Dad's Pastoral Life

Chapter 563 I'm the Big Boy

Chapter 563 I'm the Big Boy
Seeing that today's vegetable basket is full, there is enough food for dinner, and it is not convenient to carry it to play. Anyway, it is near home, so let's carry it back first.

When Cheng He was cutting the leeks, there was a small episode.

Cheng Gencai's family, which is about ten meters away from their vegetable field, and a little further there, also had several women working. They were chatting while planting vegetables. They had a happy chat and even sang a folk song together.

There are four or five of them in one play for three women, and they can sing a big play.

The autumn wind is blowing, and the trees in the distance are also swaying in the wind. The birds on the trees are chirping, fluttering their wings, and enjoying themselves. Coupled with these comfortable and natural leisure folk songs, people can't help but relax.

Wang Zheng listened carefully for a while, nodded his head vigorously, and said, "That's how it feels!"

The photographer asked: "How does it feel?"

People's thinking is always different. At this moment, Wang Zheng is infected by folk songs, but the photographer may not want to be with him anymore.

Wang Zheng didn't answer the question directly, but said to him: "I heard people say that whether life is happy or not, don't look at money, but look at three things. If you can do it, that person is happy."

Able to eat, sleep, and laugh.

I don’t have any worries in my heart, I don’t worry about why, I don’t become obsessed with delicious food, I can sleep until dawn naturally, and I can laugh from the bottom of my heart when I think of some happy things.

This is probably the rarest happiness.

Nowadays, those who have no money are working hard to make money and worry about all kinds of things; those who have money are worried about gains and losses, worrying about this and that, and those who can really do these things are the happy people.

When will he be able to work like this, naturally and leisurely, singing folk songs, and laughing from the bottom of his heart?
Wang Zheng's thinking was very divergent, and he felt that these folk songs really touched his heart. He told the cameraman that the first half of the movie wanted this feeling.

The photographer quickly took out a small camera and took a picture of the scene in front of him for future reference.

They were busy with their work, Cheng He had cut the leeks, and there were almost enough dishes for tonight.

When he was carrying the vegetables home, he saw some gray vegetables growing well on the side of the slope, so he pulled some.This is a kind of wild vegetable. Scrambled eggs are a bit fragrant, and many people like to eat it.

Especially Bai Qian, who likes all kinds of wild vegetables very much.

Nowadays, there is a strong wind of returning to nature, and it is fashionable to eat all kinds of wild vegetables. Wang Zheng also asked curiously, looking very interested.

Cheng He put a basket of vegetables home, and when he came out, he ran into Bai Qian and Cheng Xinxin. As soon as the little girl saw her father, she immediately rushed forward with a smile, and kept calling, "Dad, Dad, Dad..."

This guy is happy and chirping like a little sparrow every day.

Cheng He picked her up, lifted her over his head and put it down again, and said, "Come on, call me Grandpa Wang."

He followed Bai Qian and called Wang Zheng Uncle Wang, so the little guy had to call him Grandpa.Calling a star so old is something most people don't want to accept.

Cheng Xinxin turned her head, looked at Wang Zheng and called out sweetly, "Grandpa Wang."

"Hey, you're so cute." Wang Zheng happily agreed, and then looked at Cheng Xinxin, who really looked like Bai Qian when she was a child, especially those eyes, which were carved out of the same mold.

Then he patted his pocket and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't prepare well this time, and I didn't bring you a gift, what should I do?"

This time I was only thinking about work when I went out, and I completely forgot to prepare a gift for the little guy. Wang Zheng really apologized.

Cheng Xinxin hugged her father's neck tightly, and said with a smile, "Grandpa Wang, it's okay, I'm an older child, and I won't be angry if I don't have a present."

Look at that prim little face!
He also said that she was an older child, making everyone around her laugh so hard.

Cheng He smiled and asked her: "Baby, how are you doing today? Are you happy?"

Cheng Xinxin shook her head, "Not happy."

"Yo, what's the matter? Why aren't you happy?"

Cheng Xinxin hugged his neck tightly, and said resentfully, "The teacher has to do homework, a lot of homework."

"Oh, you're not happy when you have homework?"


"That's not okay. You must write your homework. You can go to play after you finish it. Let your mother accompany you to do your homework later, okay?" Cheng He said.

Cheng Xinxin sighed loudly, "Oh, I knew you would say that."

Cheng He was taken aback, laughed loudly, and asked, "Then what do you think I should say?"

"I want to say to you: Xinxin, you don't have to do your homework today. Dad will finish it for you, so you can go and play." Cheng Xinxin replied seriously.

Cheng He laughed even more.

Bai Qian smiled and was also speechless.This guy always makes people feel obedient and sensible sometimes, and sometimes he has a headache, but how good is it!

I still want my father to do her homework for her!

She said: "Okay, Xinxin, come down quickly, Dad still has something to do, let's not waste their time, okay?"

Cheng Xinxin reluctantly agreed, and said, "Oh, when will I grow up to be an adult, and I won't have to do my homework anymore."

After getting off the ground, Bai Qian took her by the hand and said, "My lord, you don't need to do your homework, but you have to work. You can't be a lazy person!"

Cheng Xinxin let go of her hand and ran into the yard, saying as she ran, "I'm not a lazy man, I'm a lazy cat, meow, meow~"

Well, I don't know who she learned these few words from.

Bai Qian said to Cheng He: "Okay, let me do homework with her, you go and do your work first, and come back early when you're done."

Seeing Cheng Xinxin running in such a hurry, she must have wanted to put down her schoolbag first, and then run out to play.

Alas, it would be great if she could get into the habit of finishing her homework before going to play, that's all that is required of her.

Cheng He took Wang Zheng to wander around, by the pond, on the back hill, at the top of the field, in the woods, and turned around a little bit.

Of course, it’s just a matter of looking at the flowers on horseback. It’s impossible to complete the scene framing in one afternoon. At least it needs to be compared with multiple time periods, recorded separately, and then used at the end.

These are all professional aspects, Cheng He doesn't understand, and he doesn't bother to listen, so when he was looking at the scenery by a certain pond, when he heard Wang Zheng and the others discussing how to use boats to create a sense of beauty, he didn't know what was going on behind him, and he wasn't interested Listen, I took the time to fork a fish.

They chatted about theirs, and he played with his own. In the end, he accidentally caught a fish, which was not bad in size and weighed about two catties.

It's really unintentional, and it's been a while since I ate fish. Since Bai Qian's father came here, he has eaten fish almost every day, and Bai Qian is really tired of eating.

After such a long time, it may feel fresh to eat again.

Wang Zheng and the others were busy for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, and they also finished today's work.I wanted to work overtime at first, but now the days are short and it is getting dark, the lighting is not good, and it is useless to look at it.

Cheng He wobbled back with the fish, if Wang Zheng insisted on not eating big fish and meat, then let Bai Qian and Cheng Xinxin eat the fish and give them some nutrition.

However, he felt that Wang Zheng should be superficially polite and don't want to eat big fish and meat. He might still eat it later.Cheng He believes in his cooking skills.

Tonight's dishes, bacon fried autumn beans, leek meatballs, garlic fried pea tips, spicy diving fish, fried eggs with gray vegetables, and a plate of fried sausages with garlic sprouts, these are the farm dishes.

It looks like a lot, but they are all simple dishes, quick to make and delicious to eat.

Bai Qian helped him by the side, Cheng Xinxin finished her homework, and went outside to play wildly with other friends.

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(End of this chapter)

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