-by and netizens have remembered his remarks.

If "The Star Is Coming" really surpassed "Running Brother" in terms of ratings, it would be okay to say, and these netizens would not dare to say anything more, but now "The Star Is Coming" is completely overwhelmed by "Running Brother" Well, those fans and netizens will not let Jia Quan go.

One by one immediately came to Jia Quan's Weibo, found out his Weibo about "Running Brother", and then slapped their faces and left messages.Some of them even sent private messages to Jia Quan, which were naturally related to these slapstick messages.

Therefore, after the ratings of "The Star Is Coming" was crushed by "Run, Brother", the popularity of other stars in "The Star Is Coming" has dropped significantly, but Jia Quan's popularity has been rising, but this rise is nothing. Good thing, even Jia Quan directly became the laughing stock of netizens.

This made Jia Quan unbearable. He was originally a popular star. He was not always sought after by people in the past. Where did he encounter this situation today? Become a laughing stock.

So Jia Quan wanted to fight back, but at the beginning he didn't know how to fight back, because the ratings of "Run, Brother" really crushed the ratings of "The Star Is Coming", which left him speechless explain.

But soon, he actually got a message from the staff of Mango Channel. The producer of "The Star Is Coming" asserted at a high-level meeting that the ratings of "Running Brother" were faked, and he also said that he would investigate this matter. thing.

After knowing the news, Jia Quanke was overjoyed: "I said, "The Star Is Coming" is so popular, how could it lose to some stupid bear in ratings? The program crew and Chen Ze are so shameless that they dare to falsify the ratings."

Jia Quan seemed to have found a treasure, and immediately turned on his mobile phone and started to launch Weibo.He combined the news he got from Mango TV, including the points the producer said at the meeting, and his own understanding, and posted a long Weibo on the Internet, intending to use this Weibo to Bo came to fight back against those netizens, and at the same time mocked "Run, Brother" and Chen Ze who had faked ratings.

Of course, in this Weibo, he also @ the producer of the show "The Star Is Coming" and the official Weibo of Mango Channel.

As soon as his Weibo was posted on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar. Netizens didn't expect Jia Quan to post this kind of Weibo, and immediately refuted it.

"Jia Quan, you are talking nonsense and blatant slander. What evidence do you have? You actually said that the ratings of "Run, Brother" were faked."

"That's right, I think you are impatient, that's why you slandered Chen Ze and the "Run, Brother" program group. Their program is much better than yours, and that's why they have such a high ratings. What a fake. "

"Shameless you, if you can't compete with others in the ratings, you will say that others are fake. Why don't you say that Friday's ratings don't count, and you have to re-broadcast and recalculate the ratings?"

Netizens responded one after another. Everyone felt that Jia Quan was a little too shameless. In order to shirk his responsibility, he directly slandered the fake ratings of "Running Brothers". Can this be tolerated?This is absolutely unbearable.

And Jia Quan was not to be outdone, and immediately sparred with netizens.Originally, he had been ridiculed so much in the past two days, which made him bear the anger in his heart.Now that I think I finally caught the flaws of Chen Ze and "Running Brother", how can I give up easily?
"Hehe, I knew you idiot fans would not admit it, so I asked Mingming that the ratings of the previous episode of "The Star Is Coming" were so high, how could this episode have dropped to such a low level, because of you "Run, Brother"? Your program is the Spring Festival Gala, and everyone is watching it."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I said it clearly on Weibo, but some netizens couldn't believe it. There was an investigation before, and the ratings of our "Star Is Coming" just broke the second. How did the final statistics It only came out at [-]:[-], is this possible? Obviously there is a problem with the ratings this time."

"You idiot fans continue to spray, no matter how much you spray, there is no way to change the fact that "The Star Is Coming" is not lower than "Run, Brother" before this episode. How come the ratings are so much worse in the end?"

Jia Quan said on Weibo that although he was not the first celebrity to tear himself apart from his fans, he was the most popular among them, so his replies spread all over the Internet immediately. Almost all netizens know about this.

And then, the official Weibo of Mango TV also reposted Jia Quan's Weibo, so immediately, Jia Quan's Weibo became popular. The content in his Weibo was about accusing Chen Ze and "Let's Run" The fact that "Brothers" bought ratings has spread all over the Internet.

Most people absolutely don't believe this matter, but everyone is still waiting and watching, hoping that someone with authority can stand up and explain the matter of the ratings this time.

"What's the matter, haven't the ratings been strictly controlled in the past two years? Will there still be fraudulent things?"

"Impossible, how can the current ratings be falsified."

"It's fake, but I hope that some authoritative organization can stand up and explain what happened this time. I think there are a few points Jia Quan said that are really a bit confusing."

Many netizens spoke one after another, and everyone was looking forward to an explanation about the ratings.But in any case, because of Jia Quan, things went completely opposite to what the producers of "The Star Is Coming" expected.

Not only did the major incidents become trivial, but the trivial incidents became nothing, on the contrary, it became completely lively on the Internet.It can be said that this time the producer has completely played off.

(End of this chapter)

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